Pierre Gasly- Christmas dreams

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Requested by Jett_Joan
14- my family think we are dating, how funny is that.

Requested by Mandolin016
2 I have known you my whole life, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you.

After the season has ended, Pierre decides to catch up with an old friend, it is her favourite time of year. It is one of those friendships that have lasted a good few falling outs, both being passionate french people. Pierre is running late, but that is always normal. Y/n knows to never expect him to be on time. Even meeting him sort of half way in the middle in Paris. Waiting for him in their typical meeting point cafe.

Y/n sits with a coffee and her phone. Waiting for him. Every time the bell of the door goes, she looks up expecting to see him. But it takes a while. Eventually he does come and he looks annoyed. "Hi.." As soon as she is in his arms again, it almost feels normal. They have barely seen each other since her cousin Anthoine died, more so to do with the current world restrictions.

"Hey.. Don't tell me you have been waiting a while for me?" He teases her. She nods her head, causing him to smile. "You never change do you? Forever early for everything. You want another coffee?" He offers, but then leaves before she can answer. He already knows what he is in the mood for. The typical over the top hot chocolate that they used to get every year with Ant. Her eyes light up with sadness. "Haven't had one of these since.. Anthoine." She says. Pierre nods his head. "I know. But you know he would want you to have them. Even if he isn't here in person. You should send a photo to Nathalie. Come on.. Look up and smile." Pierre gets a smile out of y/n eventually. "Take one of me and I will send them to her. He loved doing this and ice skating every Christmas with you. As long as I have known you, there really hasn't ever been anything I wouldn't do for you. And it has been like a lifetime I have known you." Pierre spots the typical signs of y/n crying and moves over to hug her.

They have always been close, their bond only strengthened with Anthoine passing so early. "You lie Pear. You've moved on so much from France.. and everything that came before F1. Even Cate.Now my family think I should be the one annoying you for a date. After what Anthoine used to say about us." Pierre smiles but is winded by the comment. "You know I would date you in a heartbeat.. Cate was a messy break up and the one after her. Even worse. Anthoine would be laughing up there at me right now. My private life all over the internet and stupid gossip pages. Do you still speak to Cate?" His heart hurts even more when she nods her head. "Yeah. She's a good girl. I miss seeing her at the race weekends."

"You know its funny you actually mention that.. Dating and us in the same sentence. My family have all asked me this week, if we are. They all assume as I have been speaking with you, that you will end up on the New years eve trip." Y/n looks at Pierre smiling. "Aaah good old JJ and Pascale." She laughs. Pierre nods his head smiling. "Who would think it would be my family wanting us to be together almost as much as Anthoine did." He laughs, but he knows that there is still something there no matter how much both of them deny it. "Will we go do our old walk and maybe skate?" Y/n asks him. "Oh you wanting the whole old date route?" Y/n smiles and nods her head. For many years, it was always the three of them and their partners at the time. Walking down towards the typical Christmas market they used to always visit next to the Louvre, with the big ferris wheel and ice rink.

"This feels strange being here without him." Y/n says eventually as they look at the wheel, the very same one that they all went on. Pierre puts his arm around her. "I know. It is. But we need to keep the tradition alive.. Will we skate first and then go on the wheel? Then I will get you a champagne and some chocolate strawberries." Y/n looks at him smiling.

"When did we ever get the champagne or strawberries?" She laughs, looking at Pierre who has went silent. "It can be our new tradition.. One to pass on to our kids."

He pulls her towards the rink and helps her into her boots. It all suddenly feeling so very different. Pierre being more attentive, affectionate. Holding her hand as they skate around the rink and gets very noticeably broody at the kids in their own designated part. "Pierre, why did you call me? Wanting to meet up?" Y/n asks him, as they soak in the Christmas spirit. He looks at her, looking as if he is debating something. But stops himself, from answering. Instead pulling her onto the ferris wheel with him. "Pierre.. Are you ignoring me now?" He shakes his head. "NO. The more time I spend with you, the more I realise you aren't into me. Like you used to be. I thought if I brought you here... Get a hotel room. We could connect the same way we did when we were younger. But there is something different with you now." He says, not looking at her. "Wait what? This isn't about catching up? You want a date?" Y/n looks at him. "Yes. I do. I want to stop wasting time and be with the woman that I am supposed to be with. Anthoine always knew best. He always knew what to say to us. He always wanted me to protect you, if he couldn't. He knew I loved you. He knew I was with Cate, but I was so stupid and scared of my own feelings for you, that I always just assumed we would end up together. When it was the right timing. But it's never been the right time and who knows when it will be. If we don't make it happen... And how you are looking at me. You are about to tell me you are happily with someone aren't you?" Pierre can barely look at y/n. Hating on how much more confident she is, to what she used to be.

As she shakes her head. "Nope. Still waiting on Anthoine sending him to me." Pierre looks up smiling. "Here I am then.. If you want me." He says, not in his usual confident tone. Y/n snuggles into Pierre, as they go around the ferris wheel. Eventually kissing when they get to the top. "Will we go get our photo with Santa before the champagne igloo?" Pierre smiles as y/n suggests the one thing he didn't think about. "Of course.. I will take my baby to go see Santa... For our first proper photo together?" He says unsure. But as she kisses him, he is very certain that he is taken again.

"So my family are correct then? We are together?" He asks again to be sure. "Yeah.. I have known you my whole life P, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you... Including being your girlfriend." Pierre can hardly believe it himself, he came hoping for what has happened to happen. But didn't expect it to happen. He pinches himself as they pose for photo's together. He sends the one of them and Santa to his mum, as he knows she will be elated for them.

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