Paul Aron- Over, Over

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Requested by TerezaMarie22

38- stop making me fall in love with you
41- why do I miss you so much

Walking around the paddock, Paul usually keeps himself to himself. It's the first weekend of the season and he spots her. His ex.
He had heard through people that she had finally had her call. But he never really believed it until she is there in front of him.
Slightly panicked and caught completely off guard, Paul hides. Quickly grabbing his trainer Karl and his brother.
"We told you she would be here. Why is such a shock to you?" They both laugh at him.
"Thought you were well over her?" Ralf asks him. But Paul stands there just staring, he has no words. No comment. "Quite clearly I'm not... quite clearly I wasn't ready for this." Paul moans at them. "But you are here to race just like her... she isn't obviously not worrying about you. So let's warm up and get to business yeah?" Paul nods his head, but can't get her out of his head.

Luckily he doesn't get to see her until she is starting beside him on the grid. Her lilac and turquoise helmet, is all he can see and it is enough to put him off.
He is furious when she gets the better start and pulls away in front of him. "Reign it in Paulie boy!! Stay calm and careful."

The race is mainly a blur like it always is. But Paul knows she is on podiums with him. He watches as she pulls her helmet off, watching her hair fly around in the wind. Darker than he can remember, just as curly and wild. He always wondered how all that hair could be comfortable in the helmet.
She turns around and smiles at him.
Paul looks at his own team, shocked, lost. He loses all of his usual confidence.
"Not the eyes!! Paulie.." Y/n shouts before Paul gets to open the champagne and starts to laugh.
"You've not changed!!" He laughs out loud instead of soaking her in the champagne.

Walking off the podiums, Paul walks behind y/n. "So is that it? We still aren't talking?" He shouts at her.
She turns and stops. He wasn't expecting her to stop.
"Oh. Fuck... Yes we still aren't talking Paul."
He looks at her more in shock.
"It's been over a year.. why can't we just go chat." He looks at her pouting.
"Fine. Later though. Not around everyone." He nods his head happy that she is willing to speak to him. "I've not changed my number so text me later, yeah?" She says to him.

Paul waits until after dinner, to eventually text her. Nervous as he does. Overthinking what he says.
"Beach? 10 minutes."
After knowing her for so long and knowing what she is like, he knows where to find her.
"Hey beautiful." She looks up at him, smiling. Just as scared and anxious as he feels. They didn't break up on the best of terms. So this is hard for them both.
"How's Italy?" She asks him, trying to steer clear of the actual conversation Paul wants to have.
"Why do you always do that? You know Italy isn't why I want to talk to you." He bites.
She looks at him and furrows her brow.
"Really? You are going to start with that tone are you? Why did I ever fall in love with you?" She bites back and it hits him hard.
"Don't say shit like that. You know why you do." Y/n rolls her eyes. "Yeah clearly that big fucking ego right?"
He shakes his head at her, trying to not smile.
He is reminded of why they didn't work. But did at the same time.
"Well you've yet to tell me to stop. Stop making me fall in love with you. You know the thing you used to always tell me?"
She nods her head.
"But then I realised that it was a false kind of love. Or teenage love." She tells him.

He sits down and stares at her. "What? That's not what you used to say." She nods her head at him, understanding what he is saying. "I know. But sometimes. You realise after the relationship ends."
He shakes his head.
"Do you actually know how hard this weekend has been on me? I still think you are the most amazing person I know and I'm yet to find another person like you." He says, grasping a hold of her hand.
"I've missed you so much and I don't know why. Since you say you don't even love me or ever have."
Paul feels crushed. It's not the way he thought that it would go. All he wants to do is kiss her and make her see sense that he is the one she should be with.

"So are you with anyone now?" He asks her, smiling when she shakes her head.
"I want to lie and say yes. So you don't become fixated on me. But I'm not. I've just been concentrating on racing and getting myself to peak condition so that I can beat you boys."
He nods his head. She does look incredible.
"So if I kissed you. What would you do?" He asks her. Hoping that she'll take the lead and just kiss him. But she doesn't. She doesn't even reply to him.
"I'm sorry Paul. We are over, over. What we had was beautiful but it's over. I don't think I want to go back there again."
Paul doesn't know how to take the words she is saying so he gets up and he leaves her on the beach. Something he would never do.

But his own emotions are too much. He doesn't know what to do. Or what to say. So just getting up and leaving is the best option for him. It's the only option for him.

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