28: Welcome to Aretesque Academy

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A/N: Annyeooooong~ sorry I haven't updated for the past 4 weeks >.< school was really hectic since teachers started giving out projects at the same time so I hadn't really got the time to even check my account. The last week was also exam week so I just got to rest now. But then, it will always be like this right? I'll update frequently and I would suddenly disappear. That's how students work, I guess hahahaha. But for the sake of you guys, I updated :D So uhm, one update for now and I will try my very best to update next week. God forbid more projects to come >.< anyways, thank you guys sooooo much! Don't forget to vote, comment and share! love you all soo much!Didn't need to edit this because it was okay~



Kay's POV

I stepped inside the realm in front of me. Light surrounded me at first but it was gone as I took a few more steps forward. An academy. Students. Teachers. Magic. What is this place? An huge academy stood in front of me and students in dark blue colored uniforms were wondering around, but there was one weird thing. Everyone was at least using one power.

A student passed by in front of me, her book was floating in front of her as she read it. And I could see boys playing soccer on the grass but one of them kicked the ball so hard that it flew away, the guys playing with him groaning because of what he did.

Students took sight of me but ignored me anyway. I was new, definitely new to whatever this was. But then a girl in a uniform as everyone else came to me. She had auburn hair in a high ponytail and her features were slender, she was petite maybe three inches shorter than me, I was 5'7". She had a warm smile plastered on her lips and I knew we had same ages.


"Hi, are you new here?" She asked and surveyed our surroundings.

"Yeah, I am. I just came from... somewhere there." I said and pointed behind me, where there was nothing but a stage with a garden around it. I looked at her and shock was evident in her expression.

"Y-You came from t-that stage?" She asked, pointing slightly behind me and I nodded at her. But I was taken aback when she suddenly grabbed my hand tight and we suddenly whooshed to the academy, students passing us by so quickly. We stopped in front of a room that had a golden plate, carved 'Principal' on it. She looked at me and once again smiled.

"Go. She waits for you, legendary one." After she said that, she once again vanished like air. My head was swirling a bit from that experience. Wait what did she call me? Legendary one? What did she mean by that? I knocked on the door three times and heard a soft 'come in' from inside. I twisted the door knob and went inside.

The room had a warm aura, the curtains pulled to the side, letting sunlight pour in the room. Books were neatly stacked in shelves in one corner and a big desk was in the middle of the room, two chairs in front of it. The person sitting on an office chair with a really high backrest looked at me intently, almost creeping the heck out of me. But nevertheless, she had a smile on.

She gestured to one chair that was in front of her, making me sit down. I sat down hesitantly and looked at her.

"You're Kay, right? The one from America?" She asked, raising a perfect eyebrow at me. I nodded and finally got the chance to look at her closely. She had slight wrinkles on the side of her eyes and had dark brown eyes, a bob cut and a dark blue colored work uniform. There was a sigil on the left part of her chest.

The sigil contained two slanting arrows facing together and in the middle of those arrows was a pigeon carrying a kind of plant on its beak. Weird but kind of unique.

"Welcome to Aretesque Academy, legendary one." She greeted and smiled at me. But the name she called me rang in my head. Why were they calling me 'legendary one'? I'm just a normal girl... with powers, that's all.

"Thank you, but something's wrong with what you just had called me." I said and furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm not legendary, I just stumbled upon here because my mentor, Ms. Ann had brought me to Korea." I protested and looked at her smile disappear and turn into a frown.

"I'm guessing that you know you have a gift, right? This school is for training and taking care of people like you who have a gift. But you are different, I have been monitoring you since the day you had that high fever of yours." She said, concern taking over her face.

"You may not believe me but it is true, you are the first one to come from that stage in this century. The stage that Areum has spoken of was legendary. People who come from there have more than one ability. Aren't I right, Kay?" She asked, locking eyes with me. I had a hard time believing her, I haven't even discovered all my powers and yet here I am in this academy.

"I guess.. I guess you're right." I mumbled, looking out the window.

"You will be staying here for a while, to train and advance your powers." She said and grabbed a pad of paper from the side and wrote something down. She then gave me the paper and I looked at it, ready to recite the words of Ena meros opou tha synantithoun thrylikitha epidioxoun but she stopped me.

"You will recite those words if you want to come to the academy. There are only a few spots in Seoul that can teleport you to Aretesque but by saying these words, it can directly teleport you here without being seen by people. Got it, Kay?" She asked and smiled at me again.

"You can call me Ms. Ji, by the way." I nodded and thanked her, making my way out of her room.

So, what was I going to do now?


A/N: Hellloooooo guys!~ I updated :D and I promise you, the exciting parts are coming and I just get impatient because I want to spill everything out. So I am going to change writing styles, I'm going to expose more parts but everyone can still understand it. Kinda hard but I'll try my best! and guys! You can tell me if the chapters are short or not, I'll edit them again!

Oh! And if anyone can guess what language was the chant given by Ms. Ji, I'll give them a prize! And the person who first guesses can name that prize! But you have to know, not guess ;) Love you all~ vote, comment and share! Thank you for everything guys!!


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