Max Verstappen- One final time part 2

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requested by nafkyp

Make a part 2 we need to them together.

Standing at the back of the garage, y/n is beside herself. Of course Kelly came to the paddock this morning with Max. After she snuck out of his room. She stands almost as nervous as Jos, unable to watch the final safety car. "Right so the cars between them are allowed to unlap themselves then we race." Y/n overhears Christian say. Y/n looks at Geri who is standing closest to her. "You ready to give this all up." Geri smiles. Y/n nods her head and then watches the final lap through her fingers and unable to breathe.

"We have a new world champion... Max Verstappen." Y/n isn't even sure what to do anymore. Jos grabs her and spins her around. "Yaaaaaaay!!" The garage is loud and overwhelming. Kelly even embraces her. "Max will miss you. Hope he has done you proud." Y/n smiles at her. Of course he has done her proud, but she doesn't need to tell Kelly that. She watches as Max cries and Lando hugs him. Y/n watches the podium and decides to try and leave without saying a proper bye to anyone. But of course Max notices her trying to sleek out. "Oi.. Are you leaving? Without one last party? One last dance.. One last time?" He asks her. "Without saying well done..." Y/n realises how much that will hurt him, now that he has said it. "Yeah. I was...I should feel guilty but I don't. You walked in with her today. How do you think that makes me feel Max. But congratulations. I am most definitely not doing this again." Y/n shouts at him, walking away quicker than needed.

"Wait... don't I get a say in this?" He shouts after her. "No. You don't. Your actions spoke louder than your words. Enjoy celebration." She turns around and walks out.
"But I love you!!!" Max hollers at y/n. She turns around and stares at him.
"Stop!! You do not get to say that!!"
Max keeps following her out of where the partying is.
Max keeps shouting at her, letting her know he is still there and wanting her attention. But y/n keeps walking, which isn't like her. As conflicted as he is, Max heads back into the party a little heartbroken. But he knows she has a point.

After a day of sobering up and it all becoming so much more clear to Max. He goes and knocks on y/n's hotel room door. He knows she is still here as she is one of the few that has stayed behind to help with the post season testing. Of course she answers the door and groans. "What Max. I thought you were my room service." He shakes his head smiling at her. "I love you." Max tries again, but can see that y/n isn't falling for his words anymore. "Do you? That's great now can I get back to my film and waiting for my dinner. I will see you in the morning." Max can't help but sigh. "Come on... Y/n I am so sorry. I know I have no right or reason, to even ask you to forgive me. But I have to try. I missed you so much last night, celebrating without you is no fun. You know that and I need you." Y/n stands her ground and shakes her head. "No you don't. It is very obvious you do not need me Max. Kelly is your everything and I will never be able to compete with her. Nor do I want too." Again Max sighs. "It isn't what you think and you know that. I need you and I hate when you are like this. And leaving me." Y/n looks at him. "I don't think we can get past this and it seems unfair on you to want me too." She tells him and closes the door.

But of course Max doesn't take no for an answer. He goes and gets another key for her room. By that time, y/n has her food and is sitting watching Harry Potter. "Listen before you say anything... Or tell me to get out." Max starts. As y/n jumps and nearly looses her dinner. "Max for goodness sake. Why are you so adamant that I need to be in your life. You have already said you can't give me what I want. So why are we wasting time in pretending this is what you want?" She barks at him, getting annoyed that he won't take the hint. "Come and visit Victoria and the kids with me. Get newborn cuddles with Lio and then tell me that it is what you want." Max says. "I will break it off properly with Kelly. If you tell me it is what you want."

Y/n throws her hands in her face. Trying to figure out what to say and what to do. "Fine I will come see Victoria and the boys. But Max.. We can't keep doing this. It is not healthy." Max smiles when he knows he has the opportunity to convince her.

