37: Stay in School, kids

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A/N: Hello!!! Another update is hereee I still seriously don't know how to end this story and it seems that i'm so attached to it that i don't want to end it?? if you all have some ideas on how to end the story then kindly comment down your ideas! it really would help me out! thank you love lots!!!!

ALSO! I want to give a heads up to y'all that I'm continuing the story as OT12. I'm sorry if some of you don't favor it but I wrote this story back when they were still complete and some of them are the main characters so I really need to stick to OT12. Hoping for your kind consideration, everyone and just simply enjoy the story! Thank you! 



Kay's POV

The sun started to rise and I still couldn't sleep. What Ms. Ann told me before Kai came in my room bothered me so much to the point that my fangirling feels from Kai's kiss slowly faded and the worry drowned me. Although I was so contented with Kai but I can't help thinking about Baek... or Kris. What did they feel?

I turned to the left side of my bed and watched the colon in between the hour and the minutes from my digital clock blink. It blinked exactly ten times before the minute changed. I was getting so bored and distracted by my thoughts that I didn't notice someone running loudly in the hallway.

It was still 5:13 so who gave a damn, everyone's asleep. I hurriedly slipped my over sized jacket on, wore my chucks, and went out the door to catch the one who ran. I was too late as I only saw his back fading away and turning a left, towards the stairs going to the living room. Super early morning jog perhaps? 

Giving my powers a rest for the day, I sprinted down the hallway and when I got to the stairs, the mysterious figure was already out the door. Okay, what's important is that I saw him and he was blonde. Who among the boys was blonde for today's fansign? I don't know.

I ran out the door and turned a right, seeing that the person's back was already turning another right after. This boy is damn fast.

As I arrived at the turn, I realized that the person was already gon-

"AAH!" I screamed and jumped in fright as the person jumped up from his hiding spot and tried to scare me. Kris! The blonde and tall man hugged me from behind and bonded me with his arms, trying to act like a kidnapper.

"Put! me! down!" I said and frantically kicked my feet everywhere, managing to jab his rib with my elbow. "Ow! What the hell!" He said, releasing me and crouching down to his legs.

"Oh my god I'm sorry!" I said and crouched along with him, holding his arm and trying to make him face me. Well, that was a bad idea as he looked like he was in so much pain while holding his rib. Ow.

"You shouldn't have posed as a kidnapper!" I told him and made him stand up with me. I touched the part of his rib where he was touching and he grabbed my wrist, restraining me from touching further.

"NO, you'll hurt me more!" He said, a pained look still crossing his face. 

"I will help you." I reassuringly said and softly touched his rib. Closing my eyes, I willed all the power in me to heal him. To relieve him of his pain. I opened my eyes and removed my hand from him. A part of me was glowing, I know it.

"Gee, thanks.." Kris shyly said and after a few moments, a jokingly angry face replaced his shy one.

"Wow, school really is teaching you combat huh?" He said and laughed at the end. Well, he was right.

"Well, yeah. It's part of everything we need to learn and I'M SORRY ALRIGHT, I didn't mean to. It's instinct!" I reasoned out, putting my hands in front of me as he just laughed my reasoning away.

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