Charles Leclerc- A helping nudge

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Requested by DrinksAtDawn

3- You are a wonderful person, never forget that

4- I know that it is hard now, but it will get easier.

8 Who has hurt you? Want me to hurt them?

10 why do you even like me

Y/n is the new teammate of (mick, george, pierre or charles i cant decide lol you choose who you think fits best.) And he wants to get to know her because he doesnt know anything about her not even a last name. She is very closed off and doesnt seem to want to talk to him. He is just not sure why. It causes alot of friction between the too. She is just always very focused on getting the best results and it worries him how much it keeps on her mind. Finally y/n breaks and she tells him she comes from an abusive household and she has to prove herself if not she has to go back and she is just very scared and he calms her and helps her

Charles is excited for his new team mate, although he doesn't know more than her name. He is excited that it's a girl, finally in F1. He has seen many reports about who she is and where she has came from. But doesn't think much of them, as he knows how much words can be twisted.
They spend a lot of time together in Italy and at the Ferrari camp. As he is there to watch the academy drivers go through their paces, he knows she is in the factory. But doesn't like being around the guys on her own, without Angelique around.

As he watches some of the f4/3 guys going around, he sits with his brothers. "So have you seen the news?" Arthur asks, being the youngest Leclerc he reads a lot of impartial information that the media drops. Charles shakes his head, looking at his younger brother, he has hidden the fact that he has barely spoken to y/n. "Oh. I was hoping you'd be able to sort out the gossip." Charles shakes his head. "No. It's all fake unless it's from her mouth." Charles says, already in her corner. Even though he doesn't know her well.
"But it's about her family.. look I've sent you the link." Arthur says and sends him the link anyway.

After a while, Charles decides he wants to go speak to y/n just to check in and make sure that the constant stream of media gossip isn't affecting her. "Hey.. y/n." He says as he gets close enough to her. "Hi." She stares at him, not blinking or smiling. "Just wanted to check in with you, are you okay?" She nods her head, rather than speaking. "I'm fine. You good? You going out there soon?" She asks him. Charles shakes his head. "Nah. I'm not, have you met all the academy guys? We are all heading out for dinner tonight if you fancy it." Charles watches as her face falls. "No. Sorry. I have plans tonight. I need to go.."

For weeks, that's how their conversations go. Every time he even tries to get close to her, she politely declines and makes an excuse to leave.
Mattia invites the pair out before the start of the season in Bahrain. But y/n declines so Charles quizzes Mattia. Why is y/n who they want in the team? What is her issues? Why is she so focused on learning everything about the car before she has even driven on a track with it.
"She's a very focused driven young lady. Reminds me a lot of you."

It leads to an awkward start to the season, new comments and gossip run wild with how the two Ferrari drivers are at loggerheads, how much they do not like each other and can't stand to be in the same room. All which is false. But Charles is getting tired being behind her all the time. Tired of being the one fighting a losing battle with the worlds media, when he can't even get a conversation out of her.

"Do you know if y/n is coming up to the media pen?" Charles looks at his media officer who shrugs. "I'm not sure.. she is very competitive and I'm sure she is a bit disappointed in her time today. Erm but I'm sure she will be up soon." Charles looks around in the hope that he can spot her. But he can't. Even as he is finishing up, there is still no sign of her.
On his way to their post quali meeting, he knocks on her room door.
When she doesn't answer he just walks in. She hangs up her phone instantly, but Charles can tell it's someone being disgustingly horrible to her.
"Are you okay?" He asks her, grabbing one of the unopened bottles of water she has. "Don't lie to me y/n!!" He quickly adds.

"Why are you even here Leclerc.. it's not like you give a damn about me." Charles rolls his eyes at her. "Stop..." he stops talking when her phone goes again. She answers and says something that he doesn't understand, but y/n looks like she is ready to burst into tears.
He jumps up and into protective mode. "Come here... who's hurt you? Want me to hurt them?" For the first time, y/n allows Charles to get close. "I can't help until you open up to me..." But as soon as she lets him in, she is trying to shut him out again. "Please leave Charles. Please. It's not like you even like me."

Charles looks at her, confused. "Of course I like you." He says, looking at her. She has started to shake and ping a hair tie on her wrist. "Why though? Why do you even like me? I've been horrid to you." She yelps out as she pings the tie again.
"Stop.." Charles grabs her hand and pulls the hair tie off her wrist. "I like you, you are incredible at what you do." She shakes her head.
Her tears starting to fall faster. "What's happened?" Charles sits on the floor with her, since she has become overcome with her emotions. He quickly texts Angelique to let her know they will both be late.

"Come on tell me." Charles nudges her. "I just can't go back. Where I came from.. I can't go back and I have no other options." Charles looks at her, confused as hell. But curious. "Did someone hurt you?" He can barely keep in his audible gasp when she nods her head. "Yeah. It's more mental now. But it was physical. I have scars a lot more than I want to show." Charles does nothing but pull her into his chest.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. Darling you don't deserve any sort of pain. I think you are a wonderful person, never forget that. You are more than your past." Charles says feeling his phone ring.
"Oh we are being summoned... come on." Charles stands up and grabs hold of y/n's hand and pulls her up.
"I got you. No matter what everyone else says, okay. Any issues or anything you need me for. Phone me. I'll always answer. No matter what Pierre says." Charles laughs, guiding them both out the door and into hospitality.

They sit and get the usual post quali meeting started. It is noticed by everyone that Charles and y/n are more relaxed with each other. Even a smile is passed between them. "I know it's hard now.. it being your first bad quali. Even though it wasn't even that bad. But it'll get better again. A lot better. You just need to start letting your personality shine and everyone will love you. You'll be the icon that everyone on the grid knows you'll be." Charles tells her in front of everyone. But his soothing, gentle squeeze on her shoulder and his smile, enough to reassure her. Even leaving to grab a coffee, together.

"Oh y/ n since you missed media pen. Put out a statement on Instagram." Y/n looks up at Charles. "Help?" He smiles, as she nods her head.  "Come on then.. you ain't leaving me alone. I need my teamie." He laughs. But they sit back down together. Charles who had hoped to have a breakthrough with her, as he hated the tension between them. "So if you make points tomorrow.l, dinner and drinks on me. Yeah?" Charles smiles when she nods her head.

"Good and if you beat me.. it's on you!!"  Y/n giggles and gets flustered at Charles flirting. But Charles likes this version of her. A bit too much. 

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