Dino Beganovic- Three Amigos

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requested by alelealeooo

65: You're lucky you are cute

15: I like the way our hands fit together

"Ugh. Why is she apart of the team now... isn't Hamda enough girls?" Paul looks at Dino. Trying to not laugh at him, it's not like him to make such a bad statement.
"Didn't you used to Kart with her?" Dino nods his head.
"Yeah. That's why I know she's a diva. Worse than you Paul!!" Dino laughs.

But the smile is instantly wiped off his face, as y/n is there with Rene. "I thought this was just a FRECA meeting." Dino says.
Y/n looks around and smiles. "It is. Scared I'm going to take your place Beganovic?" She teases him. But it just infuriates him. "No. I know I'm better than you." He says, not realising how they must sound.
He doesn't get to speak to y/n until after the meetings.
When he does get alone time with her, it's awkward.

"Why did you come here? You know I'm here!!" He moans at her, whilst Paul leaves the room.
Y/n glares at him. "Oh wow so because you are here!! I can't be? How mature." He raises his brow at her. "Really me? We can't let people know our history. Okay?" Dino smiles at her, looking around. Before kissing her. "I've missed you. Why didn't you tell me you were coming here! Where are you staying... so I can remember not to go there."
Y/n jumps away from him. Paul has no idea what to think. "So since Dino, isn't welcoming you.. want to come out for lunch with me." Dino bites his lip, looking at y/n. She has no option but to say yes and for him ti be left on the side.
"Should we not just go as a team? It's your brother who is our boss isn't it? Will we just invite him too? Or is this strictly a two person lunch?"
Paul looks at her, confused. "Oh wait. What? I don't fancy you.. much." Dino leaves the room as watching his secret love being badly flirted with, isn't what he wants to see.
"Sure.. we'll do lunch." Dino hears y/n saying as he leaves.

"I'm sorry what was I meant to do? Come with us?"
Y/n smiles at Paul as she is texting Dino. But it gives off the impression she is into him.
But it's very obvious that Paul is more into her than what she wants him to be. "So you and Dino.. No love lost there then? You look like you hate each other." Y/n nods her head. "Yeah. He thinks I'm a diva, for knowing what I want and how I want to be the first girl on the F1 grid." Paul grins at her. "I like a girl who knows what she wants... beautiful, funny, sarcastic, driven.. The list for you just goes on and on and matches perfectly."
Y/n plays along, putting her head on his shoulder, until he kisses her.
"Fuck this wasn't part of the plan!!!" Y/n screams in her head.
Even as they leave and take photos of the other for Instagram. Paul pulls her in for another kiss and takes a photo.

It is hard for y/n. She now has both of her team mates under her spell. Dino hates it and makes it very much obvious.
"Why do you need to flirt with him!! God I hate working with you two." Y/n looks at him, worrying that he will end their actual relationship.
"You told me to act like you are my enemy. How can I do that when I just want to squish your face." Y/n asks him.
"Not here!!" Dino tells her again. She looks at him disappointed.
Trying to bat away her tears. Just as Paul walks in.
"You two arguing again? Babe you okay?" In his own world of annoyance, Dino had failed to see how y/n was feeling.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just emotional. You know.. that time of month." Both boys pull faces at thinking about how the female body works.
"Babe I love you, but stop!!"

Dino eyes look up. "What? You love her?" He bites at Paul. "Yeah. As a friend. Jeez mate just because you don't like her, doesn't mean we all feel the same about her." Paul bites back.
"Stop it.. guys it's fine. I love you too Paul. But stay in your lane if it's as a friend."
Y/n leaves before any more is said.
"Have you kissed her?" Dino asks Paul, before wanting to punch his face. When he smiles and nods his head. "Yeah look. She is amazing, as much I want to be with her. I know for the team I can't be."
Dino stands feeling guilty. He's known Paul almost as long as he has y/n.
But right now he wants to speak to neither.

As he warms up for the race, he spots y/n jumping in rope. "We need to speak after... alone." She nods her head, but doesn't really listen to much. Dino loves how much she zones out and get into the race. "Good luck Dee." She shouts at him. He smiles at her. "You too sötma (sweetness)" He has caught her off guard.
He catches her smiling. He hasn't called her that in a while or in front of people before.
Prema want a last minute photo of their three drivers. Obviously y/n ends up in the middle, as Dino struggles with hiding his feelings in public now. Her body goes slightly more into Dino. But Paul has a grip on her. "Good luck guys. Hope you enjoy eating dust." She teases them.

With it being Monaco and most of the divisions are there. Y/n feels like she has so much more to prove. Take more chances and really get some attention.
But it happens in the wrong way.
A pile up with her in the middle of it.
"What happened there?" Dino shouts down the radio. Although he can spot her number in the middle of the track.
"Come back to pits.. Dino? Pits yes?"
As he heads back he gets out the car and runs over to the pile up that the stewards are trying to fix.
"Y/N... Y/N!!!" He shouts over the noise.He watches her as she clambers out of the car, grabbing a hold of her to stabilise her. "Hi.. Owww!!"
He walks her back to the team and they send her straight to the medical team.

Dino walks with her. "I can't believe it. What happened?" Y/n grips onto his arm. "No idea. But it hurt. Poor Betsy." Dino smiles. "I forgot you name your cars." He smiles at her kissing her hand.
"I love you... you know that right?" He says to her. "Yeah? You too." She can't help but tease him. "Oh you are lucky you are cute, right now." He laughs, but notices her holding her head.
"Just a little headache. Don't worry." Dino sits with her as she gets checked over, making Ralf worry about him for race restart.
"You need to go.. make me proud Beganovic." As he reluctantly gets up and goes to walk out. Y/n makes a pained noise.
"Dino.. I love you." He runs back over to her bed and kisses her again. "I love you too. More than anything."

By time the race ends, y/n has her marching orders to go to the hospital for MRI and scan.
But she doesn't go straight away she goes and stands to see who wins.
Dino and Paul both get podiums, Dino scoring the win.
"Whatever you said worked.. After this you need to go to the hospital and get checked out."
Dino runs over the team and grabs y/n. Kissing her in front of the cameras and team.
It shocks everyone around them..
Instead of going to the post race meeting, Dino goes with y/n to the hospital. Remembering she had once said she hated them after her Nan had died in one.
They hold hands waiting for her scan. "It's weird how our hands fit so perfectly together. I like it. Makes me think you really are made for me." Dino blurts out not really thinking. "Yeah? I'm sorry about the whole Paul thing. How far I've pushed things with him." Dino shakes his head. "Don't be. How else where you to act. Guys are always going to be into you. You are stupidly beautiful. As long as your mine I don't care what other people think." Dino says pushing kisses into y/n's cheek and head.
"Eww you too are stupidly cute... How are you? Any updates?" Paul has came after the post race review. "Yeah I'm brain dead thinking we wouldn't be caught out eventually." Paul smiles at them.
"You were horrid to each other at first though, what's changed?" Paul asks sitting down.

Both y/n and Dino look at each other. Dino refusing to let her hand go. "Firstly I'm sorry. I shouldn't have led you on. But I think apart of me wanted to get back at him. It was stupid and I'm sorry." Paul smiles. "Don't worry..." a nurse walks in. To discharge y/n.
"Let's go get food.. the three of us amigos." Dino nods his head. "You up for it?" Y/n doesn't really want too, but owes it to Paul. "Sure..."

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