Dino Beganovic- It shouldn't have happened.

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Standing biting his lip, Dino is in the deep thought process he usually goes through after every bad race. But this weekend he has had the worst weekend in the Asian regionals. Suddenly he jumps, as y/n has came to check on him. He hates the fact that the Ferrari academy has sent people to watch over the drivers in the academy on his worst weekend. "Knock knock... You okay?" He can barely look at the female in front of him. He shakes his head, before thinking about something to say to her. "Do you need to be here when I get changed?" He asks her. "No.. You in for dinner though... Need to be sure of numbers." He nods his head, purely as he has set his sights on her.

After he gets changed, she is speaking to Paul and Arthur. "You okay kiddo?" She says to him, when he joins the group. "You can't call me that anymore... Im not a kid anymore." Dino says. without thinking, even Paul is confused at him. "Okay Dino, or is it Mr or Sir Beganovic you would prefer?" Paul sniggers, not expecting her to respond to Dino. Let alone like that. "Come on man, you can't take your weekend out on y/n." Paul nudges him. "It's okay. Leave him in his mood. You sure you are up for dinner with everyone?" She asks him, Dino nods his head. He can't believe he spoke to her like that.

As Dino heads into the restaurant with Arthur, after spending ages for him to choose something to wear. Y/n is already there talking with Oliver and his friends. "Arthur, Sir... Beganovic" Arthur starts to laugh before she can say anything else to them. "Sit anywhere.." She says, but keeps looking out for the rest of the people who are coming. "So is she single still?" Dino asks Arthur. Arthur looks confused, before shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know. Why? Do you like her? Go apologise to her. Away from everyone." Dino nods his head, trying to muster the confidence up. "Y/n? Dino wants to speak to you, alone." Arthur does it for him. "Huh? Do you?" She looks at him, her red lipstick doing things to his brain. Dino nods his head and stands up. Y/n walks towards the beach area of the hotel they are eating in.

"What is it?" She asks him, before he even has time to think of the sentence. "I just wanted to apologise. I shouldn't have spoken to you how I did." Y/n look at him. "Like what. I didn't take it to heart D. I might if my own kiddo speaks to me how you did though." Dino looks at her confused. "Dino. I was pregnant in your first year with Ferrari." He smiles at her. "Was it that obvious. I have forgotten. Sorry. You look amazing anyway, Mama or not." Y/n smiles at him. "Yeah? It's amazing what a corset can do. You sure your okay after your weekend?" Dino shakes his head, biting his lip. "Come here.. You are amazing. This weekend was a one off, you are going to go out next weekend and smash it. You are talented Dino. Believe me, I have seen a lot of you guys though the years and you are one of the best." She tells him, as she gives him a hug. "Thanks it means a lot coming from you." Y/n doesn't overthink what he has said and does her usual hosting the post race weekend dinner. Dino sits beside Arthur trying to get all the information out of him about y/n and her child.

Back in the hotel, Dino is in his own room. Looking at the photos that y/n has posted from the dinner. For being so glamorous, she isn't in any of the ones she has posted. "You need to post one of all of us... Not just us guys. You are too beautiful not to be seen with us." Dino text's y/n. "No. The account is for just your drivers. Not me. I have my own account for just me.. Thank you though. I appreciate it." Dino is confused, he needs more than that. "Do you have someone back home, that you need to make it up too for not being there tomorrow? You know with it being Valentines day." She replies with a few laughing emoji's. "Definitely not. You? I never know about you and Paul. Starting to think you are more than the bromance." She teases him. He shakes his head laughing. "No!! I do like someone a lot. But always get shy around them. Or act like an idiot." "Hamda? Or her sister?" Dino groans out loud. He knows she will shut him down and he knows she will be with them the next day in the desert.

Dino ends up running late, to meet up with everyone for breakfast. As he is delivering a special last minute Valentines present for y/n. "You not with the guys?" Dino smiles, knowing he has caught her off guard. He nods his head, smiling. "I just thought I would drop this off.. Can I come inside?" He follows her inside, still hiding his gift for her. He waits until she is on the bed and has her eyes closed. He heads back outside and grabs the bouquet of flowers he has gotten her and places them on the table in front of her and a little box of chocolates to go with them. "Okay, open." He smiles, as she looks completely shocked. "Thank you Dino... It's too much. But thank you." She stands up and hugs him. "You really didn't have too."

