Paul Aron- Crash

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Requested by asfinsty

67- I didn't expect you to be so cuddly and cute

Standing watching the hot girl next to him work out. "She's out of your league now focus!" His own trainer barks at him.
"Paul.. focus on your training. She won't help you win the championship." He nods his head, annoyed at how right they are.
He looks away, annoyed at the world and finishes his training. Now that it is back on his own time, he can't find the girl.

But spots her outside the gym speaking to Dino and Marcus. "Late as always Paulie." Dino laughs, pulling him instantly into the conversation. "I'm not late.. who are you?" He asks her. "I'm y/n... I've heard you are the other Prema f3 squad member." Paul looks confused. "You are with us.. Dino and I?" Y/n nods her head. "Yeah. Why? You scared?" As Paul shakes his head, he knows it's a lie. It'll stress him out. A girl as his team mate. Plus he hadn't seen the news of it.
As she looks at him, he can't help but drown in her dark blue eyes. He hangs off every word she says, but also acts like the biggest idiot in front of her.
"Anyway... I have lunch plans with Kat and Pierre. So I best be heading." Y/n says and walks away.
"Was she meaning Gasly?" Paul asks, watching both Marcus and Dino nod their heads.
"So she'll be thinking she is better than us then?" He rolls his eyes, but watches her leave in her car.

In the first round, y/n walks in with Pierre and his girlfriend. Being an old Prema driver Pierre knows all the crew and comes to say hi. Which causes Paul to roll his eyes. "You know our previous redbull drivers didn't need a chaperone. What makes you different?" Paul asks but it completely comes out sounding bitchy.
"Too bad I'm not a red bull driver then. I just know Pierre. But thanks for the input. Come tomorrow without a chaperone. Got it. Mr Mercedes doesn't like it." She bites back. "You two okay?" Rene has overheard them. "Yeah. Rene." She smiles sweetly, but Paul can see right through it.
"Oh red really isn't your colour!! Should maybe try that dark navy blue that the red bull has their drivers wear." Y/n shakes her head at him.
"Oh Paul. One day you will get laid.. might get some of that excessive need for attention out of your head."

Dino looks at him. "What is going on?" He half laughs, but knows Dino is being serious. "Nothing. She's just annoying, posting about being in Milan with Yuki and Pierre all the time. Is she dating Yuki?" Dino shakes his head. "No. No. I don't think so." Dino laughs trying to picture Yuki being with y/n. He shakes his head. "Are you two ready?" Rene barks at them, causing the boys to jump.
Paul looks around to see where y/n is. Of course she would be talking to his brother.
Paul rolls his eyes and heads to his car.

It doesn't take him long to figure out he is concentrating on the wrong thing. Paul is constantly aware of where y/n is on the track and positions. Even ahead of him. He still stresses out.
A little blip of concentration finds him spinning into a barrier.
As the radios jump into radio silence other than to ask the other drivers to come back to the pit lane.
Y/n jumps out of her car, physically shaking. Dino goes and cuddles her, before any of the other drivers think they can. He has overheard a lot of them wanting to be close to her. "He'll be okay. He usually is." Dino tries to soothe her, knowing he isn't making a dent.
"I seen it in my mirror. Has he at least spoken?" Y/n asks, but Ralf is looking quite shaken up. "RALF!! Is he okay?" She yells at him, making Dino to jump. "He has spoken yeah... But sore. Everywhere." Ralf eventually says.

Even though y/n has to finish the race, her heart really isn't in it. Even when she stands on the podium with her win. Y/n can't wait until she can go see her team mate. Not to even rub it in that she won. But just to make sure he is okay. "Knock knock.. Can I come in?" Paul looks up from his hospital bed. "Yeah.. sure. You coming to gloat?" He is surprised when she shakes her head. "Why would I do that? Would you want to me to do that?" He shakes his head and winces as the pain intensifies.
"Shit Paul are you okay?"
She rushes over to him, putting the cold compress on his forehead.
"Don't just come in and start to pretend you care." He moans at her.
"But I do. Jeez Paul why do you always have to be bloody difficult." Paul smiles at her.
"Don't be cute when I'm mad!! First you give me a heart attack in the car watching you spin off and now you act like a jackass!!" Paul sits laughing, before reaching out for her hand. Pulling her into him.
Crushing her into a hug. But let's her go as the medic comes back in.

"Okay. Paul you can go but take it easy."

Y/n helps Paul out. Since they are still alone. He grabs her and bear hugs her properly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." As she looks up to listen to him, still enveloped in his arms. Paul kisses her, turning y/n bright red.
"Aww look at you.. being cute." He teases her.
"Oh I'm being cute? Says you? I didn't expect you to be so cuddly and cute. Turns out you do have a heart!!" Paul stands laughing nodding his head. "Yeah I do. Especially when your involved. Can I take you out sometime?" Y/n smiles at him.
"Of course. We can celebrate my win." Y/n can't help but tease him.
"Oh you are lucky you are cute now!!" Paul tells her. Nuzzling into her, even though he knows they are being watched by Dino.

When y/n is away doing something. Dino grabs Paul. "How do you do it? You treat her badly and still get her attention." Paul laughs. "Just have a crash... no seriously don't. I don't need to know if she'll have the same urge towards you." Dino laughs and rolls his eyes.
"But why? She's too good for you bro." Dino tells him just so he is aware that he isn't anything special.
"I love you. But you better treat her like she deserves to be. I'm sure you'd rather hear it from me than from Pierre."

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