10: Getting Kay To Calm Down

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As Arnold Schwarzenegger would say, I'M BACK. Hoya guys~! Update again! Hope you like it and sorry for my grammatical errors and spelling!

Edited: April 28, 2017


Author's POV

As their tour had come to an end, the tourist showed them to their room. Yes, room not rooms. The room was very big and cozy, the walls were painted light blue and there was a big window on the left corner. There were 4 bunk beds and 6 regular beds, of course 12 people could definitely fit in there. There was a lamp on each side of the beds, 1 full length mirror on the right corner, 2 big cabinets for clothes, 2 desks opposite of the beds, and a bathroom.

"Ooooh! I call top!" Baekhyun said and brought his bag on the top bed.

"Me too!" Chen said and threw his bag on the top bed to get it first before the others does.

"This room is really... big, why do you have this room anyways?" Xiumin asked and roamed around the very big room, while the others get cozy.

"This room is for guests and visitors. While you guys are here, you... use this room." Kay said and checked for the cabinets if it were still clean. Yep, clean as ever.

"Oh well, Kamsahamnida Kay-ssi~!" Sehun said and hugged Kay, he released the hug and climbed on one of the bunk beds and stayed on top.

"Ne.." Kay said and smiled happily. She was glad that everyone of them were already happy and stay put in one room, because they make a lot of trouble and their hard to handle.

Can you imagine that? A 19 year old girl handling 12 noisy and trouble making boys by herself? Atleast she's got friends to take care of them too. She's the quite lucky girl if I might say. Back to the story.

The boys took time to get used to their room while Kay went out of the room with Suho's permission. She first went to her room where her best friends were. Time for payback, she mentally said and an evil smile formed on her face.

She knocked on her own bedroom's door and hid beside it and waited for someone to open it. The door creaked open and the light shown inside made the person's shadow show.

"Hello?" She realized that voice as Violet's voice. She jumped and released her very deep voice.

"BOO!" She said with her deep voice and Violet almost looked like paper white, her face in shock and her hand on her chest where her heart was. Kay laughed like a seal on how funny and amusing Violet's face was.

"Yah! That was not funny!!" Violet said and slapped Kay's shoulder and arm a lot of times, she was also going back to her normal color.

"What's going on there?" Candy asked in a loud voice from inside. Looks like they were playing UNO.

"Nothing!" Violet said while Kay was still laughing, Kay held on the door for support.

"Oh stop it! It wasn't funny!" Violet said and crossed her arms.

"O-oh yes i-i-it.. HAHA.. w-was!" Kay struggled to say her words but she couldn't because of laughing. She laughed until Violet was getting impatient.

"You done?" Violet asked with eyebrows furrowed.

"Just.. give me.. a minute." Kay breathed in some air to control her breathing.

"I'm done." Kay said in a steady breath and went in the room with Violet in tow. Violet sat with the two while Kay remained standing, arms crossed and foot tapping irritatingly.

"What have you done with the elevator music?" Kay said, venom in her voice. Her aura was scary and her voice definitely didn't match her aura. Candy and Ace stopped playing and put the cards away to face Kay.

"We.. changed it? Hehe.." Candy said with an unsure smile and held Ace's arm, terrified of what Kay can do.

"You damn changed it alright!" Kay shouted and imaginary smoke was coming out of her ears and nose. This is the worst part, getting Kay mad and getting Kay to calm down.

"WHY THE HECK DID YOU CHANGE IT?! I HAD TO BE EMBARRASSED IN FRONT OF EXO?!" Kay shouted and went wild. The three girls already started hiding and running.

"COME HERE YOU!" Kay said and started chasing the three girls around. Kay managed to grab Violet's collar and dragged her while she tried to catch the two left.

"YOU TWO ARE SO DEAD!" She hollered making Violet shut her eyes. She was getting scared, the last time Kay went ballistic was last year. She got mad because the three broke 2 vases in Kay's room, Kay never put vases in her room ever again. The three promised not to make Kay mad ever again but they still did it again. Look what they got, a ballistic mad Kay.

She got a hold of Ace's arm and held the two tightly. Ouch. Candy hid behind the big blue cabinet, whimpering. She tried to stop herself from whimpering but she really couldn't. Kay used her telepathic powers to lift Candy up from where she's hiding. A terrified Candy came floating behind the cabinet, she screamed and tried to hold to cabinet but it was too late.

Kay made the other two float, now, the three girls were now floating. She now had an evil smile casting upon her face, she had an idea. She sat down on the floor, sitting cross-legged, her right elbow resting on her knee. She swirled her fingers around slowly, so did the three girls in the air. Kay started to laugh, seeing the girls begging for her to stop and put them down.

"KAY! PLEASE PUT US DOWN!" Candy pleaded with puppy eyes even though she was already dizzy.

"WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Kay put her left hand behind her ear, pretending to not hear Candy. She decided to make this a bit more fun, she twirled the girls around the room. They looked like they were flying, but they were actually in hell already.

"KAY!" The three flying girls shouted in chorus while an evil girl below them was just laughing at their misery.

"This is the part when I say I don't want 'ya, I'm stronger than I've been before!" Kay started to sing Ariana Grande's Break Free.

"PLEASE KA--" They were all abruptly stopped by a sudden knocking on the door. Kay dropped her arm and the three went falling down but Kay stopped them in time their noses touched the floor. Kay slowly put them to the floor and ran to the door.

"Yes?" She asked and smiled at the person who was at the door, it turned out to be Chen.

"The hyungs asked me if you could show us the game room..?" Chen said with a cute and shy smile. There were heads below Kay and it turned out to be the girls.

"Oh? Ah, ne. I'll come out in a minute ne?" Kay said and shut the door for a while. She changed her blazer and wore a thin jacket.

"Please stay here for a while and don't create any noise." Kay said to the girls and the girls nodded. Ace and Violet crossed their fingers, deciding to go out later.

"Don't think that I can't see that Ace and Vi, there's a mirror behind you. Do that again and I'll embarrass you infront of EXO~" Kay said and glared at the two girls, left to go to Chen after.

Really, how hard is it to control and stop Kay's temper?



Ayo GG! I'm back and I'm super excited. Hahaha.. Kay's temper makes me laugh. She's just like me.. HAHA. Anyway.. This is the part when I say I don't want 'ya, I'm stronger than I've been before! Have you guys heard Break Free already? This is like, breaking my rule, I'm not supposed to be putting any english songs in my book but I just couldn't help it... Hehehe.. Be safe everyone. This is edited~ thanks again!

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