It's not until much later and lots of coffee later and on the way to the sand dunes, that it hits y/n. Why Dino, brought her a gift. Looking over at him, she smiles. "Happy Valentines day.. Shouldn't it be the special girl that you like getting presents from you today?" Y/n watches Dino as he looks at his phone smiling. "Yeah. She did." Dino watches y/n as she looks confused at her phone. "Did she?" Dino smiles, as y/n still looks very much confused. "Yeah, you did.... Is it a problem." Dino watches y/n as she puts her phone away, without replying.

Even in the dunes, y/n goes with Arthur. Leaving Dino with Oliver. Not that it's an issue, Dino just wanted that alone time with her. As they stop, for photos and to catch up.
Dino takes the bullet. "Shall we swap? Let y/n be driven by all of us?" Dino says to the group. "Sure. I'll go with Ollie now, yeah?" Y/n aims at Ollie, but being in the middle of the dunes there is no place for Dino to talk to her properly.

It takes until they are getting photos together, that he manages to get close to her. "Why are you being off?" He asks her. "Just sticking to the laws.." y/n looks up into Dino's face. "But I don't want us to just be friends, or working together..." Dino whispers into her ear, before Arthur can hear.
"You two are close." Arthur teases them. But it makes y/n jump out of Dino's touch. "No we aren't.." Dino starts to laugh, but he can feel everyone watching them now. "This is why I don't take part in the photos, I just like taking them." Arthur grabs y/n before she can move. "Aww guys stop it, let me go..." Y/n squeals out. But none of them, let her away.

"Can I steal you for a selfie?" Dino asks her, after he sees her doing them with the other guys and not wanting to treat him any differently, she takes one with him. "You riding back with me?" Dino whispers to her. "Yeah.. Looks like it. Why? Don't you want me too? Remember rules.." She teases him, shrugging his arm away from her. But inside she is a mess, she doesn't know what she wants. A little light fun. But also she just wants to be back in Italy, ready to start her new single Mama life.

Even the ride back, watching Dino drive. Being alone with him, is something different. He's still himself, teasing her and making jokes. "You know you are allowed to enjoy yourself." He nudges her, laughing. As they return to the hotel, y/n heads off to spend some time away from the guys, its nice spending the day with them all. But sometimes it is nice to get the peace and quiet. Not that she is allowed any, as Dino knocks on the door again.

"Why don't you want me to, act on my feelings towards you." Dino says as soon as he is in the room. "What? Dino. Do we need too?" He nods his head. "Yeah. You have been here with us all, hiding away, not wanting to really be apart of us as group." Y/n looks shocked at what he is saying. "I'm here working for Ferrari D. I'm not here to date you all." Dino laughs. "Not everyone wants to date you... You don't let us get close enough." He tells her. "I do, but I don't need you guys in my personal space all the time." Dino shakes his head, much to y/n's annoyance. "Ok.. So why doesn't your kid, we don't know their name, I'm not even sure what you had, come to any races. Why do you never talk about them? You shut us down when any of us try and get close." Y/n bites her lip, annoyed that he has even tried to question her about her little one.

"Please leave Dino." Y/n says, but he shakes his head, taking a step closer to her. Y/n's heart starts to beat faster. "D.. I am a lot older than you. We shouldn't." Dino smiles, knowing she does want it as much as she does. "So can I kiss you then?" Dino asks, before doing it. Surprised when y/n kisses him back. But doesn't pull away from her. "We need to not do this.." Y/n tries to say, but dino kisses her again. "Does it have too?" As much as she knows it should, but it is valentines day and she is alone. "You can stay... But it goes no further than this." DIno nods his head, as they settle on the bed. Y/n getting closer and closer to him, as she falls asleep.

Waking up, in Dino's arms. Y/n gets a fright, waking him up and trying to throw him out. "You need to leave... Before someone see's you." She nudges him, until he is up. "Why? Do I need to go?" Dino moans at her. "This shouldn't have happened... This should stay between us." Y/n says, as she throws him out of the room.

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