33: Special

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A/N: Hey everyone~ how was the last update? Kay is finally revealed to be the legendary one! I seriously have no idea on how to end this story lol. I'm thinking of finishing it within the 40th chapter? 45? Just within those numbers because I have yet to finish another story which I realize I'm ignoring, SORRY FOR THAT GRANDMOTHER'S WRATH! I decided to finish Destined then work on Grandmother's Wrath. Hope y'all can wait because I'm going to update Destined faster. Heeeeheeee lol anyway, hope y'all like this chapter~! muwah~



Kay's POV

Today I decided to walk to school since teleporting on that stage won't make my situation any better especially if the class I was in yesterday already found out that I'm the legendary one. It is a bit far walking so I took off the dorm by six in the morning. What I didn't expect was the whole of EXO-K came with me.

You don't know how many times I told them that it would be dangerous since they're stars and I'm a student. Kyungsoo said "It's six in the morning, meh." He was actually the one who wanted to go the most so everyone just followed. So they got dressed and apparently, they were going to jog with me.

They had shorts on and all of them wore tracksuits. Like the ones where the ahjummas would wear in Korean dramas. Most of them wore black and even had masks on. I really don't know how idols take this life. No privacy, no freedom. I wanted to ask them but I got too shy hahaha.

But in the end I did ask them, but I asked no one in particular. "How do you guys survive the idol life? You practically have no freedom and privacy.." I blurted.

"Oh, Kay.. You don't need to worry about that." Suho said as he jogged slowly beside me.

"We usually don't worry about that as long as we're doing what we love everyday." Sehun said and shrugged. Baekhyun and Chanyeol looked at each other and said an "OHHH!" then looked at Sehun.

"Big words, Hunnie!" Chanyeol said and laughed. His deep voice radiates around me and I laughed a bit. Sehun glared at both of them and huffed air.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter. Although fans might get a bit overboard, they're the reason why we're here anyway." Kai said and looked at me. I nodded slowly, taking in all of the idol information.

"It's not as hard, but we really need to meet other people's expectations." Baekhyun said, I think what he means is his singing. Baekhyun's a really great singer, that's something I learned from Candy. And a little bit from research.

"I'll cheer on for you!" I said brightly and smiled. They all looked at me as if they saw something wrong. 

"U-U-Uh.. yeah.." Chanyeol stuttered and faced the other way. He put on his hood and hid his face. What was wrong with him? So were the other boys and I looked at all of them weirdly. 

We arrived my destination and I waved them bye.

"Do good in school!" Suho said and raised his hand to wave at me. I smiled and nodded enthusiastically. Suho is like my father while I'm here, I don't know why he treats me so well. 

"BYE KAY!" A loud shout came from their group which was a little far away from the school. I jumped in shock and put my finger on my lips indicating for them to quiet down. People are already around and I'm worried they might get swarmed. I waved a bye one last time and they were gone.

I turned around on my heel and suddenly bumped on a chest. I looked up and saw it was Mark. He looked really weird with all of the light surrounding him lately. The light just complimented his complexion and hair. Was this boy Edward? I was mentally shocked and just realized how close our faces were.

My eyes widened and I took one large step back. I could feel the blood rising up my cheeks, probably making my face red. I looked at him again and found him smiling at me. I'm dead..

I quickly teleported inside the school since we were just standing outside, beyond the gates. That was really really close... I touched my face and it was a bit hot. My legs are shaking and I leaned on the wall next to me.

I closed my eyes and just felt the fast beating of my heart. FREAKING MARK!

"Hey, you okay?" I heard someone ask in front of me and I opened my eyes. 

"Sh*t!" I cursed because once again, Mark was so freaking close to my face! I jumped back and glared at him. How did he get here so fast?

"What is your problem?!" I said and crossed my arms, breathing heavily.

"Huh?" He said and tilted his head, confused. This boy is playing hard to get, I hate him.

I walked past him and started to go else where. People were here but not that usual crowd since it was still fifteen minutes until class starts. I heard Mark's footsteps following and before I knew it, he was walking beside me. I got to the garden, the sight of nature just calms me.

"Hey! You never told me you were the legendary one." Mark said and sat on the bench across me, I was looking at the beautifully colored blue-orange flowers. Weird, but amazing.

"That was what I said when we were getting our uniforms. It's a bit complicated.." I said and looked back at him, to see him just staring at me. I turned back fully and looked at him back.

"Well that explains why it's complicated." Mark said and chuckled at the end. I laughed a bit and walked to him, sitting beside him on the bench. Well I guess it's better not to see his face rather than just staring at each other as we speak. It's awkward like that... At least for me. I don't know with him.

"Sorry I didn't tell you earlier or yesterday. I couldn't find you." I said and lightly tapped my fingers on my thigh.

"Couldn't find you either. I guess we were just busy, it was the first day yesterday after all." He said and nodded to himself, as if coming up with an answer to his question in his mind.

"But how did you know I was the 'legendary one' the name is so cliche." I said and pursed my lips while shaking my head. I side eyed him and found him looking at the vines above us.

"You're all around the school. Didn't know when it got out but once it got out, it started spreading like wild fire." He said and looked at me. I grunted, knowing that all the attention would be on me for the first days. I felt weird, as if the outcome I was thinking of was going to happen later on.

"Don't you like it? You're like the most powerful person in school." Mark said and chuckled at the end. What's so good about that?

"Wouldn't that just put all the burden on me?" I said, thinking how hard it would be because I was 'special'. Special training, special competitions, special attention...

"No matter what problems you face, I need you to know that I'm always here to help you. Okay?" I looked at him and he was looking back at me. He had a soft smile on his lips and I was overwhelmed. To have a person who is like me and beside me in a foreign country like this, it's nice.

I can have someone to lean on without worrying about anything else. 

"Thank you." I said sincerely and smiled. Suddenly the bell rang. We both stood up and went to classes.


A/N: Hiiiiiiiiiiiii Mark is so so sweet hurhur I don't know where I'm suddenly getting weird feels about Mark but it's not good ahahah does anyone have nice date ideas? Comment down if you have one! Hope you all like this update~ don't forget to vote, comment and share! Love y'all so so much~! 

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