Lando Norris- Darling I think I'm in love

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128- I just fucking adore you

"Is your friend there tonight?" Lando asks Ria, during a video call. But Ria shakes her head. "Nah. She told me to tell you, she appreciated your gray bottoms in the newest video." Ria can't help but tease him. She knows how much Lando has always liked her. Or so he says, but he still plays around. Which her friend isn't all about.
"Ah so I should wear them when she is around again?" Lando laughs and goes red. "Is she there?" Lando asks again as all three (Ria, Niran and Aarav) have looked in a direction away from the camera.
Ria smiles, which makes it obvious to Lando who it is. "Is she not coming to say hi?" Lando moans. "No. I'm not talking to you again." Lando looks confused. "What has the internet said I've done now? You knew she was there..." Lando asks confused. But he heads the door being closed not so gently. "You need to be more gentle Lando man. She has had her heart broken before.. you keep promising things and then suddenly another one of yours or Max's conquests arrive." Lando doesn't say anything else but Quadrant business. But plays on his phone a lot whilst ideas are being thrown around.

Y/n steals one of Ria's bath bombs and chills out in the bath whilst the rest of the house is in a business meeting. But Lando keeps texting her. "Will you just stop. Your away until god knows when and when you come back I'll be away. So just bloody stop." Y/n sends him. "Why are you being so difficult? You knew Luisa was there."
When y/n ignores Lando, he gets annoyed. Which becomes more and more obvious to the others on the video call. "She not talking mate?" Max laughs at him. Lando nods his head and smiles.

Lando decides to drop by y/n's house, between races. Driving up North after a 8 hour flight. But he doesn't think about taking anything to make her feel good or special.
Y/n answers the door, looking a bit worse for wear. "Hiya.." Lando says smiling at her. But y/n just looks at him. "What are you doing here?"  She asks, rather than giving him the warm welcome he was hoping for. "I uh. Came to see you.. it's bloody freezing here." He tries to soften her, but she just looks fuming at him. "Not got any other hoes to see?" She asks him. "You know one, in a warmer climate?" Lando shakes his head. "No. I just want to see you... can I come in?" He looks at her hurting. "I suppose so. But I'm confused. What happened to what's her name? You know the one Niran posted. Or are you going to blame Max like you always do."
She allows Lando into the hallway of her parents house. "How did you know I'd be here? Maria?" Lando nods his head.

Just as her Mum walks out. "Oh hiya love. Do you want tea? Coffee? A warm drink to heat you up a bit." Her mum says to him. "Actually mum. I don't think he's staying are you? Thought you said something about Maria." Lando looks at her, resisting the urge to sigh. "No. I'm sorry I came empty handed and sort of on a whim. Hope you don't mind." Her mum smiles and goes to make teas for everyone.
"You aren't staying Lando!! Don't think you can treat me like shit and come meet my fucking family." But he smiles. "Looks like you are stuck with me. For at least a night." He kisses her forehead, half expecting her to swing for him. "Fine.. but no funny business."

"Hope you don't mind love. The little ones want to start watching Christmas films." Lando smiles and puts on his act. But he sits on the floor allowing y/n's young nieces to jump all over him and watch Elf with them. As much as she wants to hate him, she can't. He always ends up doing something adorable.
As her mum puts the girls to bed, Lando sits beside y/n pulling her into him. "I do mean it when I say sorry. Every time." Y/n looks at him, ready to mock. But Lando finishes. "I know I screw up a lot. But you absolutely terrify me at times. You're so out of my league it hurts. I don't understand why someone like you, would want me. But..." Y/n can't help but eye roll at him. "Please don't. I know you have your walls up. I understand. Believe me I do. But I just fucking adore you. I do." She looks at him confused. "You adore me? But go fucking around with other girls." He looks at her. Lost for words.

"So that's it. I don't get it back? I don't get anything back off of you?" Lando moans. Hurt.

"Yeah. I don't know what you want me to say? I feel the same? At the start of the year maybe. But now. After everything you've put me through. No thanks. Next." Y/n says. Lando just looks at her, lost for words.
Y/n leaves the room and he can hear her speaking to her Mum. "Give him something sweetheart. It's not normal to be on the other side of the world for work and them wanting to come see you for a few days."
Lando is glad her mum gets away with saying that. He wouldn't dare.
He smiles as she walks back in. "You wanting to come up and chill? Since I'm not allowed to throw you back out tonight." He nods his head, following her upstairs to her bedroom. Which is weird as they have only ever done things in his house.

He slips his hand into hers, as she looks at herself in the mirror. He knows she has issues with her body. But he always says it's perfect. "You okay?" He asks her, knowing she's not.
"No. I'm not. I'm confused why am I good enough now for you? If it's not a quickie when I'm at Ria's or a video chat when your horny and away I don't ever really see or hear from you." She sighs at him. "I only ever want those with you, as you are perfect. I promise." He stands behind her, picking up her hair off her shoulder and kissing the bare skin. It sends nerve tingling bumps all over her skin.
As she looks around at him, he cups her chin and kisses her. Deeper and deeper, as she hasn't pulled away.
"I don't just adore you baby. Im fucking crazy about you and it scares me. I don't want you to hurt because of me and I don't want to be hurt. But I'm hurting myself by not following my heart." Y/n looks at him. His eyes soft and his face very serious.

"Darling I think I'm in love with you."

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