Max Verstappen- One final time

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9- You deserve someone so much better than me.
10- Why do you even like me?

Max sits and stares at the wall. Furious at the results. Even more annoyed at his meeting when the FIA.
A gentle knock hits the door. "What?" He shouts, knowing that it is probably y/n. It's her typical gentle knock.
"What? Is it time for my next spanking?" He teases but then remembers it's probably inappropriate. So stops smiling. "Yes it's time for your meeting.. will we get it over with?" Y/n asks him. Max nods his head and walks out with y/n.
"Are you okay with still working here? After being bashed with you know who." Max asks her as they walk into the room. "Yes. I can still work with you and think you are with the wrong person. Her opinion means nothing to me."
Max's mouth drops. It's not like y/n to actually say how she feels. Not to him. Even though they have known each other since they were kids.

Max leaves the meeting even more annoyed. "How can I get another ten fucking seconds!! What an absolute joke!" Y/n walks out of the meeting worrying about how to calm him and what to tell Helmut and Christian. "I will tell them don't you worry your pretty little head darling." Max says, wrapping his arm around her. "Come back to my room. Show me how much you like me."
Y/n wriggles out of his hold and sighs. "Max.. why do you even like me? I'm nothing like your current or exes..."
Max stares at her.
He hates when she gets like this. As it's never stopped her before. But whatever Kelly has to her has really got to her.
"You know why I like you. Why do I need to tell you every fucking time I need you."

Y/n gets up and heads to the door. "Maybe I'm sick of your toxicity. Your constant ghosting of me, when your own cheating girlfriend is here. Maybe I'm done." Max stares at her. "What? I'm not toxic. And she's not cheating. I'm the one who cheats on her. With you don't you forget that. Your just as much to blame." He taunts her.
But she shakes her head.
"Whatever Max. I need to go take this back to Christian. Maybe I deserve better than you."
Max starts to laugh.
"Of course you deserve someone so much better than me." He teases her. Max has gotten up and followed her to the door. "I know exactly what you want. When you want it. I'm what you need... but you deserve someone better."

"Max.. I need to go." Y/n stutters at him. As she knows as soon as Max makes a move it's game over. "Sure you need to go darling? You know how to make me feel better. You always have."
Y/n is happy when the door gets knocked and it's Jos.
"I best go.. see you in Abu Dhabi." Y/n walks out and sighs. She knows Kelly will be in Abu Dhabi so she is free.
Quite literally free, Abu Dhabi is her last ever race with Red Bull.


As the weekend starts, y/n knows it's her last one. But hasn't found the time to tell Max.
So as she walks into the hospitality. She is surprised when there is a celebration there for her.
Overwhelmed even.
Max walks in with Kelly and is confused. "Who's leaving?" He asks, looking around, finally setting eyes on y/n. "No. Y/n. Really?" He looks confused at her. Hurt that she didn't tell him.
"Why?" He asks her. But y/n can't find the words to tell him. Especially with Kelly there. "Just want a change of pace, life." Max furrows his brow. Shaking his head. His own emotions threatening to show. Not that Kelly has noticed, as she is too busy looking for certain photographers and media.
When she makes an excuse to be outside. Max grabs y/n and pulls her into a quiet hallway.

"Why? Why are you leaving me." He looks down at her. "I need to go.." Max grabs her arm. "No. Explain to me. Why are you leaving me? Why can't you just stay?" Max moans at her.
Y/n can see his lip wobbling. "You're the longest relationship, I've had. Y/n. Please. Say you'll stay. For me." Y/n shakes her head. "I can't. I have been offered a new job and I have other plans." Y/n says, trying to get out of his grasp. But can't. He looks down at her.
"What? What is so important you need to leave me? All this behind for." Max can't let her go. Not like this.
"Well for one. I don't need to explain myself. Just please accept it. Go make the team proud this weekend like you have every other weekend. Let me leave with a bang?"
Max smirks. "You are so demanding baby... but what about if I don't? Will you be back next year?" Y/n shakes her head. "No. I won't be. I will hopefully be somewhere pregnant. I can't do this job and start a family. Or settle down properly and we both know I wouldn't be happy in the factory."

