Nikita Mazepin- You are special

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Requested by tcr_lover

10- Why do you even like me?

As the Mexican GP has come to an end, celebrations are in full swing. Y/n is out with the typical boyband of F1. George, Lando and Alex have went out to the post race party, with their friends who have came over to see the race.

Of course Mazepin has went to the party too, but stays away from the rest of the guys who are there. "Oh god.. Maz is causing aggro again." Lando can't help but want to laugh at the situation. "Ugh he is always causing some sort of issue." George sighs. Y/n looks at the situation. "Do you not think people go to these things to get a rise out of him? He has a quick lighting fuse and people like to spark it." She says. Lando stops laughing, she is supposed to be there for him and now she is against him. "Well why are you here? I'm sure you are his type." Lando bites back at her. George and Alex look at each other, wincing at Lando's words. "Fine. I'll go. It's quite obvious I'm not Spanish enough for you." With a flick of her hair, y/n leaves them. "Well that wasn't meant to happen." Lando says, as he tries to keep a tab on where y/n is. George shakes his head. "Mate when will you bloody learn, she won't stick around if you keep being like that." George watches y/n like a hawk, more like siblings than the cousins that they are.

Y/n is walking by Nikita when he stands back on top of her, by accident. "Oh shit sorry..." He looks and recognises y/n. "No Lando?" She shakes her head at him. "Where you headed?" He asks her, as it is obvious she has no idea where she is to go. Y/n shrugs her shoulders, still very much annoyed at Lando. "Want a drink?" Nikita asks her, smiling as she nods her head. "You fall out with him? Or you just seen that the light really doesn't shine out of his ass." Nikita laughs.

"Neither. I was coming to find you actually." Nikita looks shocked. "Yeah?" He looks shocked at her. "Whys that? I thought you only liked the vanilla boys." Nikita laughs. "Oi.. One of them are my cousin. But yeah they are very basic bitch vanilla." Y/n playfully slaps Niki's arm. "Aww look at you pretending you aren't basic bitch. Do Russian's not do basic?" Y/n bites her lip, teasing Nikita is easy, too easy. As he pulls a face at her, shaking his head. "You are lucky lady.." Y/n looks at him. "Oh? How so?" She grins at him, knowing she is hitting a nerve. "Come dance and we will see who is basic. Shall we?" Nikita suggests. Y/n gets up and dances with him, but is starting to hate all the eyes on them.

"Ignore them darling.. It's just you and I that matter." Nikita cups her chin and smiles at her. "So, do i still count as a basic bitch?" He laughs whilst asking. Slightly annoyed when she nods her head at him. "Yeah." Y/n laughs. "You know you have a gang watching you and I right now.. the vanilla boys." He looks at them and then at her. "Kiss me Niki." She demands. He grabs her head and kisses her.

Which annoys George. "Ugh the one guy, I told her I would hate for her to get close too." Both Lando and Alex look at where y/n is with Nikita. "Does she actually like him? Or is she just trying to annoy you both?" Alex asks laughing. "At this point. I have no actual clue." George says, rolling his eyes at them. "Should we maybe just join them?" Lando asks.

Nikita and y/n have definitely went further than either of them had imagined the night would go. But Nikita cant keep the smile off of his face, as he knows he has annoyed some of his fellow drivers. Both of them are surprised when Lando, George and Alex walk into their little bubble. "Hi.." Y/n says smugly looking at Lando, as she knows she has annoyed him. He shakes his head at her. "Didn't take you for a blonde guy lover.." He says to her. "Watch it Lando.." Nikita says, with a scowl on his face. "Didn't take her for actually going for you let alone any other blonde guy." Lando keep pushing. "Will you quit it. Stop trying to push his buttons Lando." Y/n steps in and backs up Nikita which annoys the other three. "Really? Him? You chose him?" George asks her. But she shrugs her shoulders. "For tonight yeah." She tells him. Which mortifies George. Nikita and y/n move away together, without the other guys.

Outside catching some air, y/n cuddles into Nikita not caring who spots them. "Can I ask you something?" He looks down at her. "Sure." Y/n is confused and curious as to what he will ask. "Uhm why do you even like me?" Y/n steps back. "What? Do you really want me to answer that?" She asks him. Nikita nods his head. "Is it my money?" Y/n laughs. "Offt. No money does nothing. I see some good in you that perhaps not all people see. I didn't fully believe that you were that person that the media paints you out to be." Nikita laughs. "Not fully huh. But why? I don't think I have done anything to make anyone like me, or want to be around me." He says, looking at her. But she smiles. "Maybe I see more good in you, than even you see. Its nothing to do with your money. Money does nothing for me." She tells him again. "But if you want, I can just go back to the vanilla boys?"

Nikita shakes his head. "No please don't. I'm just not used to someone, not caring about the money." Y/n kisses him, shocking herself. "You do know I'm not the nicest guy.. So I am confused at why you would go against George." Nikita says, when the kiss ends. "I don't care, just be nice to me.. Show me some compassion and I am the most loyal person you will ever meet." Nikita shakes his head. "What if I hurt you. Or rather when I hurt you. What then? Maybe you should just go back inside and I will leave... I can't think straight and you. You are special." Nikita runs away and leaves y/n standing looking like an idiot. Luckily George comes outside eventually. "Where is he? Has he just left you?" Y/n nods her head. "Yep. he said I was special and then ran away. So I am confused." She says. But George shakes his head. "You coming back in? Or are you wanting to head back to the hotel?" Y/n sighs, unsure on what she wants to do. "If Lando starts I am leaving... And he can go to hell." George laughs and pulls her back inside the club.

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