18: Rivals

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Hello readers! -- silent readers, welcome. Have fun reading and comment down your opinions about this update~ It's nice to hear that atleast one person commented. Don't you authors feel that too? It just makes you happy that someone likes your story. So, please, comment down your opinons. It makes me so happy and brings me joy :D Anyway, here's my update! Hope you guys like it~ \•^•/ Didn't need to edit this because it was okay~



"Omo eomma! You're cooking is so delicious! I want more!" I suddenly spoke up. No, I'm not talking to my mother. I'm talking to D.O! His cooking is so gooood! No wonder he's called as the 'Eomma' within EXO! And Suho is the appa. Hehe.

"Thanks Kay~ American cuisine is actually very easy to prepare, and I've been studying." He faced me and winked. Eurgh, that eomma. He studied? So he really expected that he's going to cook here? Huh.

"Next time, I won't let you in my kitchen." I said and pointed a finger to him, which he just chuckled. Yah! Don't forget that I can cook too! Scratch that, my cooking is better than his! Mehrong~

Everyone sat down and I caught Ms. Ann looking at us. Doesn't she even get hungry? After all that training, she's not hungry?

"Ms. Ann, please, sit down." I said, offering her a seat beside me on my right. On my left, was D.O eomma and Kai was infront of me. D.O's still intimidating me by his cooking. That jerk! Although he may seem very nice on TV, he's really not in real life! Kai was in front of me.

"Ah no, no. I'm not hungry, you kids eat." Ms. Ann exclaimed as she waved her hands in front of me. Like that'll help, she's been staring at the food for a few minutes now. Pfffft!~

"Come on Ms. Ann! You're now also part of our family! And besides, you've been staring at the food for long now." I said and smirked, seeing her look everywhere but me.

"Okay then..." She said and took the seat on my left. Now that's Ms. Ann!

"Thank you for the food!" We all chanted and started eating. Well, the food is free so why not? Ah, I need to keep balance of my weight, I'm getting fat :( Even though there's a lot of training going on, I'm still eating like there's no tomorrow. Well that's me!

I ate some Chicken, and another Chicken, and another one, and-- "Yah! Yah! Yah! Don't eat all the chicken!" Kai slapped my hand away from the bowl, taking one from himself too. Psh, selfish Chicken maniac.

"Oooh~ someone has finally beaten Kai on the position of Chicken Maniac!" Chanyeol and Chen chorused and squealed together like little girls, their hands together and have dreamy sparkling eyes. Kai's the Chicken Maniac? Whaaa? It's him? PFFFT. I'm so much better.

"You're the Chicken Maniac? Oh puh-lease." I said as I smirked and licked my spoon, which was covered with sauce. Kai and I shared death glares as we heard coos from them.

"Yah. Eat this." D.O's voice greeted me and a carrot was shoved into my mouth. Doesn't he know that I hate these? I'm allergic to these. I spit the carrot out and my hands started shaking.

"You... Don't go and just shove some stuff in my mouth yeah? You might not know that I'm allergic to carrots." I said and glared at D.O. This big eyed freak thinks he's the king, well I'll show you. Once I finished what I said, his eyes went wide and they crowded around me.

"Shit!" Violet cursed and neared me, taking my face in her hands. My vision started to get blurry, but I still could make out their faces on whose who. I fell on the chair and ended up on the floor, my jelly legs.

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