26: Back in Business

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A/N: Welcome back guys! An update in the weekdays just because today is a holiday hehehe. So might as well just take this day to make an update, right? I had planned to like, wake up early because I still had assignment to do and there would be quizzes tomorrow T.T Update now, study later hahaha Don't forget to vote and comment guys! Love you all~~ Didn't need to edit this because it was okay~



Kay's POV

I stared at EXO with wide eyes, a laugh trying to escape my lips. Yes, right before me, was EXO.. in their pajamas. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing right now. The number one Korean boy group who were gaining so much attention every day, worldwide, were in pajamas right before me. It seems as though they were having a pillow fight.

Baekhyun, who was holding a pillow was about to hit D.O but stopped mid-way when he saw me. His eyes were wide just like everyone else's in the room. It's as if they were frozen by my appearance, all wide eyed and jaws agape. I raised my hand and waved. "Hi guys."

As if there was a tumble weed that had passed in front of us, we stayed quiet. At least they were the ones who stayed quiet. I stared at all of them, their faces slowly coming back to me. One boy I recognized by the name of Luhan dropped his pillow and charged at me, tackling me in a bear hug.

"Kay!" He screamed joyously, seeming to have missed me the most. As if only now gaining back their sense of mind, they all charged at me, hugging me and creating a group hug. I pressed the Korean button on my bracelet and understood that they were all saying the lines of "We missed you so much!", "How come you didn't visit?", "How could she visit when we're on the other side of Earth you dumbo!", "How have you been?" and some random screaming made by Chen.

I laughed at the conversation Chanyeol and D.O were having. Chanyeol was the one who asked me why I couldn't come and visit and D.O was the one who smacked him upright his head and said that Korea was too far away to be a usual visit. They were all tackling me by their questions, me unable to answer them one by one since they kept coming and coming.

"Okay guys, okay!" Suho said, clapping his hands and shoving away the boys who were making a circle around me. They made way for their leader but still complaining about why he got to be so special. After shoving the boys away, Suho stood in front of me, a big smile way up his face. He then stopped to look at me, purposely doing it to annoy his members. They groaned.

"Get along with it!" Kai said, obviously impatient. As I was studying the expressions of the boys, Suho surprised me with a hug. He soon let go and the other boys started hugging me individually, Kai being the last with the longest hug. I sure missed him the most too.

After that short reunion, we all hung out in their living room, mostly them asking the questions and me answering all of them. The question that took me long to answer the most was Tao's.

"How did you suddenly pop in in our dorm?" Tao asked me, his eyes filled with wonder. I hesitated to answer but then I remembered that they already saw my powers so it wasn't a big deal to reveal it to them again. I raised my left hand and concentrated on making fire come out of it.

"I have powers, remember?" I said, the flame in my hands suddenly becoming bigger. They all stared at my hand as if remembering something.

"OH YEAH!" Sehun and Tao exclaimed, giving each other a high five. They all nodded, remembering that day that I exposed my secret to all of them when in fact, I should have been hiding it from them. They're the number one Korean boy group, who knows what might happen to them if they're seen to be hanging out with me?

"Could you show us more?" Lay said, suddenly interested in my powers. It's as if he forgot that I showed it to them. Well, you guys know Lay. I lifted my right hand and gestured it in front of me. All the pillows and the feathers scattered on the floor started floating and coming to one corner of their dorm, basically cleaning up the mess. Once it was stacked in a corner, Lay stared at me in awe, his eyes giving a sudden twinkle. He looked cute while doing it.

"Great goddess, will you be mine?" Baekhyun said and knelt in front of me jokingly. Kris hit him upright on the head even though he was only joking. Baekhyun grumbled something under his breath cutely and sat beside me instead, folding his arm and jutting his lower lip out. I ruffled his hair, unable to hold my inner fangirl.

"So, what are you doing here?" Xiumin asked, eyeing me from behind the couch in front of me. Oh yeah, why did I suddenly teleport to their dorm? I thought Ms. Ann would be fetching me or something? I checked my phone and there were no messages nor notifications.

"What am I doing here? I still couldn't master being able to teleport to far away places. That was only before I still couldn't control it." I said and furrowed my eyebrows. This has got to be Ms. Ann's doing and that letter for the 'trip' from before. 

"I guess I just have to find this out on my own." I said and gave a curt nod, encouraging myself from the inside.


A/N: Hii guys~ do you like this chapter? Yeah or naw? Comment down below of what you think! Kay is finally in Korea! But why is she there? Is it just to  visit EXO or for some other reason? What could it be? Comment down below! Love you guys all~ thank you for supporting me all this time. I couldn't have asked for more. Vote, comment and share~ and tell me if the update is short! I'll make it longer in this weekend's update!


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