Lando Norris- Family

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Requested by Desyweasley3113

8- is that my hoody?
90- taking baby home from hospital

Lando paces the hotel room, he is more nervous about this one test than he has entire life.
It has taken him six months of being openly in a relationship, for him to ask if y/n would come to a GP. Let alone this. Weeks later. "Has it been ninety seconds yet? Are you crying?" Lando shouts through the door, not quite got to the stage he feels comfortable just walking in.
Unlike Max, his best mate who just walks into their hotel room unannounced.
Just as y/n walks out test first so Lando can see. "What the hell? You two aren't having a scare are you?" Max laughs loudly. Watching their faces drop.

"No. Max it's not just a scare. Since you are here for everything else you might as well be apart of it." Lando looks at her. "What?" Lando looks at y/n. His heart filling with love and the want to protect her. "Serious?" He asks, his eyes brimming with tears. Watching as y/n nods her head.
"Nah. I'd do another few just to make sure... don't want you thinking your pregnant and it being a false test." Max can't help himself. "No. Max. Out." Lando shouts at him. "Serious. Mate. You know what girls are like.."
Max leaves but texts Oliver Lando's brother ruining the surprise.

"Will we get a hospital appointment when we go back to Monaco?" Y/n nods her head, unsure herself on what to do. "Right we need to head to the track. If you want to come." Y/n nods her head. She doesn't want to miss a race weekend now.
As they walk through the paddock, Lando can't help but smile as he looks at her. It's quick and exciting. Scary. But he knows y/n and it's very much the opposite of what people online are saying.

"I can't wait to see what the future holds, I'm sure I'll be exciting." Lando smiles as he looks up and over to y/n. He loves his chats with Natalie, but it's killing him not to shout out from the rooftops that he will become a dad before the new season.

Heading into their hospital appointment. Lando keeps looking at y/n. "You're in my hoody. Aren't you?" He beams at y/n, clutching her hand. "Yeah. For luck." Lando squeezes her hand. "It looks amazing on you babe. We don't need luck. We have each other and baby bean. He kisses her and rubs her belly. "I love you both so much already." They kiss again before y/n is being called in.
"Okay... so here is your little baby heartbeat." Lando looks so intently at it, he almost forgets to breathe and crumbles. Y/n sneakily takes a photo as she wants to remind him of this moment when he complains he's tired, when bean gives them no sleep.
"Sorry I've just never been to anything like this... that really is our baby. Aaaaah. Bean what are you doing to me."
Y/n turns and looks at Lando, his response is almost as good as seeing their baby for the first time on the screen.
Leaving the hospital, Lando is more giddy than usual. Holding the scan photo in his hands and looking at it instead of where he is going.

It's a fairly quick season for Lando, as when he's not at the track or traveling. He's sorting out things for his soon to be baby.
Spending the last few weeks of his typical normality away and at races that y/n can't get too. Due to how heavily pregnant she is.
He's just home, when y/n goes into labour. He has been worrying all weekend due to y/n saying she had been feeling twinges.

Lando barely gets rest as he comes in and basically has to go straight out to the hospital.
One minute holding her hand, encouraging her to push out the afterbirth. But she has to be whisked away.
Scaring Lando.
He is left holding their baby. Terrified about what is happening to y/n.
"It'll help you bond with her, if you do some skin to skin, Mr Norris."
Lando looks up at the midwife. "Lando. Please just Lando. How is y/n doing?" The midwife leaves and goes to find out. Allowing Lando to take his top off and sit with baby no name on his chest.
"Just me and you baby. Just me and you. Mummy will be okay though. She's strong. Beautiful. Incredible. You'll be so loved by her, she'll teach you how to do everything. She'll kiss your booboos and fight for you every day. She's my world. My sunshine on a rainy day. My moon and stars when my world gets dark. She'll be your everything too baby." Lando sits talking to his new daughter.

Holding her and loving the new feelings he has got. He doesn't even notice the door opening and y/n being wheeled back in. "So she will need to rest. But you can give the baby to her, so she can do some skin to skin. Get mamas milk starting." Lando nods his head. He knows no different really and they didn't talk about how she would feed baby. So he doesn't even know if she wants to breastfeed.
He sits quietly just taking in the beautiful sight of his girlfriend and their baby. "Can I take a photo?" Lando asks her. Y/n nods her head. "Yeah. You should be in one too." He smiles.
He helps y/n sit up more and gets a cute photo of his girls. Or more than one. He can't help himself.
"Oh sorry. Do you want to be in one with them Lando?" The midwife has came in to check on y/n.
He nods his head. Having lost his words. Even though he is used to doing photoshoots, but this is different.

As y/n needed intervention, Lando's girls are in hospital for his birthday, as it's only a few days after. But he is excited as they are being discharged.
Their home almost perfect and waiting for them.
The car seat in the car and a nervous Lando heading into the hospital to get them.
He has one of his favourite hoodies for y/n to wear.
"Come on then.. let's take you girls home. Your chariot awaits my ladies."
Lando watches and helps y/n gets ready, then gives her the hoodie. "Look in the pocket."
Lando slips down onto one knee, whilst holding his girl.
"What? You okaaay!!!" Y/n asks whilst grabbing the little box in the jumper.
She looks at Lando and he is unable to speak.
"Will you be a Norris too? Will you marry me?" He stutters out, but barely able to say it. He had a whole speech sorted but isn't able to say it.
"Yes!!!" Y/n screams at him. Helping Lando get back up off of the floor with their baby. She kisses him and squeezes his cheek. Since she can't jump into his arms.
"I love you Lando, let's get our family home and then sort out Monaco.
Y/n games a photo of Lando carrying the car seat out of the hospital and waddles behind him.
He stops just as she takes the photo and looks around at her. "I love you y/n. Even with this being a crazy ride so far." He smiles happy that they are both safe and healthy.

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