Carlos Sainz- I can be your bull

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Requested by anon.

Carlos first spots y/n when he is in the garage of Mercedes, catching up with George. "So you have a whole new team?" George nods his head. "Ouch!! That's a hard one to take. Do you like them all?" Carlos laughs. "Yeah of course, I have a strong willed team behind me and it's a wide variety of backgrounds."
Not realising y/n had been listening in and he has hurt her feelings. "George.. you are needed for media now." Carlos looks at y/n. "Rude.." Carlos teases not realising how he is coming across, getting lost in translation, as her face makes it obvious. Carlos decides he doesn't like her much and he is glad that he doesn't have to see her often until he realises that she is the press officer for both Toto and George. So she is always around.

The weekends are a bit awkward between them as it is obvious there is attraction, but they also just do not like each other. Having small looks at each other and until the other one notices that they are being looked at. Their eyes dart apart every time they connect. Standing in the garage with George, y/n is chatting about the race and where he thinks that he will finish. It's something they always chat about at this time of day. Even though there is masses of anticipation and hustle going on.

As the season kicks off and they end up constantly bumping into each other. It's almost something that can't be helped. Every day they end up in the same area. But the looks are deathly and you wouldn't want to be on either side of them. "You should make a bet with her.. Who ever she is." Charles says to Carlos. "Even though she works for a different team." Charles nods his head. "Yeah. Do it at whatever race you feel like you can win and take her on a date." Charles tells him.

It takes Carlos a couple weeks to get the extra confidence he needs to make the bet. He bumps into her without George around which is what he wants. "Hey.. Y/n can we chat a while?" He asks her almost shaking. "Sure.. What is it? I don't have lots of free time.." Her attitude is one Carlos isn't used too. "I get that. I do. But I want to speak with you. I only need a few minutes." Carlos says getting annoyed at her. She never seems to want to give him the time of day, even for a quick chat.

"Can we make a bet?" He asks her, taking in her beautiful dark curls, that she always plays with. He has heard from George how she has broken the mould and how lucky that she hasn't followed in the footsteps of her Mum and became a typical Dominican housewife. "Sure, whats the bet and why a bet?" She asks him looking amused, biting her lip. "Aaaah don't do that. If I get a podium this weekend, will you come on a date with me. Please." Carlos looks so incredibly vunerable with y/n. "Yeah I could do, but I need at least a P2 or Win for a date. P3.. I will be at the afterparty and you can chat to me there." Carlos grins at her. "So you agree?" Y/n nods her head. "I need to go.. You know work and all. It is the Monaco GP. Nothing stops here.Good luck.. I suppose." Y/n walks away and Carlos can hardly believe he done it. He has actually asked her or rather betted with her. He now just needs to get a P2... Not that difficult in most tracks. But this is Monaco.

Y/n stands in her usual spot in the garage watching Georges race. Her eyes do wander to the red cars to see where Carlos is. Debating if the bet was a good idea. She smiles when she notices that Carlos is down near the bottom of the grid. But she knows he is a charger and he will make his way back up to the top. The race finishes with a surprising line up on the podiums. Lando.. Carlos and George. Carlos couldn't beat his old team mate, but he bet George. So y/n will have to go on a date with him. Not that it is an issue, she only hates him so much, as she knows she could never be the one he would want.

Carlos watches as George embraces, y/n almost gutted that it isn't him that she is hugging. But she does put out her hand to fist bump him. Carlos takes the lead and grabs her fist and pulls her into him. Even though the worlds media is watching them. "So date time? Straight after this?" He whispers to her. Her dark eyes meet his and she smiles. "Maybe.. Congratulations on the podium." Y/n heads back to her team, leaving Carlos wanting more. A lot more. He keeps his eyes on her, as she watches the podium clapping for George.

"George.. can you give that beautiful press officer of yours. My number. She is due me a date." Carlos laughs, worrying if George would actually do it. Until he gets a text from her. "So what is the plans for this date then?" Carlos smiles at his phone. Surprised that she is actually wanting to go on a date with him. But he now also means he has to try and find a table for them. But with it being Monaco, there is no tables.

"So... How does a late night dinner sound, in my hotel room. Gives us the quiet we need to get to know each other better... Find out why you always look like you want charge at me., when I am supposed to the Spanish bull. Your bull." Carlos can't help but tease her. But he can't wait to see her out of her Mercedes uniform and get to know her out with the track.

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