7: Still Can't Handle The Spazzing!

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Yeoreobun! I am back with another update! Yehet! I wanted to update because I'm in a good mood because I got accepted in the girls soccer team!

Have I ever told you guys that I play soccer? Well now you know!

I'm gonna make another book despite me having a book which still doesn't have a Chapter 1 or in other words, I'm still making it.

Happy 2k reads on Grandmother's Wrath! I'm screaming with Joy. Get it? How many followers have I gained?

Edited:  April 28, 2017



Kay's POV

"Hey. I thought you guys were going back to Korea today?" Candy asked in English 'cause she basically doesn't know Korean, I know she's spazzing inside right now, that they're not leaving America.

"What? You want us to leave?" Kris asked with a pout making Ace go ballistic. Still can't handle the spazzing ey? They started to slowly walk out.

"Wait! Wait! No!" The three girls which are Vi, Ace, and Candy said in unison, jumping off the stage and running to them. EXO immediately came in and started to sit around.

"I knew it." Kai smirked and fist bumped with Baekhyun.

I silently heard Vi squeal. What's so good about his smik that can make her squeal like that? It's not like she understood what he said. Did she understand?! I'm gonna change the bracelet into Korean now. I pushed the 'Kor' on the bracelet and I can now understand what they were saying. I'm also a linguist you know.

"So you guys are staying?" I asked in Korean and I also translated it to my friends.

"Yep! Well, we're sort of like in a hiatus for doing so much work. Manager hyung gave us 4 weeks to stay here and probably we'll also go to school for the mean time." Suho, being the leader, answered for the group.

"And we'll have to learn English too, to enhance our languages in other countries." Kris added. I translated everything to my friends and they nodded.

"Okay, where will you guys be staying?" Ace asked and they all answered in unison.

"In Kay's house."

Before I could react, the author switched to another POV -_-

Kay's Dad's POV

"Honey, we'll be having a guest tonight okay? They're quite alot." I told my awesome wife (I know it's kind of weird to call my wife 'Awesome' because we're old and stuff but I'm still childish by heart :D)

"How many dear?" My wife asked with a smile while bringing over some coffee.

"12." I replied and drank coffee with her.

She choked on the coffee because it was hot or maybe because she was surprised that we'll have 12 guests tonight?

"T-twel-lve?" She coughed while I rubbed her back and gave her a paper napkin. So she choked because we'll have twelve guests. How surprising.

"Yes honey, they are staying with us because they are a friend of Kay's and I am also friends with their dads." I answered and she had calmed down now.

"Well okay. Who are they?" She asked and looked at me.

"Secret." I winked at her and gave a billion watt smile. She giggled and didn't mind it because guests are always welcome in our home. She's been spazzing over me since yesterday. Still can't handle the spazzing ey?

"Come here." I told her and gave her a soft peck on the lips.

It's like we were still young.

Kay's POV

"WHAT?!" I reacted, why are they staying in my house?! I bet mom and dad aren't gonna allow them!

You don't know what's up your father's sleeves Kay

I have a bad bad feeling about this. I can't have 12 gorgeous and HOT guys in my house! It will be raided with fangirls and the wort part is, SAESANGS! To add it up May is also an EXO fan! How am I going to bring them to my house without being spotted?!

Oh you're giving me a headache! Then something went through me! Aha! Teleport!

But I still can't show them and I have weak teleporting skills. Maybe I would teleport them to the Eiffle Tower and you know how a baby is Luhan on heights.




Finished the update! Is it short? Tell me if it is! Hahaha! I brought out Kay's Dad's awesomeness!

I might add SHINee on the next chapter and I'm gonna make one of them Kay's cousin who is also s--- ep! ep! ep! Why am I revealing this?!

I'm gonna go now *bows* this is already edited!


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