16: The Truth Shall Set You Free

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Wazzup? How are you? Okay.. Uhmm.. I actually have nothing else to say but.. Please vote and comment! I wish you'd all stay with me till the end! Love you all!

Edited: April 28, 2017



Author's POV

"Listen, you know Kay right?" Candy asked seriously as all of them sat in a long chair. They have been quite close to each other that they don't get awkward anymore.

"Duhh~~ Of course we know her." Baekhyun said as he rolled his eyes, sort of does not fit his ego and destroyed some of it too.

"We're serious here." Violet said, crossing her arms as she looked at all of the boys.

"Okay okay." Baekhyun responded as he raised his hands up in surrender.

"Well, she has powers." Ace said, the one who was brave enough to tell the boys the truth. Suddenly, the boys started to laugh out loud that the people were looking at them weirdly. Because, who would've thought that twelve guys in disguise would laugh out loud in the open?

"Yah. Keep it down, we're even using a special bracelet that Kay gave us to speak to you guys in Korean." Candy said as she raised her left hand, same with the two. It was disguised as a friendship bracelet but it was actually like Kay's.

"Well, it's technology. Some special bracelets really have those." Chanyeol said as he shrugged.

"Ugh. But we're serious here, Kay really has powers." Violet said, looking around if someone heard it or if Kay was coming. Kai's face became pale when he remembered that he was on top of the Eiffel Tower because of Kay, he knew she has powers.

"Can't you show us?" Tao asked as he smirked. Suddenly, the time stopped and the people around them stopped moving. The fifteen of them were only the ones moving.

"Oh no.." Ace muttered and stood up immediately, looking around. Trouble was coming to their way and it was inevitable.

"What's happening?" Sehun asked as he held onto Luhan's arm, getting scared. While the latter just hugged him.

"Why did everything and everyone stop moving?" Xiumin asked as he also stood up, seeing if there was anyone who was moving at all.

"Because I'm here." A sudden poof of black smoke appeared in front of them. With arms crossed, Kay looked at all of them seriously. Her marks and symbols glowing inside of her blue sweater. The boys' eyes immediately went wide at her presence.

She turned her head slowly to the three girls cowering in the corner, then she glared. Her eyes were not in the normal color, it was changing to the colors of the rainbow. She pointed her hand to the three and lifted it, the three was sent floating in the air. They screamed out of terror and the boys' face went out of color.

"Kay!" Kai shouted and came near her, trying to make her put the three down on the ground.

"What?!" Kay looked at him with furious eyes, to the fact that her eyes are not her normal brown ones. Kai seemed to have gone pale, but he had the courage to put the three down.

"Put them down." Kai said as he held Kay's shoulders. Suddenly, Kay's hand dropped down and her whole body fell on Kai's and Kai caught her without trouble. She fainted, and everything went back to moving. The three girls were now on the ground and EXO kept quiet, they were still in disguise.

Kai dragged Kay to the boys and made her sit down, her head on his shoulder. They crowded on the two but sooner the crowd vanished when the three girls came to check at them.

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