Paul Aron- Winter formal

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Requested by sasgang01

15 I can protect you from anything

19 We are the only two that matter

32 Im so scared

34 Why are you shaking

Paul hadn't ever really bothered about the girls at school. They just so happened to be there at the same time as he was. He barely had time to keep in contact with the guys that he was friends with. But he always felt for one of the girls. He had known her, since kindergarten and always had a soft spot for her. "You know she's single again... You should go to winter formal with her. If you are back." Paul shakes his head. He knows he should at least offer, but doesn't feel worthy enough of her. The guys stop talking when y/n turns up for class and takes her usual seat next to Paul. As he looks at her, he feels for her. Her eyes are red and she is sniffing.

"Are you okay?" He nudges her and whispers. Y/n shakes her head, wiping her eyes on her jumper. "You need a hug?" He asks her, but she declines. Which stings his ego. She doesn't speak much during class, even during group work. Then makes a run for it when the class is over.

He keeps track of y/n when he has to go away for races. But she doesn't mention anything about a date for formal. He even knows when it is, so that he can take her if she needs him too. But all he sees on her instagram is family photos, not like the rest of the girls. She doesn't seem to be going. "Hey.. Do you have a date for the dance?" Paul texts her, instead of her being broken about her going alone. "No.. Why? You going to be home?" He smiles as he is sitting in the airport to head home from end of season celebrations. "Yeah." He sends her a photo of him in the airport with his brother Ralf. "Yeah, heading home. I wanted to ask you to the formal, but didn't know how to ask." He is surprised when y/n agrees to go with him.

As Paul leaves the house, to go collect y/n. He picks up his flowers for her. "You nervous?" Ralf asks him. Paul nods his head. He is more nervous than he thought he would be. It's just his friend. He is doing her a favour, or is she doing him the favour no, since he suggested it. Ralf pulls up and lets Paul go in himself to collect his date.
Paul is surprisingly anxious. He isn't used to feeling like this. Even more so when y/n opens the door herself. "Oh wow.. I wasn't expecting you." Y/n looks at him laughing. "Me? I live here and you asked me to the dance. Or have you forgotten?" She teases him, making him blush. Paul shakes his head and hands over the flowers. "I know I was meant to get you an arm thing, but I forgot so I got you these." Y/n smiles at him. "I'm not used to you being all shy." She raises her brow at him.
But all Paul can do is nudge her.

As Ralf drops Paul and his date off, y/n gets slower the closer she gets to the door. "You okay?" He asks her as he goes to grab her hand. She shakes her head. "I'm scared. What if they all think we are you know." Paul looks at y/n, slightly gutted that she doesn't want people to think they are together. "Why don't you want them to think, that we are together?" Her eyes go wide. "Oh I've offended you. Your out my league. You go with international girls, like ralf. It's well known at school." Paul shakes his head. "No. I wish but no. Your shaking." Y/n looks like she hasn't noticed how badly she is shaking. "I'm just that scared. What about if y/e/b/n thinks we are together." Paul shakes his head.
"Does it matter? Hasn't he got a new girlfriend and will be in there." He feels mean stating the obvious. Then feels guilty with her face. "I'll protect you. I can protect you from anything. Will we go in?"
She looks at him. "Only if you promise, to protect me." Paul nods his head and takes her hand.

They head inside together, looking as if they are a strong couple. But Paul has noticed they are barely friends if y/n has anything to do with it.
"So you brought her. How's it going?" His friends corner him, as she has slipped away with her friends to go dance. "It's okay, she's not the girl I thought I knew." Paul looks at the way his friends are looking in. Y/n is being confronted by her sneering ex and his new girlfriend.
"I'll be back." He says and runs over to her side.

Slipping his hand into hers, he takes her attention away from the sneering idiots. "You okay baby." He says loudly enough, for both of them to snap their heads up. Y/n looks at him and her eyes are full of tears. He starts to walk away from where they are, gently pulling y/n with him. "Don't cry over them. You look incredible and you're here with the hottest guy in our year." Y/n nudges him, smirking. "Gotta love your ego. Huh. Paul." He nods his head proudly.

"So would you add to it, if I was to kiss you?" He asks her cheekily. She looks up at him, worrying that she is falling for his charms. "Dance with me and then maybe." She says. Paul obviously wants to make an impression and dances with her. He pulls her close, just so she knows he is there. But she turns and kisses him. They both instantly stop moving and kiss. Not quite where he had hoped their first kiss would be, but he will take it. As they stop kissing they both become aware that a group of people are watching them. Y/n instantly runs out.
Paul takes off after her, not wanting her out in the dark on her own.
"Did you know they would do that?" She shouts at him. "No. Baby. Please stop. Where are you going." Paul shouts at her. "You've done this to make me look a fool." She shouts back at him.

"No. We are a team. I told you I would protect you. Why would I say that, if I knew they'd do that. I didn't know. I promise." He watches her, worrying about her. "Have my jacket. It's cold. You'll freeze in your dress." He shrugs off his suit jacket and pulls it over her shoulders. "Who cares what they think? I thought it was me and you against the world?" He looks at her, until she succumbs to him. Allowing him to wrap his arms around her.
"But you don't like me like that." Paul shakes his head. "It's only ever been you. I was secretly happy when I got told what had happened, selfishly it meant I could take you. I made sure I was home for you. It's only us two that matter. Not them. None of them matter, only you." Paul tells her. Pushing a kiss to her temple.

"Prove it. Call Ralf and take me away from crap hole." Her eyes are dark, unsure if it's from her crying or if she is hinting at something more than what he is expecting.
"Home before ten? Sober? Everything okay?" Ralf asks Paul. "Yeah. Everything is more than okay. We just want to get away.." he looks at y/n. Surprised when she kisses him again, whilst in the phone to Ralf. "So home to do what? Should I put protection in your room?" Road teases him. But is there double quick to pick them up.
"Oh mums got your comfies out for you. Even added another set out just in case. Think she has been speaking to your mum y/n." Who is smiling more than she was going to the winter formal.

They head up to Paul's room, ready to curl up together and watch a Christmas film.

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