31: First Day in A Academy

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A/N: Annyeeeeoooonnnggg~ here's another update! Hope you all like it since there was a new character involved~ hehe who likes Mark so far? Comment down on what you think about Mark~ thanks everyone! Hope you'll like this update!



Kay's POV

I paced around in my room. I clutched my hands into fists. I bit my lip so hard I thought I tasted blood. I ran both my hands through my hair and stomped my feet. IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.

Not regular school, but magic school! That's why I'm really nervous. I couldn't sleep a wink last night, thinking about the good and bad things that are going to happen tomorrow. What if they don't accept me? What if I'll be the bullied one? What if some evil spirit abducts me? Okay, that's overboard but still possible.

It's currently six in the morning and it'll be an hour before I finally go to school. I sat on my bed in my pajamas and stared at the invisible mark on my arms. They were invisible if you look at it from a far but if you look closely, you can see the weird designs engraved in a sort of peach color so it blended well with my skin.

I decided to take a bath but someone had knocked on my door. I was shocked that maybe the members wanted to see me at six in the morning? I laughed mentally and went to get the door.

"Yes?" I greeted and was met with the face of Kai. A smile immediately went up on my lips, it's been a while since I talked with him. He looked back at me with a smile and asked, "Can I come in?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah.." I said and fiddled with the door to open it wider, he stepped in my room. What was he doing in six in the morning in my room? He should still be sleeping since they still have a schedule. I sat on my bed and patted the space beside me, indicating for him to sit beside me.

"What brings you to my room at six in the morning?" I said and chuckled at the end. He fiddled with his fingers on his lap, as if nervous-- wait was he?

"Uhm.. are you.." He started. Okay, maybe he was nervous? For what? He wasn't looking at me and was only looking down so the only thing I saw was the side of his face.

"Am I..?" I asked, waiting for him to continue.

"On Friday.. are you.." He said again. He kept stuttering and his nape was red. Did he catch Baekhyun's fever?

"Your neck is a bit red, did you catch Baekhyun's fever?" I asked and brought the back of my hand to his neck. He jumped out of shock and slapped my hand. Ouch. A stinging feeling instantly brought it's way to my hand. I instantly pulled my hand back and rubbed it.

"Hey! What was that for?" I asked, eyebrows furrowed. Kai immediately panicked upon seeing my reaction and is probably regretting what he had done in his mind.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! a-ah.. I didn't know why I did that! I'm so sorry, Kay!" At this point, he was on the floor, bowing. I took a look at him and chuckled. Was he serious? He raised his head and his eyebrows were furrowed, he looked like a puppy! So cute!

"W-Why are you laughing?" He asked and stood back up, slowly sitting on my bed.

"You're so cute oh my god." I said and laughed, covering my mouth because I'm afraid that the whole nation will be able to hear my laugh.

"W-What?" He asked in surprise. 

"You don't have to bow! Gosh, it's okay Kai. Although I don't know why you did that..." I said after calming down from laughing and smiled at me.

"It's too early too be nervous ha ha ha." He laughed awkwardly and the atmosphere slowly became awkward so I asked him on what he was going to ask earlier.

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