Lando Norris- A different side

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Requested by DrinksAtDawn

11 are you jealous
33 are you happy with me? I don't think you are.
90 I won't apologise for marking you up, everyone should know you are mine.

"Are you worried mate? What if you break up?" Max asks the obvious question, when Lando explains his plans. "I think its a stupid idea, yeah you met her whilst at a gaming expo. But doesn't mean she has to join us, you know." Max moans at him, scolding Lando as he thinks its a stupid idea. "I don't think you parading her around is a good thing for you mate... Think of your fans. Last month you wouldn't ever admit you were even speaking to people let alone her and now after what a couple of weeks, you want her as part of the brand... Wanting her to be in the paddock. Just on show? She ain't a trophy mate." Lando shouts something at him, but Max has gave up listening.

Max texts the quadrant group chat, wanting their opinions. But doesn't get anything but support for Lando. Which annoys him more. Max knows Lando the best, he knows how little experience he has of making a relationship work. Let alone that there should always be some form of boundaries. So he is salty when it is announced on Instagram that there is a new member of the family. He makes sure he doesn't follow her or even acknowledge the announcement.

But he does take a look at her instagram, noticing that she is a bit more explicit than the other members of the team. She has a lot of followers and does a lot of ads. Not to mention her night out photos where she seems to be over the top. "New group video filming session.." Max rolls his eyes, as he sees the text. As he goes out the usual stream room, he hears that Lando has someone over.

"Heeeey mate, does y/n know that you are entertaining?" Max shouts, before looking at who it is. "Oh. It is her." He moans and makes it very uncomfortable. "Yeah... We are brainstorming ideas. You coming to join us?" Y/n says to Max, as Lando looks furious. Max declines and goes to watch squid game. Leaving Lando and y/n to do their own thing, like they often did. But he can't seem to relax as he can hear everything that they are doing. Which he usually can't hear them. In the morning it is even worse for Max, as they are too busy canoodling in the kitchen. To even notice that he is up and with them.

Lando half naked and y/n is in one of Lando's jumpers, which doesn't cover much. "You know you both could actually put clothes on for breakfast right?" Max asks, but gets ignored. So quickly leaves as he can see that things are a bit too hot and heavy for him to be able to have breakfast in peace. Once the rest of the team has assembled at Lando's house, both him and y/n stop their over the top affections on each other. But Lando keeps an eye on her at all times, wearing a short tight skirt and a baggy jumper and her quite friendly personality can be seen as flirty. She sits with Ria on the same chairs that they had a moment on earlier. As much as he would love to know what they are talking about, it is very touchy and flirty from a far. Even when Niran and Aarav join them, Lando notices her playing with her hair more and touching their arms when she speaks.

"Does that not annoy you?" Max asks Lando, even though they are with Ethan and Steve. "Huh?" Lando asks trying to be innocent with it. "Her flirting with everyone? It's not obvious common knowledge that you two are a thing right?" Lando shakes his head, not even sure what he is answering. Steve watches Lando and speaks for him. "Yes. Yes it does. And no I didn't know they were a thing... I thought they met at a gamer expo?" Max nods his head. "Yeah only last month and I'm sure he has dropped the L bomb on her and this is how she responds." Lando glares at Max. "Shut up will you.. What do you even know its not like you ever make her feel welcome." Max looks at Lando, his outburst isn't like him. "Oh hit a nerve have I mate?" Max asks knowing that he has, but unsure on what he has said wrong. "It's not like she is into girls though is it?" He asks. But Lando fails to answer. "Is she? Do you think she fancies Maria more than you?" Both other lads stop commenting, as its not their place anymore.

"Y/n? get your ass over here.. Please." Max shouts at her. "Huh?" She walks over, but confused. She sits down beside Lando, looking at him for some sort of reason why she has been summoned. "Can we go chat? We don't need to be in the next video being filmed." Lando pulls her outside, away from everyone.

