17: Skills

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WWWAAAAZZZZUPPPP GUUUYYSSSS! Finally back with another update! I was too careless of this story, I'm gonna make it up! Writer's Block is gonee!! And I'll be regularly updating and editing the chapters that I was still an amateur. Hope you guys like it!

Edited: April 28, 2017



Kay's POV

The thought that I sat on Kai's lap while I was shape shifted as Monggu actually made my face color red and it woke me up all night. I kept thinking of it and I think I got only four hours of sleep. Omo, I'm so sleepy and yet I woke up early.

I didn't bother to fix my bed and went downstairs to get some breakfast. I'm daym hungry. First, I grabbed my bathrobe and wore it since I was still in my hideous hello kitty pajamas.

My hair was still all messy and I kept rubbing my eyes since they're itchy and I still can't see properly due to the brightness of the room. I look like a little kid whose lost with hideous hello kitty pajamas.

The stairs were looking at me saying 'Step on us.. STEP ON US!' And so I did, slowly. I didn't take the lift since it was too mind blowing with all the candy and stuff there.

I can't smell breakfast because there is no one cooking at all, guess it's me. I have an average skill of cooking and for once, I wanted myself to cook, not the maids.

I entered the kitchen and the first thing on my mind was milk. Milk makes me relax and energize. I grabbed a glass inside the cupboard on the way and opened the fridge. It's so cool~ cool~ cool~

The milk carton suddenly floated while I was still pouring its contents into my glass, and the milk was floating around. It's like I'm in space all of a sudden.

Disadvantages of your powers when you lack of sleep...

Ms. Ann! Ahh... Okay, fine then. I raised my hand by my chest and controlled the milk with my mind for it to go back to the carton, but it just won't. Oh come on! I'm craving for milk here!

I kept on snapping my fingers so that it would go back inside the milk carton but it's no use, it's still floating. I tried different powers to keep it back again but it doesn't work. Lack of sleep sucks.

After several tries of trying, it finally went back and I poured the milk inside my glass up to half. I drank it all in one gulp and returned the milk carton back to it's place. Now I can cook! But still sleepy, at least the milk helped!

Forgot to tell you. When you use your powers, the marks don't show up not unless you want to enhance your powers then it shows up. It's been changed, I read from The Book.

Gosh Ms. Ann! You can't keep on scaring me like this! All of my thoughts, everyone who has the ability can hear you know! You don't have to worry! Your like my umma!


She giggled, I can hear it. And then I continue cooking. Wait, what will I cook? I heard something weird going on outside the kitchen. I'm like a wolf since I have super senses, as I peeked on the small window, Kyungsoo was going down the stairs.

I better cook fast! I grabbed some eggs and frozen floating bacon came after me. I soon started cooking and I hear the kitchen door open. Kyungsoo's steps are nearing me bit by bit.

"Morning Kyungsoo." I greeted and was followed with a yawn, good thing I wasn't looking at him.

"Aww.. I was gonna scare you, how did you know I was coming or was me?" I heard him say behind me, I acted like I didn't hear anything. Skills Kyungsoo, Skills.

"Yah... Let me handle that, you seem still sleepy. Can't get over the fact that you sat on Kai's lap?" He took the spatula from me and my eyes widened on the last part he said.

"Skills Kay, Skills." He said to me and smirked. This is absurd, I must go now.

"I'm gonna go back to sleep." I said and walked out of the kitchen, ringing the bell beside the door on the way.

"Ne~" I heard him reply as I was now going up the flight of stairs. Ugh, it's so long. Can't I sleep on the sofa instead? Oh! Great idea!

I turned my back on the stairs who were still forcing me to step on them and sat on the couch. Comfy couch will save me.

I turned the Television on and guessed what channel was on? MNET! But it's EXO. Mou, it's great enough to have them inside my house and Kyungsoo cooking for me than to see then on television. HAHAHA.

"Juseyo dalkomhan geuman Ice Cream Cake~" I'm singing the wrong lyrics. MNET was showing a preview of EXO's pathcode teasers. Woah, did they do this before they went here? I thought they were on hiatus now? Meh.

"Nae mam eotteokhallae~" I moved my head left and right to the beat of the song, since they're actually doing it. Enough K-Pop, I need sleep! I layed down the soft cushion.

That reminds me, you need to train today!

I sat up as the voice of Ms. Ann echoed in my head. I do need to train since I still can't control it. Like that milk situation. But I'm still sleepy. Care to give a kid with hello kitty pajamas some time to sleep?

Train at the backyard now!

Yes ma'am! I stood up and sprinted upstairs to get dressed properly and did I mention you that it was still seven in the morning? I guess I woke up a bit earlier than seven.

I went out the backyard and tied my hair in a bun. I had a blue sweater, white jeans, and converse on. It was the only 'Training' material clothes that I could find.

What am I supposed to do if you're not here? I asked in my head, hoping that she'll answer.

"That's why I'm right behind you." Someone behind me said and due to shock, I sprayed that person with water. Good thing that Ms. Ann teleported beside me quickly.

"I said do not scare me like that!" I said as I slapped her arms in a jokingly way.

"Your water control is a bit off. You should do it like this." Then she sprayed me with water, but good thing that I had instincts to tell me to fly above her! Haha!

"Omo! You can now fly!" Ms. Ann said as she flew with me. Won't we be seen like this?

"Don't worry child, your house is protected by a shield that if you look outside, it's completely normal. So we can train here, it also takes a few feet high." Ms. Ann cleared as she flew away from me and stretched out her arm, the shield wiggled. Ohh.

I ducked. Ms. Ann was shooting fire balls at me. So I did the best I can to fight off with her and protect myself. I even used my different abilities, which Ms. Ann actually all have!


I got to earn 3 new powers. Flight, Thunder, and Frost. Nice!

"Your skills are great child, you are improving very greatly. Let's stop this training now and head inside. Your friends are drooling already by looking at us." I turned to look at our house and saw them by the balcony, they were watching the whole time.

"Annyeong~" I waved at them looking up. Suddenly, small thunder bolts came shooting out of my hand.

"But you still lack of control, maybe sleep a bit early and stop thinking of Kai." I snapped my head at her and when I came to look at her, she was already inside, laughing.




:D Hehe, I love my updates. Hope you guys liked it! :3 edited! Thank you all~ love you guys so much!


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