Paul Aron- Jealous

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Requested by asfinsty

127-Stop hesitating and kiss me

128- I just fucking adore you

The end of season is fast approaching and Prema are saying goodbye to a few people on the team, including the intern social media girl. Who had helped a lot of the quieter guys, get a lot more followers. Paul didn't need that much help, but took it anyway. Now it is the final FRECA race and soon he won't always have her to annoy.

As he walks into the truck, to surprise her alongside Dino and Seb. She has Avril Lavigne playing out loud and singing along with it. As she always does with her music. "You busy y/n?" Dino asks her. "No, why are all three of you here? Everything okay? Have you guys been caught doing something dodgy?" She asks them, knowing them all too well. Dino laughs and Paul strops, leaving Seb to do the talking. "No come outside.. We heard its your birthday.." She shakes her head. "No. I am not getting pied... Nope not happening." But they pick her up and take her outside where the team are and the F4 guys. Paul grabs her head and holds her hair back, he knows how much she loves her hair and would kill any of them if they ruined it and her routine for it. Rene does a quick speech for her, thanking her for her hard work and in typical Prema style she isn't getting out of the usual celebrations. Conrad sneaks up and pies her. Laughing as he does it. Barely over five feet tall, she always looks so petite next to him. Paul can't help but take a photo of her pouting next to Con.

"I hate you!!" She squeals at him, making Conrad laugh and pick her up to hug her. Paul rolls his eyes, which gets clocked by his brother. Who grabs him. "You know she won't be around forever... Rene doesn't know if he wants to renew her contract. If you like her which I know you do. You need to tell her." Paul shrugs it off but knows he has a point. He heads to her desk. "Will you miss this mayhem?" He asks as he sits down on the table. "Yeah a little. I will be back for the end of season party and might go to Abu Dhabi and support Dennis." Paul looks shocked, she has always worked with the FRECA and F4 boys. "Really?" He can't help himself. She looks at him, trying to figure out what he is trying to achieve here. "So can I get on with these comments.. Or are you needing something else?" He shakes his head and curses himself. His one shot in the office that's quiet.

At the team meal for y/n, Paul feels so out of the loop. He thought he had a good connection with her, but it seems like it was mainly in his head. Conrad, is sitting beside her and Dino on the other side. Always deep in convo with them both isn't she." Ralf teases him. "You are running out of time and its becoming painful for me to watch. I thought you had better game than this." Paul scowls at Ralf. "So this is a pep talk? Or you just being a jerk?" Ralf laughs. Even more so when they watch the trio take photos and how comfortable little Con is with her, getting close to her. Resting his head on hers. "They are cute aren't they?" Ralf keeps on the teasing. "Oh god can you just not... Honestly." Paul says a bit too loudly and Conrad turns around to stop doing what he was. Ralf sits laughing at how worked up his little brother is becoming over someone.

Y/n.. Our Mum would like to see a photo of us both with you." Ralf says to her. Paul watches how confused both Dino and Conrad look. But she doesn't get as close to either of the Aron brothers, as she has been with Conrad. Pushing chairs together so that she can at least half sit down. Paul pulls her onto his knee and holds her waist. "You smell amazing.." He whispers, as Seb takes the photo for them. "Do I? It's just my usual perfume. I think." She smiles sweetly at him, melting his sarcastic ass. "Can I speak to you away from here." His grip on her tightens, not that she was even attempting to get off of him. She nods her head. "When? Now? Or..." Paul nudges his head in a direction.

They walk a little way down onto the beach. "What is up?" She looks up at him, her green eyes sparkling. "Have you ever had a thing with Con?" Y/n looks at him confused. "What? No he is like my little brother. Why? Someone jealous?" Paul nods his head. She frowns at him. "No you don't... wait. What? Why?" Paul looks at her. "I just do. Why is it them two over me?" Y/n snorts at him, trying to hold in her laughter. "You being serious Paul? I speak with everyone.. I've just worked loads with Conrad. Dino is just Dino and everyone loves him... So explain." Paul shakes his head. "No. You do chose them over everyone. You are always sitting with them, laughing with them, taking photos with them... God you even didn't get mad at Conrad for getting cream in your hair." He argues back, not quite what he was wanting. "I don't but okay.. I didn't know you were a jealous little boy. Not that I even know why you are being jealous. Are you genuinely being serious right now?"Paul laughs. "Whatever.. I have clearly built you up in my head too much." He walks away from her, leaving her confused.

When she returns to the table after him, a fair few minutes behind him. Paul watches as the other guys speak to her. "Don't even say anything... I have went off her." He tells Ralf. "Ok.. Want to tell your face that then. You are staring as if you are trying to steal her soul. What happened? Did you at least tell her?" Paul shakes his head. "She wasn't interested. Apparently C is her little brother and D is just D and everyone loved him." Ralf smiles at him. "Why did you make me do that!!!" He moans as she eventually comes back to the table and sits whispering with Conrad. Which is quite obviously about him.

Watching y/n speak to everyone bar him, during the weekend. It annoys him and it stings him more than he thought it would. As if she hadn't wounded him enough. "Oi.. Don't ignore me Paul." He turns around and looks at her. "What? Sure you don't want Dino?" She closes her eyes, as he can't help himself. "Good luck.. Go win the championship today yeah?" He nods his head, remembering she isn't all that bad. She'll pep talk anyone who needs it and usually spots nerves a mile off.

"You know what. I just fucking adore you and you never seem to notice me." Y/n looks at him. "What? Adore me?" Paul nods his head at her. "Prove it.." She waits for him, but he seems stuck to the spot, shocked that he has just said that. "Stop hesitating and kiss me Aron. If that's how you and your weirdness means it!!"
Paul smiles and quickly grabs her, before she can back out of it and kisses her. It's a whole lot more magical than he thought it would ever be. Paul starts to tingle all over just from a kiss with y/n.
When he lets her face go, he can start to sense other people around them. Dino in particular, standing giggling.
"Told you that's what he wanted!!!" He laughs more.
"So.. I now need to go win. Right. How do I do that? When I won't be able to get that kiss out of my head?" He smiles and really can't stop it.
"Warm up Paul... You know exactly how to win. Dino. You warmed up?" Paul smiles when she goes straight back into boss mode with them.
Even when he spots her whilst warming up speaking with Conrad, he doesn't get his typical jealous twangs.

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