"Sure boss.. Whats this about?" She looks at him, puzzled. But notices his eyes have changed. He isn't looking at her with the same softness he had before. "Are we breaking up?" She asks him, taking a step back. Lando shakes his head, but can't help how he feels. "No this is just awkward. I thought you being part of the group would be easier. But it's not. You are in the room, but feel so far away from me.. You show me nothing in the group." He says eventually. "What? Are you insecure? Wait... No you can't be jealous? Are you?" She looks at him, as their eyes meet. Lando nods his head, admitting it makes it more awkward. "Yeah. You are over there flirting with everyone. Ignoring me." He says. Y/n puts her hand out to him, he reluctantly takes it. "So.. How do you want to fix it? Want me to go change into something more sexier under these, that only you know about?" She teases him. Lando bites his bottom lip. He pulls her upstairs with him, ignoring the other guys. He pulls out a box that he was saving for when they were away together for the racing weekends.. "Open it..." He says to her. "Oh wow.. These are some expensive knickers Lando.." He pulls it over to him and pulls out what he is most excited for. A basque and the matching thong, Agent Provocateur style. "This.. Put this on for me." Lando loves their sex life, that nothing is forbidden and y/n loves to be told what to do. So he watches her strip off and start to put on the new underwear. As much as he loves the sex, this part of having her do, as he says. Its all a bit new to him. Never mind with a house full of people, that he is the CEO of. "So just put it on? Nothing else sir?" Y/n purrs at him. He needs to get out of his head and quickly, as he knows this can go either really well or really badly.

He gets her to turn around and put on a show for him. He bites her shoulder, like he always has done, so no marks are ever on show. But he nips the throat on her, just to see how she would react. But it instantly goes a dark purple blue colour. He shouts at himself in his head. But then demands she goes and outs on something that will show it off. He doesn't let her look in the mirror before heading back downstairs.

Max notices. "What have you two been up too? You've changed... Everything good?" He looks at her the bruise and then at Lando. "Actually don't tell me... But Y/n might want to cover up that bruise." Y/n looks in the mirror in horror. "Lando.. Fuck." He looks and smiles. "What? isn't that what you want? So I won't apologise. You like being marked and it proves that you are mine even when you quite clearly have eyes for Ria." He remarks, not knowing if he is going too far. "Lando.. I can't film like this. This is why we have boundaries... Why must you be so jealous? Yes I do fancy her and possibly Niran. But I fuck you and I am in a relationship with you." She moans. "Im going to get my jumper.. Jesus lando." He watches her walk back up the stairs and Max comes back out.

"What is going on mate? We all just heard that in there. So is she into proper kinky shit?" Max asks, trying to not laugh. Lando nods his head, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah she is. It's bloody hard work... I'm too nice to be a bloody dom all the time. It stresses me out." He says, as y/n walks back down. "You could've just said Lando. Now I look like an idiot. If you aren't happy, which is obvious. You should've said. As I don't think you are happy before you say you are." Max gets up off the seat and leaves again. "I am happy with you, more than happy. But its hard when i know I have to watch as even a girl can steal you away and then this whole constant dom thing. Its stressful, but I love the sex we do have with it." He finally admits. "I've fell in love with you.. But I don't think I will make you happy sexually if we just have normal sex." He says with so much sadness in his voice. She looks at him. "I like is spontaneous.. It can be vanilla and spontaneous you know. I know you are a cute wee bear Lando. Plus relationships are built on communication and being able to be idiots together, not worrying if either of us are checking someone out. We both know you have a reputation.. I don't. I just like both male and females, doesn't mean I am looking for someone else, when I have you." y/n looks at Lando, hoping that she can reassure him, in that it is him as person she likes not just their kinky sex and that her eyes are firmly on him and no one else.

Which she has. "I'm sorry then.. I got jealous and that I marked you like that. I knew what I was doing. How about here now?" He raises his brow, at her. Pulling her on his knee, to kiss her. Even though he knows he wants her now. "Is it a demand? Or just an idea." Lando laughs, and bites his lip. "It's a demand.. Who cares if they come through and see us. Masters dick is hard and I need to make it up to my princess." He kisses her passionately and lifts her up effortlessly. To ease himself into her. "Seems like its what you wanted all along, huh. Best be quick though... I don't want to be caught." He laughs. As they have the quietest and quickest sex that they have ever had.

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