Sebastian Montoya- Mi Reina

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Requested by aesthiccurls

19- The first second I seen you, I thought you were the most beautiful person here.

68- I'm sold. When can you move in, marry me and let's have babies

As you sit worrying what the boys will think. Will they care that you are female? Will they care that you aren't like them, in any sense of the word. You are very much French but your parents both have African ancestors. As you sit teasing your hair into the typical white girl beachy waves. It has taken you a long time to do it and even then, you would much rather prefer to have your coloured box braids back in. Your hair like this makes you feel like a walking target.
"Are you sure this is what you want to do baby? First time going into single seaters.. and it's one of the big young talent teams. It's a lot." You nod your head at your dad. You were used to not fitting in, always sticking out like a sore thumb.
"I'm proud of you baby. We all are. But remember you can walk away if you ever want too or need too." You shake your head at your dad. That's not an option. You adapt and adopt to become the better version of yourself.

As soon as you get out the car, at the factory. You are greeted by Angelique filming everyone arrive. "Some of the boys are upstairs... I'm sure they will make you feel welcome." You nod your head and follow her instructions up to the noisy room.
As you open the door, you have to steady your breathing.
"Yes!! Told you it wouldn't be Dennis or Arthur... sorry I'm Sebastian. Nice to meet you. This is Conrad." He nudges the blonde boy beside him. Who waves at you. "I'm in F4 with you. You have different hair to what I was expecting." You smile, cursing yourself.
"Yeah the braids are heavy.." You stand cursing yourself that you had changed your hair.
"Want a tour?" Seb offers you one. You nod your head, just really wanting to be as far away from Conrad as possible but he walks around too. But you soon relax as you figure out he didn't mean anything nasty by his comment. The both of them make you laugh a lot and relaxed.
Even when more people turn up, Seb keeps close to you. Even though you are unsure why.

When yous all break up into your teams. You have to get photos taken with Conrad and the other two guys. As much as he made you relax whilst Seb was around you don't feel the same in front of the camera. You keep moving away from him. You notice him staring at you and you struggle to focus.
"Sorry can I take a break. I need air."
You run before you can be told no.
As you are leaning against the wall and gulping at the Italian air. You can sense someone there.
"Are you okay? Con said you just ran." It's Sebastian.
"Yeah. It's just hot and I'm not used to so many photos being taken."
He looks at you and smiles. "Yeah? A beautiful girl like you? I don't believe it." You roll your eyes.
"Stop!! You don't mean that." Sebastian looks surprised.
"What don't I mean? You are incredibly beautiful. Even if you don't think so." You nudge him, trying to shush him down.
"Am I making you blush?" He laughs teasing you.
"Yeah! So stop please." He shakes his head at you.
"Never. You are the most beautiful girl I've seen. Genuinely the second I seen you, I thought you were the most beautiful person I've ever seen or met." Sebastian tells you. You shake your head. "Stop. I'm obviously not. But thank you."
He shakes his head. "I won't stop until you believe me."
He stands for a second and then asks. "What hair has Conrad seen that I haven't?" You take his phone and go on your Instagram, showing him the dark braids with teal at the bottom. "Wow you look incredible." He says, double tapping it in front of you.
"Can I follow you?" He asks, you look into his dark eyes and there is just something that pulls you into him. Nodding your head, you know your dad will be mad. But lots of guys follow you for your racing content.

In group shots, you notice Seb has stood beside you. You keep looking at him every so often. Trying to figure out if you could be more than friends with him. You feel his hand on your back and you get a weird fluttering feeling in your stomach. But you've never experienced it before.
Looking at him and smiling.
"We should hang out..." you eventually whisper into Sebastian. "Huh? You want too?" He smiles at you, as you nod your head before you back out of it.


You manage to keep your friendship/relationship quiet for most of the season. But your last weekend falls on a FRECA weekend. Traveling to the track with Seb you don't overthink it, until it's awkward in the truck. When you overhear him speaking about other girls with the guys.
"Just ignore them darling, boys will be boys." Angelique tells you, but you expected more from Seb.
You'd never speak about other guys the way he was speaking about a girl.
"Yeah. Maybe we shouldn't condone how they are speaking about girls though. Maybe they need to respect us more. No?" You notice Sebastian's eyes on you.
"Don't worry about food, I'll just take a coffee and head back out."

You walk outside and you know he was listening. "What was that about?" He asks you almost immediately. "Huh?" You spin around to face him. Yous have never argued or bickered never mind fall out.
Neither of you really know how to speak to each other which is new, as communication has always been amazing between you.
You can barely give him eye contact.
"Why did you leave? You know you don't need to leave when us guys are talking." He says to you.
But all you can do is try to not stare at him, shocked.
"You guys... okay. No I understand." Sebastian shakes his head, shocked that you are hurt.
"Mi Riena, don't be like this." He goes to grab your hand but you pull away hastily, dropping your coffee. Your altercation being noticed by Dino and Conrad.
"Stop Basti!! It's done and let me cool off."  You end up shouting at him. He looks at you, you've never shouted at him or even raised your voice. You see the hurt on his face instantly.
"Now can I go or do you want to demand what I do too, like the girls in your heads?" Sebastian shakes his head. Dino and Conrad have no response either and you make sure you look at them too.
As you leave you can hear them asking him. But he doesn't tell them.

Before your race, the boys can't even look at you. "So what's going on with you and Seb?" Conrad asks you. "Nothing why? What's he said?"
Conrad smiles at you. "Nothing. He's always full of compliments for you. And you called him Basti. No one calls him that, sounds like a pet name for him." You roll your eyes, making Conrad laugh.
"Is he your boyfriend?" He asks, without even really thinking about it. "You guys are always cute online and he's really upset with your fight."
You look down at your racing boots. Not wanting to admit anything that he hasn't already said.

The race is hard. Even more so when you are battling between Conrad and Kimi. Being the rookie compared to them, you have more to prove and you only need to win, to actually win the competition.
You can hear your engineer telling to keep calm and you can hear the FRECA boys voices too. "sigue empujando reina" You can hear Seb talking in Spanish, as it's one of the few lines he has taught you. Keep pushing Queen.
As you see the chequered flag you know you've done it.
Both Kimi and Conrad are on the podium with you and are the first to hug you.
But all you want is Basti. Your Sebastian. He picks you up as soon as he gets a chance too. "I told you!! Didn't I! Well done baby. I love you." He says to you, holding you close.
"Thank you. Basti baby."

You hold off on your proper celebrations until Sebastian has done his race. "Where's my Italian F4 champ?" He shouts when he comes into the truck.
You are sitting talking to Kimi.
"Come here you.. can we talk?" You nod your head before he even finishes and walk out with him.
"I'm so proud of you baby. You've done amazing!!" You look at him, taking a deep breath.
"Sorry for earlier.. I overreacted to you." Seb shakes his head smiling. "It's okay baby. I know your feisty and I shouldn't have been saying what I said so I'm sorry too." You kiss him, not caring who see's you.
"So does this mean we can now skip to marriage, babies and a house now?" You laugh at him, being silly as per usual. "Baby I'm being serious. I was sold from the moment I met you. I want it all with you. A home, kids... Marriage. Everything. I want you to meet my family, nearly losing you earlier made me realise that I am more in love with you than I thought. I was."
He kisses you passionately. It's like never before and you feel every ounce of his feelings for you.
"Slow down Basti. Yes we can meet each other's family's. Kids will have to wait until I'm at least twenty five." You laugh, watching him smile.

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