As they fly back to the Netherlands, Max keeps trying to make small talk with y/n. But she just isn't into it. "Whats up? Come on you know you can't go to my families house and be like this with me... Victoria will know something has happened." Y/n shakes her head. "No. She will no doubt have organised some sort of family party that I am crashing. No doubt your Mum will be there and confused as to why Kelly isn't. Remember your life has changed." Max smiles at her. He knows she is right and that his mum will know instantly that is something is up. "Aw stop. You are making excuses before we even land. They both love you..." Y/n gives up the argument. It is sometimes best to just let Max have his own way, than it is to argue with him.

As predicted by y/n, Victoria has made an effort to celebrate Max and both she and his Mum Sophie are confused with the lack of Kelly and P. "So is Max doing typical Max? Is that why you are here?" Y/n nods her head. "No point, denying it is there? I could lie and say I wanted to see you and the kids one last time. Or the christmas markets but it's not. Max has had his own way, again and I'm glad to say I am leaving, left even. As I can't keep doing this." Vic nods her head. "I know. I wish he would just say he wants to be with you. But we know he will never just commit, in the same way to you that he has done with other girls." Y/n starts to shake and cry. Max of course notices. "You okay.." Max pulls y/n's hand and leads her to a quiet room. "No I'm not. I am done being second best Max. Either commit not. Or I am done. I will stay and celebrate you with the family today and then you never contact me ever again. Because I can not and will not be made to feel like this." Max smiles at her. "So you best get your coat on then.. They are headed out to the Christmas Markets.. Wanting to make special memories with Lio. You are apart of this family.. If you want to be or not. I love you. You know that and. I will commit to you." Y/n gets up and wipes her eyes. "This changes nothing Max.. But we will go to the Markets." Max watches as she leaves and smiles when he follows her out.

As they walk around the market, Max keeps an eye on y/n as she walks and browses the stalls. "Why can't you ever make up your mind? Do you know how much she is hurting?" Victoria asks Max. Who shakes his head. "Hurting why?" Victoria sighs. "Really? No girl sleeps with a guy, for as long as you two have and not have feelings. Why do you think she is leaving Redbull, jeez you really are stupid sometimes." Max groans, he has been blind to how y/n feels and has been feeling for a while. "Come here.."  He grabs y/n's hand and pulls her back to the stall she was looking at. "What will it take you to believe me?" Y/n shakes her head. "Honestly nothing. Max. It's done. I know I want what you can't give me. You have said to me that you can't or won't give me it. So there is nothing you can do." Y/n says on the verge of tears again. "No. I know what I said and I regret it. I love you. I know it is you that I want to be with. I know its you that I want to have all of this with and be able to celebrate and you being there to be there for when it all goes to shit. Y/n I love you. The thought of losing you from my life, I just can not imagine life without you." She looks up at him, still not believing him. "Max.. I can't. I won't."

"Why? I want to have my life with you. Y/n please. Do not make me beg. I will even here in public." Y/n looks at him smiling eventually. "I love you.. Please let me show you. I promise I will do everything I can to protect you, show you the love and care that you deserve. I promise I will give you the family that you have always wished for and we can build our future dreams together and maybe start making proper memories now. Instead of you hiding behind the fact you work for Redbull against it. I would marry you instantly, as there is no one quite like you." Y/m sighs at him. "Fine kiss me now.. prove to me that you want me and not anyone else." Max doesn't have a come back. He kisses her so passionately he can hear his Mum noticing and commenting on it to Vic. Max makes more of a conscious effort to show y/n affection. Even when she is holding Luka, he is playing with her hair. Pushing kisses onto her head. "We can have this... All of this. If you say you will be mine." Y/n smiles at him. "I would, but you are still very much with Kelly aren't you?" He shakes his head and shows her his phone. He has taken the cowards way out and broken up with her over text.

"So will you be mine... Y/n be my one and only." Max asks her, as Luka goes off toddling. "If you are sure. I do not want to be messed around." Max nods his head. "I want you to be my girlfriend... Wife. Mother of my future children So will you be?" Max smiles when y/n smiles and nods her head. "You have one chance... And thats it." Max kisses her deeply, not caring about how many chances he has with her. He just needs the one.

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