39: Love Shot

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A/N: Hello!! It's very sad to say that these last two chapters are the story's ending. After years, I finally get this story to end. I hope you'll all like the ending as there are many plot twists and decisions to make HEHE I think I won't be writing a longer-ish one for this? Just the same length as the two previous chapters uwu continue reading!! Love lots T.T






What..? I stirred in my sleep, trying to block the annoying sounds away. I hugged Kai beside me tighter, as he was freezing because of the cold and because he was still shirtless. Dumb boy doesn't wear a shirt to sleep, apparently. Look at him now, freezing.

It seems that he had noticed the sound too, moving his arm and pulling up the blanket higher, making us hide under it. Unexpectedly, the blanket was yanked away from our bodies, exposing us to the light.

"OOOOOOH SPICY!" Someone had shouted and my eyes jolted open. Some people just had to ruin our sleep, huh.

"Oh fuck off." I cursed at them, sitting up and looking at Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Chen taking pictures and videos of us sleeping on the couch as they also walked in circles, getting different angles. It's not like we did some kind of scandal? Oh wait, this could be considered a scandal for Kai's part hehe.

"Mmm, ignore them, come back here." Kai muttered under his sleep, pulling his arm which was draped across my stomach closer to him. 

"OOOH DID YOU ALL HEAR THAT FOLKS? KAI IS SUCH A SWEET TALKER TO THE LADIES!" Baekhyun shouted into his phone and zoomed in on Kai's face, zooming in on mine after. I threw a pillow at him in return, him swiftly catching it with the other hand. 

I chose to ignore them as it was no use because they will keep on pestering us and just turned my body to look at Kai peacefully sleeping. The far window on the right already showed the bright sun and beautiful sky. The light was shining down on him perfectly, enlightening his face and sculpting his features.

What a beautiful creature in front of me and I am so thankful that this creature is mine.. I thought, at the same time ChanBaekChen stopped creating annoying descriptions of us and screamed, cooed, and laughed at the same time.

I continued to ignore what they were saying as they said so many things at the same time and reacted over each other's reactions but nonetheless continued to film us. I softly put my hand on Kai's cheek, caressing his cheek with my thumb. At the same time, he opened his beautiful brown eyes and stared at me.

"So I'm your creature now?" He asked, a slight smile playing on his lips. He would never let this go and would tease me forever. Now I could determine why the three idiots were reacting so badly now, they heard me.

"I really have got to stop broadcasting things in my head, huh?" I asked him, laughing at my own words. He laughed along with me and sat up to face me.

"WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CREATURE IN FRONT OF ME!" Chanyeol continued to press, now in front of Kai and dramatically caressing his cheek as I did earlier, still filming.

"I AM THANKFUL THIS CREATURE IS MINE, OH CATCH ME!" Chen acted, dramatically putting the back of his hand on his forehead and fake fainted as Baekhyun fake caught him.

I laughed at their imitation of me a while ago. It was good to get some laughs around. Kai stood up, pointed towards the three of them and said, "I'm gonna get you hyungs!" and ran after them. They all ran around the house, leaving me to get back up to my room and prepare for school

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