34: Fridate

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A/N: Heyyyyyyyyooo~ I haven't updated for 5 days because my family had a reunion with our other family members and I was really busy. No internet for about 3 days and I haven't had my hands on my laptop since now huhu T____T so yeah, I'm just updating today and I hope you'll like it~



Kay's POV

It's been a week since I started training and I feel myself getting better everyday. I have full control to any sudden situations and I've grown a lot busier due to training but I got enough time to myself and I like it that way.

Today is Friday and I don't know what's going to happen next. I was reminded by Kai earlier this morning for the thing he had by one in the afternoon. I went to school for the morning sessions and went home by noon. The teachers had a conference which meant my whole afternoon was free, thankfully. 

I went in my room and stressed. I don't know what to wear. Should I wear something formal? Casual? What are we going to do and where are we going? If I had known then it would have been easier to choose what to wear! You hear me, Kai?! No, of course he can't.

I dressed in a white button down polo shirt with light pink flowers on it that were up to my elbows. I paired them with a black skater skirt that went about 2 inches above my knees. I tucked the polo in so it wouldn't look weird. Then I wore black stockings so my legs being seen wouldn't be a bother. I wore white chucks so it would be comfortable to walk with. 

I let my brown hair down and fixed my bangs just the way they are. I looked at the full length mirror and I looked nice. Nicer than I thought. I brought a small black back with me and put in my wallet, phone and a few makeup things. I slung it on my shoulder and went out. 

Just as I opened my door, Kai was standing outside with his hand formed as a fist raised by his shoulder as if he was about to knock on the door. I looked at him with slightly wide eyes just as he did to me. That slightly surprised me.

He was wearing a white v-neck and black ripped jeans. It took me a moment to realize that I was checking him out and I raised my head up to him in surprise. He just stood there looking at me, just as I was looking at him earlier. He just hasn't realized it yet... 

"Kai..?" I asked and searched for his eyes.

"Y-You look good." He said and locked eye with me, his cheeks turning a slight pink.

"You can say so yourself." I said and smiled. He smiled back.

"Shall we go?" He said and gestured his hand out the door. I nodded and went out of the room, closing the door behind me.

We walked side by side to the stairs, just hanging through the awkward silence. I didn't know it would be this awkward. Goodness.

The other members were sitting on the couches at the living room just watching television. I also hear the microwave on, popcorn popping. Was this the usual 'rest' they do? Seems kind of boring... Weren't they supposed to be sleeping instead? Staying up is so tiring.

"Hey, Kai. Where are you going?" Chen asked and I saw Chanyeol's head popped up from the couch. Kyungsoo side eyed us and Xiumin turned his head to us.

"With Kay..?" Baekhyun asked and looked keen. I waved and smiled at them. Baekhyun waved back with his square smile. Lay said a small 'hey' from the floor, he was sleeping I guess..

"Just going to do some errands." Kai said and grabbed my hand then we brisk walked to the door, hearing a chorus of 'Hey's and grumbles. 

"What was that about?" I said and chuckled at the end.

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