15: Hunt for the Troublesome Kids

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Hello guys! I (J)Hope you'd understand this chapter because in this chapter, I will be changing point of views from time to time so read clearly ne? Hope you like this! And please do forgive me for all of the errors :) Please vote and comment~~

Edited: April 28, 2017



Kay's POV

I parked my car near the doors of the mall and made sure that I had everything covered. My arms were covered with the sweater. So far there are none at the legs, hopefully. My sweater can cover up to my hands, so it's okay. I walked inside and stared at the mall in horror.

It's so big.

How am I going to find them here? They can be really troublesome and purposely hide from me -.- Ughh, the disadvantages of them being together and away from.. me. I expect the older ones to stop them! I will not believe that Kris, Xiumin, Luhan, Lay, and Suho to join them and be all gangster-ish! It'll be a total nightmare.

There are four floors all in all and it's very wide. So much stores and shops. Welcome to hell Kay.

I roamed around the ground floor first, catching some clothes that I want to buy, but I'm sort of in a mission here. Mom can't stand that the boys are not in the house without her permission. Actually, I was the one who the boys asked permission to, but I didn't ask mom for permission. It means... I'll be the one who's gonna be in trouble -.-

I think I'm trapped.


It's been twenty minutes now and I still can't find them! I have two floor left to visit, the third floor and the fourth floor. Ah, my feet are already sore. I'm starting to think that they are purposely doing this to me. I've heard giggles around me and I was sure that they were Violet's and Candy's. I've gained super senses last week, I'll tell you the story later.

I can see that people were looking at me weirdly. I mean, I covered everything right? Right?! There's nothing on my face right? Okay, I need to go to the girl's restroom. I walked to the restroom and good thing that there were no people around. Well, there's nothing on my face too, what's wrong with me?

I got out of the restroom again and started to look for them. I'm actually hungry now, for spending a hour and a half looking for them. Well, I'll get in trouble if I don't look for them even. So, sacrifices.

I went to the third floor, still catching weird looks on me. I'll ignore them for now, but I'll ask Candy later after I kill them. Hehehe..

I went to the arcade, I think it's the biggest place here. Bwah!! I'm damn tired now!! I can teleport to them! But.. there are a lot of people around. Well... they are busy playing with the games. I'll just watch out for the guards.. hehehe.

I hid behind a pillar and closed my eyes, starting to concentrate going inside the arcade. I felt the world stop before me and I could feel like my skin was being split into small pieces. Then, a black puff of smoke was left, and I teleported to the arcade.

People playing were so many, the machines and the small games for the children or teenagers to play. I can't believe I'm here. I really can't believe I am here! Ugh.. need to find those dorks and kill then fast. Even in the arcade, I still get weird looks from other people! Wait, didn't I say I'll ignore it? Bah!

Since all of the people were busy playing with their chosen games, I teleported from place to place on where I wanted to go to in the arcade. I'm somehow thinking that they went here, because there are a lot of people saying that EXO went here. Darn, I forgot their famous.

I went out of the arcade and heard something that caught my attention.

"Come on! Let's keep hiding from her!" I heard. It seems like Sehun's voice. I knew it! I knew that they were hiding! Bah! Well, too bad boys, 'cause I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

I headed to the source and also heard some murmuring and shuffling of feet. They're in one group and they keep laughing at me. I can see them here on the third floor, they're on the fourth floor. Candy kept looking at me and suddenly hid, murmuring something like 'I saw her looking here! To another location!' Even if they wore their disguises, I can still properly see them.

Good luck on that Candy. I'm going to hunt you guys later on. I hid behind a pillar and made sure that there were no people looking at me, and teleported to the fourth floor. Instantly seeing that they went down by escalator. Ugh..

I walked to the escalator, since it was near from where I teleported anyway. Okay, the escalator was packed with people riding. I was actually with two more girls, we were in one stair. And here it goes again, they kept looking at me weirdly! The boys got down first and started running to who-knows-where. Grr..

I was still in the process of going down, catching some weird looks on me. Suddenly, a girl that was with me in the escalator neared me and smiled. What is going on? What did I do? I think that was her friend that was with her.

"Hello, sorry to bother you but, are you a fan of Kai?" She asked me as she and her friend squealed. They're purely American but I think they've learned Korean because of 'Kai'.

"As in EXO's Kai? That Kai with the dark skin?" I asked as they somehow had a giggle fit.

"Ne, Kamjjong In." Her friend nodded and said to me.

"Wait, why are you asking me this question again?" I asked dumbfounded. I mean, they just suddenly walked in and asked me about Kai.

"Because of your tattoo!" They said together and I asked myself. What tattoo? A mark? But I was sure that I cove-- TELEPORTATION! It's on my nape! Waaaah! I forgot about it! Ugh! And I was even in a fishtail braid! That's why a lot of people were looking at me earlier!

"Ahh that.. Yeah, I'm a fan of him." I said and suddenly rubbed my nape, I curse my mouth for saying such foul things. I'm going to use mouthwash later. Bwa...

"Uwaaah! I so love the tattoo! You even got his symbol on MAMA era!" The girl told me, I don't even know her name! I'll ask her.

"I know. What's your name by the way?" I asked as I sounded not to be rude.

"I'm Emma and this is my best friend, Luna." She smiled and Luna bowed. But isn't Luna a popular singer? Why do I know this kind of information?

"And you are?" Emma asked.

"I'm Kay." I answered and looked at them squeal.

"Your name even sound like Kai's! So lucky!" They squealed and threaded their arms with mine and started to jump up and down. I don't like the sound of this. I can't believe I forgot about teleportation when I was practically using it earlier!

"Ne.." I muttered, half whined.

"Can you speak Kore--" I cut Luna off.

"Listen girls. I have something important to do and I need to find somebody very important that if I lost them, my life will be the exchange of it." I said in a serious face and walked out suddenly. Ugh.. I know that was mean but I need to teach those guys a lesson.



Whooo~~ Kay's sort of 'tattoo' revealed by two saesangs. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ!! I so love her badass style and the way she dresses herself. Nice right? Anyway, If you happened to read that I had errors, please forgive me. And please do vote and comment! A star is better than words! Edited and thank you all~


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