2: Fire Power

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A/N: This is already edited~ Don't worry guys! I didn't edit any part off but I just corrected the grammar and all. Thanks for reading guys~ 

Edited: July 03, 2016



I woke up due to smelling something burning. I opened my eyes and felt an unusual feeling in my right hand. I turned my attention to it and found it on fire! How do I put it off? I shook my hand, hoping that the air would somehow put it off. But it was useless! I looked all around the room to see no one, good thing they won't be able to see this. 

"Come on! Turn off! Turn off!" I repeatedly say and kept holding my hand, but I really didn't feel anything burning.

"Water!" I thought and went to the bathroom. I turned the faucet on and washed my hand but it would only hurt if I touched water.

"Aww!" I jumped and held my hand. What do I do? I placed my right hand that was caught on fire on the faucet and sooner, the metal started to melt. This would seem fun, when you learn how to control it.

"Calm down, inhale and exhale." I closed my eyes and hoped that the fire would be gone. When I opened my eyes again, the fire was up to my arm! It was burning the plastic hose that connected the IV pole to it. I screamed and quickly thought of a way. I locked the door knob so if someone would be willing to come in a mental person's room, they won't be as shocked. 

The plastic hose that was connected to the IV pole melted, making the dextrose water splash all over me. I screamed again, I didn't know what to do by now.

"Please stop." I cried. The gauze pad burned and turned into ash, making me see a mark that was like a bird and it was glowing. The bird mark glowed brighter and suddenly the fire reached up to my shoulder. The sleeves of the hospital gown burned, making the fire spread to all parts of the hospital gown.

My anger got the best of me and the fire grew bigger. The hospital gown was long gone but I was suddenly wearing a new set of clothes. A white shirt, black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots. When the fire touched the water sprinkler, water burst out and touched my ever growing fire, making me feel like being stabbed by a thousand knives. 

"STOP!" I screamed, hoping my skin wouldn't get singes once this was over. The water put out my fire and it's as if my energy was too. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized how pale my face was. I washed my face and my arms, trying to prevent that sticky feeling when you sweat and the sweat will probably still stick to you. From inside the bathroom, I heard the door open outside then closed after. 

"Kay, where are you?" I heard Kris' voice call me. 

"I'm in here!" I shouted from inside. 

"Okay." A faint reply from him. How am I going to go outside in this and without the dextrose? The needle! Where is that needle? I looked at my right forearm and there, placed inside my forearm, a needle with blood drooping over it. That was why my face was so pale.

I carefully held the tip of the needle and slowly pulled it out,  biting my lower lip to prevent the pain. I successfully pulled the needle out from my arm and grabbed a gauze pad in the medicine kit. I placed the gauze pad on my right forearm, to prevent it from bleeding. What am I going to do? I'm all better now so I don't need to be nervous. I stepped outside to see Kris and Kai sitting on the couch.

They looked at me and their eyes widened when they saw me. I walked towards them, I shook my left hand over their eyes and they were still wide eyed and staring at me. I put my left hand on Kai's head and my right hand on Kris' head, I banged their heads together, which made them snap out of their reverie. 

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