George Russell- Dating

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Requested by DrinksAtDawn

14- My family think we are dating. How funny is that.

As y/n makes one of her random visits home, she decides she wants to meet the new driver. As she quickly kisses her Grandpa, she sits down for a catch up with her mum Claire and Grandpa Frank.
George takes her by surprise, walking in beside Robert. Younger than what she was expecting. "Hi... I'm y/n." She smiles sweetly at him. "This is my eldest grand baby." Frank tells him, making George smile.
"I'm George.. nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. Don't worry all good things. Are you looking forward to the season?" George asks her making sure to look her in the face. But he is just as anxious. He remembers their first meeting.

George was in his drivers room, in Abu Dhabi. The final F1 race of the season and his first chance to drive the Williams car. Getting into his race suit. When y/n had walked into his room. Her voice still rings in his ears. "Oh sorry.. You aren't Lance. Better body though."
Y/n then walked out and George hadn't seen her again. Until now.

"Oh she doesn't come to many races. Too busy with her studies." Frank says for her. "I might try and get to more races this season." George smiles at y/n, before making excuses to head to the sim for some more training. But just really wanting away from y/n. She had been on his mind, since Abu Dhabi.
"Remember she is out of your league!!" Robert teases George. "What? I wouldn't.. I'm sure Claire would kill me anyway." George laughs. Not really expecting y/n to be at a lot of races.

But on one of the days he is struggling. She is there. Annoyed at himself, the car.. Nothing going the way he wants it and to top it off, y/n is there watching him.
Y/n opens his drivers door and rushes inside. "Oh shit. Sorry. I thought you'd be in hospitality. Just trying to hide from the cameras. I hate them. You okay?" She asks him as she notices how he is holding himself.
He shakes his head. "Nope. Not really and Toto isn't listening to me. Why do you hate the cameras. You look amazing. If I'm allowed to say that." Y/n smiles.
"Aha. Thanks. What's up? You don't seem to have your sparkle. Do you need a Williams hug?" George nods his head. "Open your legs then." She teases him. But he stands up instead of letting y/n be in control, of their impending hug. It's a very brief hug, not enough for what George wanted. Or what he had in his head.
But he leaves it as it is. "I best go and find the family.. you coming to hospitality?" George asks y/n. Who is already at the door, ready to leave.

They walk together, not really having a conversation. But it works better for George as Susie Wolff has stopped y/n for a chat.
He smiles when he watches y/n walk into the hospitality. Not realising that Claire is watching him. He spots Claire having what looks like intense words with y/n, judging by their faces and how Claire pulls at y/n's outfit.
"Do not get involved.. George." His trainer says quickly, as he knows what George is like. "George... leave it." George nods his head, knowing what he is going to do.
He is on his feet following y/n out the door.

"Hey. Y/n. What's wrong? Everything okay." George asks, looking shocked that she looks furious at him. She shakes her head.
"Just leave me be George. I need to go give these to my stepdad."
George smiles, not wanting to give up. "Come see me after?" As he waits for her answer, he can sense she isn't going to reply. "Yeah? I need to go warm up and get changed. Do I get a lucky hug from you?"
This one lasts longer, he can feel her heart beating fast and hard. "Please come see me..." George pushes a kiss into her forehead without thinking. But a quick glance around he can't see any photographers. But he isn't that lucky.
It's up online before he's even changed. He gets the sense that Claire has seen something but doesn't mention it. But his trainer makes him aware of what is online.

He doesn't see y/n again until after the race and even then. It's brief and she doesn't even look at him.
He goes back to his room, to get ready to go back to the hotel. In a world of his own, George is brought back into the room when he hears her. Y/n squeals.
"Sorry!! Sorry!!" She says, getting a full look of George half naked. George stands laughing. "Enjoying the view are we?" He asks her. He watches her smirk.
"Could be better. Could be worse." Y/n can't help but tease him. George laughs, stepping closer to her again. Not bothering to put his shirt on.
"Oh? Better close up am I?" He asks her again. Y/n nods her head. "Yeah.. maybe." She laughs back at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. George takes the plunge and kisses her. Surprised when she kisses him back. "Damn..." George says when they stop. "How much trouble is this going to cost me." He asks her, smiling.

"Nothing. Grandpa already thinks something is happening." Y/n says. George looks at her. "What? Your family already think we are what? Dating?" Y/n nods her head.
"Yeah. My family think we are dating. How funny is that?" Y/n looks at him, slightly worrying about what he is going to say. Instead George kisses her again. "Maybe it's not a bad thing. As long as you are single and Sir Frank is okay with it." He says, smiling. Trying to resist the urge to nuzzle his nose against hers.
"I am single.. are you?" George nods his head, his relationship had ended a few weeks before he had even met y/n.
"I best finish getting ready... you coming back to the hotel with me?" Y/n shakes her head. "I'll go with family. Should probably keep this quiet... Mum might still go mad." George nods his head. He doesn't want to upset Claire.
But he does want to get to know her daughter more and if it's quietly he has to do. Then so be it.

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