Danny Riccairdo- You win some, you lose some

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Requested by AnaOliveira003

24- don't shut me out

68- I'm sold. When can you move in, marry me and let's have babies

Also this one with Daniel? Reader is pregnant but doesn't know and she has a miscarriage in the middle of the night and then later she apologies to Daniel because she feels guilty she didn't find out and "couldn't keep the baby" and he just breaks down saying he loves her
sorry, that was a lot 😂

Daniel and you have been together for a while now, but with you being apart of the team. It was often difficult to speak much on race weekends and this one is like no other. Sleeping in different rooms, it was often a common night thing of face time conversations until one of you fell asleep, it was almost always you that fell asleep before him.

Tonight seemed to be harder than ever to speak to him on the phone. It was becoming so clear to you that Daniel was at least ten steps ahead of you in feelings. "Right Danny I need to go. Girl emergency in one of the other rooms.." You tell him. "Ah okay darling.. I wish you could just come here tonight. Instead of this whole different room thing. I'm sold on you already." His smile just melts you, as you look at his stupid smiling face, you know you are in safe hands with him. "Aww don't look at me like that Dan. I will see you tomorrow and ill give you a cheeky squeeze." He starts to chuckle at the thought of you and him. "Alright then. I'm sold even more now. But when can you move in, marry me and then have kids?" He laughs. But is also deadly serious, he has been at you since the beginning to move in with him and settle down. "Right I am away see you tomorrow bright and early.." You look at him. "Fineeeee. Love you darling." He coos at you, before you hang up.

"So what is the drama girls, you ask as you spot one of the younger girls upset." You ask, sitting down. "I think I might be pregnant.. How can I be pregnant?" You look at her, not wanting to state the obvious. "Wait what? Who have you been with that you haven't told us about." You ask, sipping on your overpriced cocktail. You's sit for a while calming the girl down, but you get a great idea. "Why don't we just go get a test right now and do it? It's the only way we can know for sure. Heck I will even do one with you, if it would make you feel better." You regret that brash choice to do one too when she says yes.

"So how is your not so secret, secret relationship going? Have you told him your feels yet?" The girls taunt you. But you shake your head. "No. I don't know how I feel, he is very open and honest with me. What if we break up soon over something stupid. If I admit feels, he will want to go public." You tell them, as you get thrown a test. "How certain are you that you won't be pregnant?" You smile then remember you are actually late this month. "I'm not." You laugh and run into the bathroom to do your test. Then waiting the 90 seconds is absolute agony. As you see the two lines, your heart sinks. "So how reliable are these?" You call out, hoping that they are unreliable.

"Wait what??" You hear everyone shouting. "Is Danny Ric finally getting his happy ever after!!" You scream in your head. "Maybe... I need another ten to be sure." You laugh. But the line is faint, so it could easily be a dud test. "Remind me tomorrow to get another test. Also no word of this to Dan. Not until I am sure."

Later that night. You are having the most uncomfortable sleep you have ever had, trying so hard to stay on your side, but being a front sleeper this is a challenge. Your back is aching and you feel a throb in your stomach. "Must just be the alcohol. Must just be the alcohol." You speak to yourself as you head to the toilet. But as you wipe yourself you realise you are more wet down there than you anticipated. You had only done a dribble of a pee. So its confusing. You go and put the light on and notice the whole toilet is bright red and the tissue is saturated in your blood. The pain in your back and stomach is even worse now. You shake your head in disbelief. You were excited to see Dan in the morning and squeeze him extra tight, from you and baby Riccairdo.

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