Mick Schumacher- Quietly dating

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Requested by randomhuman193

14 my family think we are dating, how funny is that
130 his/her heart is too pure for me
128- I just fucking adore you
67- I didn't expect you to be cuddly and cute
8- who has hurt you? Want me to hurt them?

Mick is used to being paired up with someone who has a lot of bad media. But when he is paired up with Y/n. He is confused as why the whole world is against her being in F1. He watches her like a hawk, when they are in the factory together, learning as much about her as he can do, before the season starts and the whole world loses their mind over her. But rather than just the world falling in love with her from the off, Mick himself finds himself falling more for her, than he could ever imagine.

Even though her social media look is very much different to the one, that he gets greeted with every morning. The beautiful party girl, who has no right to be in F1, is transformed into this cute little human, who always has his coffee ready for him. Bare face, hair usually in some form of plait and always has a huge smile waiting on him. Her clothes are always oversized, much to the mechanics joy, when seat fitting. But Mick enjoys being around her and he has a better overall experience of being a team mate. Before they head off to Bahrain, he decides to take her out for dinner and to see if she will dress up for him. But they are due to go out after a session on the sim.

But she brings a change of clothes with her and she has make up on. "Hi.. I made you coffee this morning." Mick teases her. "Thank you.. Ooh lilac suits you." Mick looks down at his outfit, he threw on anything before he left this morning. "Thanks.. You look different. Or you just in from a night out?" He asks her, teasing her. "Nah. I wish. Been told to be careful, as there is a lot of spiking happening to girls, so I'm cautious." She says, sipping her coffee. "You didn't did you?" She gets him back, he shakes his head instantly. "Of course not.. What sort of bad flirting is that?" Mick laughs. "Okay thank you kind Sir Schumacher." They both laugh, as its very much obvious what they both want to happen between them. But can't as it could get messy quickly.

"Oh Hanna and Sebastian are in town and coming out with us tonight.." Mick casually drops into conversation with y/n as she is being filmed for something for Haas. "Okay.. Mick.. Filming here though, keep your date night plans to yourself." One of the mechanics tease them both. Causing y/n to blush. "It's not a date.. Just friends out for dinner." Mick says, knowing its not quite what he is saying it is.

Y/n disappears to get ready when it's Mick's turn to be recorded. He is more than happy when he notices that she has made an effort to look glam, but not over the top. "Do I pass the Schumacher rating?" She teases him, turning around. "Yeah.. Of course you do. I look so drab beside you though." Mick moans as he has pulled on a clean shirt. "Hardly.. I am living my best gothic glam life." Mick looks at her again, her black thigh high boots, the dark plaid little shorts and black blazer and blouse to match. Paired perfectly with her bright red lips. "Jeeez, remember this isn't an option when we are walking into the paddock. You will get some looks?" Y/n smirks at him. "Oh? Pushing too many buttons do I?" Mick nods his head.

Of course whilst at dinner, Seb notices instantly at how much Mick likes y/n. Who whispers something in German to Hanna and suddenly y/n and Hanna are gone off to get cocktails. "So.. Mick. What has your Mum said?" Seb asks. "Has she met y/n yet?" Mick bites his lip. "No. She hasn't. I think they have been in the paddock at the same time, but not introduced." Sebastian smiles. "You like her a lot though huh.. You can tell. You both light up when speaking to each other." Mick nods his head. "But we can't do anything.. the team needs us not too and she is anything but private." Seb nods his head. "She will probably need a lot of support, George and I have been talking about how at the first meeting we need to make sure, we are all on the same page as a collective. At supporting her during press conferences and making sure she feels protected and one of the crazy family." Mick nods his head. "Yeah for sure. She is sweet and she is very pure, I know it doesn't look like it. But she is, her heart is so pure. Probably too pure for me." Mick says laughing, not noticing that she had came back.

"Who is too pure for you?" Y/n asks, teasing him. "You.. We were talking about how we need to protect you in the media." He says, looking at her. "Yeah? Who do I need protecting from? I make headlines without even meaning too." Mick shakes his head. "Yourself obviously then.." He winks at her smiling. His arm goes around the back of her seat, without thinking. But she sinks into him, just proving more to him that she needs his protection.

"Oh I seen your mum, Mick. She says she has been asking if you two are dating? But you ignore the text?" Sebastian can't help but tease the two of them. Y/n laughs, as Mick groans. "Aww don't, Gina has been asking me too. They think we have been dating for a while now. How funny is it?" Y/n looks at Mick. "Not very.. I thought you had a girlfriend." Mick shakes his head. "Nah. Concentrating on f1. Then you came along." He tells her. Y/n looks at him confused. But doesn't say anything.

As they leave the restaurant, they get caught by some local press. Y/n hides behind Hanna and Sebastian. But Sebastian gets his protective Dad mode on and grabs y/n's hand. "Come on.. Welcome to the crazy world. No?" He laughs, as she shakes her head. "No. I can't." Mick turns around and looks for her. Smiling at her. "Come on teamie.." He shouts walking back for her. If they hurt you, I will hurt them. Deal?" He smiles at her, taking her from Sebastian. She grips onto his arm, so tightly she is probably leaving marks on him. As they get the cab together, Mick only tells the driver his address. "You coming in?" Mick asks y/n. Who nods her head, getting up and following him.

Y/n sits in his living room, whilst Mick goes and gets himself comfortable. But brings through a set of joggers and jumper for y/n to wear. "Aww you said, I had a pure heart and now you're doing this... Jeez Mick. Are you trying to make this season hard for me." Y/n teases him. He shakes his head and smiles, as she changes in front of him. "Do you think Stiener will be mad, if anything did happen?" She asks him. Mick bites his lip, knowing what he wants to do. "I don't know. Why?" He asks her. But she is looking at him intently. "No reason.. Just I might be forming some sort of feelings for you.. Like you are so fucking adorable Mick and cute." Mick kisses her. Not expecting her to reciprocate the kiss, he was hoping that she would be able to say no. But its not the case. No one stops it until they are in Mick's bed, naked and cuddling. "Dinner took a turn then.." Y/n laughs. Mick nods his head. "Yeah it did, who'd have thought you could be cute and cuddly.." Mick teases her. But instantly the worry of the season hits him. How will they be able to stay apart.. How will she be able to keep them a secret if there is a them?

"So what now? Keep it on the down low?" Y/n asks Mick, who is deep in his own thoughts. "Sure if you can do that." Mick looks at y/n hoping that she can keep it to herself. As he knows the amount of scrutiny they will be under without them being a couple in the spotlight.

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