Paul Aron- Boss

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Requested by asfinsty

17- wait don't pull away yet...

At the Mercedes' launch day, Toto has invited all of his kids. Not just Jack, who he has with Susie Wolff. As Toto's older kids stand away with George Russell's girlfriend Carmen.
It's when Paul first sets eyes on her.
Standing with the rest of the Mercedes' junior drivers. Mainly just him, Fredrik and Kimi.
"Who's that?" Paul asks them, nodding his head towards Carmen and the girl.
"No. Not a clue. Go ask her?" Kimi laughs, not that Paul needs encouraged.
But George turns up and he bottles it. Standing staring at George.
"Hi.. nice to finally meet you, y/n." George says, to her. "Oh sorry.. Paul were you coming to introduce yourself?" George grins at him.
"Meet Y/n Wolff. This is Paul Aron, the Estonian warrior." George introduces them, which annoys Pauls ego.
"You still with Prema this season?" She asks him, ignoring George too.

Paul gets very much in his head. Oh fuck she knows who I am!! Fuck help me.

"Yeah. Formula regional again. I didn't know you keep tabs on us youngsters." He says wanting the ground to open up.
Y/n nods her head. "Yeah I'm out the loop this year, usually more on the ball with the up and coming guys. But I've had exams." She touches his arm and his confidence goes and he feels like he is drowning.
"Well I hope you can come to a few of the races, would be good to have a Wolff there to support me. Not that your dad doesn't support me. Oh fuck. That came out wrong."
She smiles at him, making it worse. "Don't worry I feel like that too sometimes." She nudges him laughing, but George doesn't find her humorous.
"Want to come meet the other guys? And Luna." Paul says, feeling he has overstayed his time with George.
Y/n nods her head, following him over to them.

"So how come you don't have the same suit as the others two. It makes no sense. Doesn't red bull give their juniors the same racing suit?" Paul nods his head.
Realising she is her dad's double, not in looks, but in mannerisms.
Even more so when she gets called alongside both of her brothers for a photo.
"She's so hot." Paul breathes out. The guys start to laugh.

"So Toto does it worry you, that Y/n will be taking over some of the business this year?"
Paul looks up. "Did I hear that right? Fredrik nods his head. "Yeah. But what?"
"She will be overseeing a lot of the junior team this year. A lot of responsibility for a 17 year old, but I know her dedication and drive. She will bring a lot of new ideas and I can't wait to see what she can do."

Paul looks at her. "She's my boss!! Why?" He moans out loud, making Fredrik and Andrea laugh. Both boys laugh at him. "Sorry.. I didn't mean that, in a bad way." Y/n looks at him and he gets the same steely look that Toto does off of her.

She also makes it very much obvious she is ignoring him. When she speaks to the group, including him.
"Let me make it very clear now.. if you don't get the results, I won't keep you on. If I don't think you are making enough progress or putting enough effort into it. Got it Aron?"
Paul looks at her. "What? Why am I being picked out?" He scowls at her, as the other know why she is pulling him up.
"Need I say more? I will be putting a conscious effort into watching you Paul. Since you seem to think I'm inadequate to manage you all." 
"Y/n I said sorry."
But she doesn't listen to him.
"Okay. So I will come see you all in the factory tomorrow and go over everything."

Paul is the first to the factory, sipping coffee when y/n arrives.
"Can I steal a minute off of you? Alone. Please." He asks her. She nods her head. "Bring me a coffee. Sugar and milk please." She says to him, not taking her eyes off of her phone.
He grabs the coffee she was making and grabs a danish for them both.
"Why are you in so early. The meeting isn't until 11." Paul smiles at her. "I know. You said you want effort and dedication..." He smiles when he sees her face ease up.
"Yeah. Not just to you. So why are you really here?" She gives him, eyes that he's never seen before.
"Well. I need to apologise properly. I really want to do you proud in FRECA. I'm honestly happy to have you as my boss. Well it ruins my other plans but I'm happy." She looks confused at him.
"Other plans?" He nods his head. "Can I show you? They are very much not what I.. we should be doi..." He loses his focus as she stands in front of him, but he loses himself and the awareness of where they are.
He pulls her face to him, bending slightly so he can kiss her.

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