27: Made Enhanced

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A/N: Hey guys~ sorry I couldn't update any sooner. My friend's birthday was today and I couldn't say no >.< so now I'm making it up to you for maybe... a double update? But it won't be for this book though. I've been neglecting that book for too long that it's making me guilty. So don't forget to vote, comment and share~ I would appreciate it so much! love you guys all~ Didn't need to edit this because it was okay~



Kay's POV

EXO had let me stay over in their dorm since I hadn't have anywhere to stay anyway. Suho suggested that Xiumin would stay in his room for me to sleep in Xiumin's room since he was the cleanest, I guess. I didn't believe it much since in Xiumin's room, there was a corner where it was super messy and all the parts except that part of his room were clean. Weird.

I had woken up due to someone banging open my door and shuffling of feet were heard. Then, my bed started bouncing up and down, indicating that someone was indeed jumping on my bed. Who gave them the initiative to do that? Since when we're we close? Oh yeah, since the three idiots back in America practically forced me all day to come and hang out with the boys.

"What the.." I managed to mumble out, lifting my head to see who destroyed my morning. As expected, it was the clingy one, Chanyeol. Seriously, he was about six feet tall and when he was bouncing on my bed and flew up, the distance of his feet and my bed were about a two meters. How does he not hit his head?

"Yeol.." I mumbled and grunted, slowly getting irritated at how my body would be bouncing up and down too since he was jumping non stop. I lifted my arm and waited when his feet would touch my bed and shoved him off. He did a flip and perfectly landed on the floor, as if I didn't actually push him. I was left astounded as I sat up, looking at him square in the eye.

"How?" I squeaked out. He gave me a toothy grin and I noticed that his cheeks had a slight pink tint to them. A thought crossed my mind, is this the one like Jared's? Uh-oh... I hope it isn't.

"Breakfast is ready downstairs, you sleepyhead." Chanyeol said and pointed his thumb to his back before leaving the room himself. I stared blankly into space, everything still wasn't sinking in. How the hell did he do that? I lifted myself off of the bed and headed for the bathroom right across Xiumin's room. It was weird since they were many and had only one bathroom.

After I took a shower and got dressed, I went downstairs but suddenly got teleported to where the dining room was. I seriously teleport frequently nowadays. In front of me was Kai, a hand clutched to where his heart was and his face evident with shock. He was mid-way chewing on food and his mouth was slightly ajar. I smiled slightly upon seeing him but laughed at his expression.

"F*ck!" I heard someone scream and was followed by a plate shattering to the ground, its pieces all over the place. My head whipped to the certain direction and found Sehun staring at me, his face also implanted with shock and his hand was open, where the plate was once there. I guess he also saw me teleporting. 

D.O smacked him upright the head. "Stop swearing you ass." I rolled my eyes. I guess I now know why Sehun swears that much... 

He had been swearing since last night, saying stuff in the lines of "That is dope sh*t.", "Who was the a**hole who stole my food?", and some other swearing words. But I guess it wasn't his fault. They were being pressured by the media and the fans, of course they were hiding something not very good in their dorm.

Everyone looked at me, their eyes slowly widening upon realizing my presence. Some stopped chewing their food and stared at me. And some just didn't care. But Baekhyun, unable to stand an awkward situation breaks the ice.

"You have got to stop popping out of nowhere just like that." He said, slowly lifting up his burger and eating it. I flashed them a sheepish smile and bowed. I sat beside Kris who was shocked a bit but nevertheless ate his food, as if used to it already. 

The members got quiet whenever my powers would be seen. It was like they were in a trance or something. I couldn't figure it out but I hope it won't be like Jared's case.

"I think I won't be getting used to this..." Someone mumbled from behind me. I turned back to find Lay who was walking to the fridge but his eyes still on me. He looked cute with his scared expression and arms folded to his chest. Especially because he has that innocent look to his face. I chuckled shortly before going back to my food.

"Kay, we can't actually stay here with you because we have a hectic schedule." Suho said, rubbing his nape. I looked at him and the boy behind him. I nodded and smiled a little saying that it was alright. After eating the boys said they couldn't stay because they had a schedule. But that was okay since I, too was going somewhere. Ms. Ann texted me that I had to find a certain school and it would require my powers to find it. In public?!

So before the time runs shorter, I left their dorm and started going where my feet were taking me. I started following my instincts actually but I thought that it would get me nowhere because I kept staring straight ahead and just walking. But what I didn't expect was my head hitting something hard in front of me.

I stumbled back but regained my stance when I stared at what was in front of me. Nothing. So what had hit me?

I rubbed my forehead with my hand but nevertheless started going forward, now holding out my other hand. People walking beside me started looking at me weirdly. A girl walking slowly in front of her and holding out her hand like a freak. Who wouldn't?

My hand had bumped into something in front of me. It was cold and also round. I held it with both of my hands and started going sideways, feeling more into it. Then I felt something like a switch. I pressed it down and the round object I had touched first revealed. It was a door knob. But damn it was big.

I held the door knob and twisted it around. A door then appeared to my right but there wasn't any knob or lever or anything. Just a plain wooden door. I neared the door and stared at it. I placed my hand flat on the door and the door started disappearing, revealing a whole new world inside it. 


A/N: This is where the fun starts actually. The other chapters were pretty much boring because in that stage, I had author's block back then. But now~ we're getting close to the ending. Hahaha we're close but so far. So many stuff will be revealed and confessions to be made. So stay tuned for everything! Don't forget to vote, comment and share~ and don't hesitate to complain if the chapter is short or not, you can recommend how many words you guys always make in a chapter. Love you all guys <333


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