Mick Schumacher- How is this fair?

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requested by PamAndersonFan

11- are you jealous

As you stand speaking to Gina, you can feel eyes on you. Looking around you see your blue eyed boy looking at you, watching you speak with his sister. "You guys okay?" He asks. You nod your head, but things have been hard between you both recently after he had forgotten important dates to you and now its your birthday and he seems to have forgotten that too.

Gina nudges you towards Mick, as she can sense the tension between you both. You get the very typical Mick hug, but with you being in his place of work and how private he likes to keep things. You don't even get a kiss. Which annoys you. "I'm going to go catch up with George.. Catch you later." Even though the world knew you as Mick's girlfriend for the season, you were actually George's cousin and Lando's ex. But it often came up in minor disagreements that you were once in a relationship with Lando as teenagers. Which did really annoy you. Mick goes after you. "What is wrong with you? You have been so standoffish." You look up at him. "Nothing just stressed. Which is why I need to speak with George." Mick shakes his head at you. "No. It's like you don't ever want to be with me anymore." Mick says to you. Which makes you want to hit your head off the wall. "We need to talk and sort us out." He says as you pass the Mclaren drivers. Lando looks at you and smiles. "Happy birthday Y/n" He yells out after you.

Mick looks at you. "Oh. You didn't say." You roll your eyes, trying to not cry. "It doesn't matter." You say, but he looks at you. You are annoyed and your body is tense. "I'm sorry. Babe." He stops and looks at you. "You're upset with me." He moans at you. Grabbing your hand and kisses your head. "I need to go Mick." You say, wriggling away and nearly running to your cousin. As soon as you see George and Carmen you start to relax. "You okay?" Carmen asks you, as she hugs you. "Happy birthday." George shouts at you, as he hugs you. "No Mick?" You shake your head. "His family are here this weekend." You tell them. Keeping your annoyances to certain other people being there to a minimum.

As you walk back to the Haas garage, you spot her a mile away and Mick looking cosy with her. As he spots you, you are almost certain you see him drop his arm away from her. "Hey.. Actually you know what. I'm not being taken for an idiot. This is over." You say and walk away from Mick. Who of course runs after you. "What on earth is your issue?" He asks you, his eyes looking at you crazily. "This Mick. Its an absolute joke. You treated me like crap earlier. As Lando had text me. Then I see you with her. AGAIN!! With your arms around her. Sorry but no. It's a pass from me." He looks at you. "Are you jealous?" You shake your head. "NO you have had made comments about how close I am to my ex, from years ago. But as soon as I leave you alone for a minute she always creeps around. It's nothing to do with jealousy. It's about how you show me respect.. I'd have no dignity and what sort of older sister would I be. If I just put up with a relationship because of who you are. I am worth so much more than you seem to be willing to give me." Mick smiles, almost mocking you.

"So jealous then. Justine is here with her dad. It's not my fault you don't trust me." He mocks you. You shake your head. Lando and Alex walk past you and its is obvious to both of them, that you need them. "Happy birthday darling.. The animals are missing your visits." Alex says to you. "Oh do they. I miss them too. Actually I miss everything about home." Lando stays quiet, which isn't like him. "You know you could just come back.. Nothing wrong in admitting that you left for the wrong person." He says eventually. "Did you even do anything for y/n's birthday?" He asks Mick. "Why do you even care Norris. Thought you two broke up before you even signed with McLaren?" Mick is seething. "Yeah we did. I wanted to concentrate on my career, but at least I was honest. You just jumped from Justine to y/n and now do everything to make y/n feel alienated. Sorry but at least my love for her was true." You look up at Lando, smiling. "Do you want her back? It will never happen." Mick says. Grabbing your hand and pulling you away from your friends. "So Albon too?" Mick is seething mad at you. "No. He's a family friend. Look who's jealous now." You tease him. "Maybe you should go back to Justine. This is just toxic and I can't honestly deal with it anymore nor do I want too." Mick looks at you.

"But we started out so happy. I love you.. Maybe we should get married. Would that stop your jealousy. And stop your need to go running to Lando." You shake your head at him. "No. I just think its best we end it here. As I will be around for many years to come on the grid, so it will be easier all around. Please accept it Mick." He shakes his head. "No let me fix this. I can fix us." You shake your head. "No. We can't. You can't." You keep telling him, hoping he will pay attention. "No how is this fair, I get treated horribly because you are jealous. I wish you would just trust me and be happy with me."

You end up in George's hotel room for the rest of the weekend. Hiding out and eating junk food to combat your own feelings. "He walked in with Justine... Fucking prick." Lando texts you. After the break up, George made it his mission to give you a good birthday night. He took you out with Carmen, Sandra, Nick, Lando, Lance and Sara.

"Get your bum up and ready. Nick and I haven't left. You are coming in with us." Sandra texts you. "You aren't missing this. Fuck the boy who thinks its okay to treat you like a toy." You hear a knock at the door and sure as hell. Sandra is there smiling, ready for a fight with you. But you are all set to leave. "You got this girl... You look amazing, show him what he is missing."

As you walk in, you spot Justine and Harald. But no Mick. "You came!!!!" You hear Carmen yelp out as she runs over to hug you. You nod your head. "Yeah. Sandy convinced me... Thank you for letting me share the room." You say, but stop talking as soon as you spot the blond haired blue eyed guy walk in. "What is it Mick?" Sandy yells at him. You get up and move towards him. "What? You coming to tell me you didn't spend the night with Justine or walk in with her?" You smile at him. Confusing him and catching him off guard. "I uhh. Caught out. I just want to apologise. Can we start again?" You look at him smiling. "Of course... You start." You say. "Hi.. I'm Mick.." He says smiling. "Not today thank you. Not looking to make any more mistakes. Good luck for the race though." You walk back into the hospitality leaving him stumped. You smile at the girls as you go in, even though you very much feel sick. "It over?" Carmen asks you, before squeezing your arm. You nod your head, looking forward to get reaquainted with your own ex.

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