Max stares open mouthed at her. "You want babies! Babies?" Y/n nods her head. "Yep. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.. but how could I?" Max sighs. "I can't promise you any of those things... I wish I could but I can't. We can't even do anything one last time.." Y/n nods her head. "I know. I wished we could've done it properly. Not behind closed doors, hidden away and me being your dirty secret. But at least this way. You get to have the relationship you deserve and I get to grow." Max laughs. "We all know that most people don't agree with my relationship."

As Kelly makes an appearance into the hospitality and barking orders at people to find Max. Max has to leave y/n. She has one final weekend of working with him. One last weekend of her being his Dads best ally on the team.
It breaks Max's heart a little when he knows the last time they leave the Yas marina, he will either be world champion or not and his favourite team member will have left. As he leaves the garage for the final qualifying, he spots y/n and his dad chatting. She is all he has ever known. All he has ever wanted in his team. Her dad used to work alongside his dad, but as a mechanic and he loved the idea it was history repeating itself.
As he gets P1, max looks over at the screen and watches as his dad picks up y/n and spins her. His team. His cheerleaders.
Even speaking to DC about his pole. He can't help but think of y/n.
"This is a special one.. one of the team are leaving after this race and hanging up her F1 team boots. So today, tomorrow is for her. I'll do her proud tomorrow, so she can leave saying she worked with an F1 champ."

Max isn't too fussed when Kelly goes into a mood with him. It annoys him when as soon as they leave the redbull hospitality, she is all smiles for the cameras. "You really are fake aren't you." He bites at her. "Excuse me?" Kelly asks him with a smile. "You don't love me.. you live for this. The attention. The need for my fans to adore you. I'm loosing friends, family and now team mates because of you."
Kelly looks at him.
"Get in the car now Max!!" She says to him.
"I know you are upset that y/n is leaving but it is not because of me. I know you really like her. But it's maybe her time to leave and she said she wanted to settle down." Max shakes his head.
"It is us. That she is leaving me for.. I can't give her what she wants and needs from me." Kelly looks at him confused. Luckily in the car and away from people. "Do you want to be with her? Do you want us to finish and you to give her what she wants? Don't let me stand in your way, if you want someone less than me." Max laughs.
"Less than you. You just don't know her. Or have given her the chance to get to know her."

Max gets himself a different room to Kelly. Not wanting to sleep beside someone who could happily put down his team, friend and secret.
"Let's do it.. I'll give you what you want... uou might as well get something from this weekend." Max clicks send, knowing he will be on edge until y/n replies.
"Give me what? Hope you haven't been drinking."
Max convinces y/n to come see him. Answering the door, in just a pair of joggers. "Weren't you in a suite?" Max nods his head. "It's over.." Max grabs y/n and kisses her. "Come here. If you want too, we can try. I want to give you what you want."
Y/n smiles at Max. "No. I will have sex with you. But not to have a baby with you. I just don't think it's a good idea."
Max shakes his head. "No. Come on. You want a baby. We have been in a weird relationship since the beginning. Please." Y/n shakes her head. "No. Max. I love you. But I'm not in love with you. I want the whole falling in love, getting married having kids.. you aren't there yet. And I can't push you into it."

Max groans. Loudly and obviously annoyed. "You aren't pushing me into it. I fucking want you!" Y/n quickly realises that she has made a bad choice in going to see him. "I didn't ask you to break up with Kelly. I've known you long enough to know that you do stupid rash decisions and blame other people. I'm sorry you don't want me to leave. But I need too. Like I should probably leave here too."
Max groans again.
"No. No don't you dare leave this room. I need you. I fucking need you as much as I push you away. I need you. I love you. How am I supposed to do this knowing you don't want to be here."
Y/n looks at him. "Max we need to keep it professional for tomorrow and then you just let me leave okay?" But Max shakes his head. "No. I want you. Come on y/n."
He has followed her to the door and resisting the urge to pick her up and throw her on the bed. Like he has done, so many times before. "Go back to Kelly. She'll forgive you." Max punches the door above her head "No I want you. Why don't you understand?" Max says again. 

Y/n goes against her better judgement and allows him to kiss her. As soon as his lips touch hers and his tongue is quickly trying to seek out hers. He knows what she likes, it is because of him, that she likes certain things. "Max. Max..." He looks up and grins. "Yeah baby?" He asks her knowing, that he has got his own way. "I think I need to go. We shouldn't be doing this again." Max nods his head, knowing that she is just saying words and not really meaning what she is saying. "So no last time?" He asks. "Yes Max... One last time. But then you need to win tomorrow." 

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