30: New Life?

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A/N: Here's an update as I promised! Guess who's on the picture~ Hope you'll all like it!



Kay's POV

Since I was new in school, it was a given that today was my free day since it was the only day that I could be able to grab all the stuff I needed for school and it was freaking me out but I was kind of excited. Finally! A school that doesn't teach history and science classes! I'll be able to be out in the field, trying to lift a tree or something. I still didn't know what this school offered so surprises are waiting for me tomorrow.

I went out of the dorm by 10 am and went to the mall. Why? Because I needed to shop for new clothes! The clothes I have brought from America are so out of style from Korea's so I got to fill out my girl needs okay! I bought at least 5 bags filled with clothing from different stores. I roamed mostly in Saint Laurent, Gucci, ZARA and Victoria Secret. After I shopped, I was thinking of going to a book store but will I really be needing books for this school? Don't think so.

I received a text message from Ms. Ji that I should be getting my uniform from Forever 21. I stared and read her message five more times. Excuse me, what? School uniform? Forever 21? Was she being real? I started to walk to the building which had a big 'F21' in pink on it. Aretesque Academy gets their uniforms from Forever 21? You have got to be kidding me.

I went inside of Forever 21 and found everything so normal. People picking, trying on, buying clothes. It was a big place and it had three floors. Am I supposed to go hunting now? I went near the elevator because it had directions on which floor is which. The first floor had the men section, the second floor for the women and the third floor for the sports wear and kids.

Where was I supposed to go? I stared at the light pink colored boards which had the floors on it and never realized an invisible (but visible to me) board which slowly popped up. It had a number 4 on it indicating for the fourth floor and a 'MAGIC' which was engraved in a weird font, almost as if a child scribbling on his coloring book made it.

I then realized it only popped up because it had sensed magic which was the symbol on my forearm glowing a light pink. I looked at the elevator and decided to go to the fourth floor, my destination. It was like I was just shopping ordinarily. I was on the third floor, almost arriving at the fourth floor when the lights suddenly flickered on and off and it felt like everything was shaking.

I grew worried, what if this was just a trap? I was proven wrong when the elevator doors created a 'ding' sound and they opened to the fourth floor. Everyone was flying, like literally flying. All the clothes were still there but they had more of a pattern into it. People were walking in the air, grabbing to which uniform they needed.

Uniforms were stacked on shelves and hangers but they went all up. From the floor up to the ceiling, the walls were only filled with clothes. There were shelves and hangers with clothes floating everywhere, and they too were moving in a particular order. Everyone was busy and I'm not sure if anyone could attend to my needs so I started moving forward.

But I was stopped by someone placing their arm on my stomach. I looked to my right and saw a guy who was pointing down. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked to where he was pointing. I looked down and gasped. Upon the sight, I jumped and moved backwards. It was a hole, like an abyss, it wend down and down and down until I could only see light.

"Watch where you're going there, miss..." The guy said and I looked at him, shock still evident in my face.

"Did I almost just...?" I said stuttering, my eyes wide and my finger pointing down to the sort of abyss which I almost fell in and practically DIED. The guy laughed, that sort of laugh which felt like there was no tomorrow but he still looked good while doing it. Some can't even looked good because they're busy dying but this guy just had light surrounding him while he laughed at me.

I stared at him as he calmed down. "You think cute." He said. Oh. My. God. I immediately blocked my mind with my powers. He just read my mind! How embarrassing! I could feel the blood rushing up my cheeks as he smiled down at me.

"Which school are you going to?" He asked, changing the topic since me blushing at him thinking I thought cutely was not making my face any better.

"Uhm.. Aretesque Academy." I said and checked my phone for Ms. Ji's text. She sent me to grab two of my uniforms.

"Oh, same! Let's go get our uniforms!" He said and smiled, pointing to which ever he's pointing behind him. He walked forward in the middle of the air but I held his arm back, thinking he would fall in the hole. He looked back at me and softly smiled, looking down at his feet and I looked down too. He was flying. I forgot that almost everyone had powers, so I let his arm go.

I walked forward and concentrated on flying with my telepathy. Soon as I expected, we were flying to the endless amount of clothes.


"I never got your--"

"What's your--"

We asked at the same time. We were currently paying for our uniforms at the counter. They were wonderfully colored dark blue and had sigils on the left side on the chest. I liked how they had options for other colors but Ms. Ji specifically told me to get a light blue one. The guy who helped me grabbed the dark blue one and I still don't know his name.

"You first." We both said at the same time again. I chuckled at how awkward could this be.

"What's your name?" I asked quickly, knowing that we'd be saying this again at the same time if I hadn't asked quickly.

"It's Mark. Kim Mark." He said and let out his hand for a handshake. I shook his hand and smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Mark. I'm Kay Smith." I introduced. His face filled with surprise caught me off guard, he then started speaking English.

"American?" Mark said in an English accent, this time I was the one surprised. I discreetly changed the bracelet on my arm to English since I couldn't speak a different language if I wouldn't change the bracelet but I could understand it.

"Yeah, came all the way from LA." I said and put the uniforms I had chosen on the counter. I showed them my card and they did all kinds to it before giving it to me and putting the clothes in a bag.

"Oh, cool. My family lives there too." Mark said and put his clothes on the counter. He seemed sad as he mentioned his family so I changed the topic.

"What's your power?" I asked him. He grabbed the bag with his clothes in it and we started making our way towards the elevator.

"I have telepathy and I can also make people fall in love." He said and laughed at the end. There was a power such as that?

"Seriously? You're a bit dangerous then." I said and chuckled. He laughed with me too.

"How about yours?" He asked as the elevator doors opened. We both stepped inside and I pressed the first floor button. Upon hearing his question, I tried to think of an answer in my head. I had a lot of powers, where do I start?

"It's a bit complicated.." I drifted, rubbing my arm as if a mysterious wind just passed by.

"Oh, you don't know your power yet?" He asked and before I got to deny it, he started talking more.

"You'll find it out once you start training. I heard that Aretesque is the best school for taking care of 'enhanced' people. I'll help you find your powers." He said with a smile. I smiled back at him but wondered what his reaction would be once he finds out that I was the 'legendary one'.

The bags we brought now concealed a "Forever 21" on it in white and pink. What a strategy. Mark and I spent the day together, filing out what we needed for school. I also got to know him more and I wondered if he would be my friend through out the school year.

Let's find out tomorrow, shall we?


A/N: Hi guys! Like the new update? Tell me what you think about Mark in the comments section! Don't forget to vote, share and comment! Love you all!

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