20: Jared Kim

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Kay's POV

After EXO got a hold of their luggage cases, they all went downstairs and bid goodbye to my mom and dad. It was really weird because mom and dad had to hug each and every one of them.

"Goodbye Suho-ssi, it was nice to have your group here." My mom said and hugged Suho, after hugging him, she gave him a small envelops which I guess contained of... money.

"Omo eomonim. I can't possibly take that, we should be the one in debt." Suho said as he waved his hands and looked at mom with wide eyes. See? Everyone's that close with my parents that they also called them mom and dad.

"Please take it Suho. It's gratitude for helping my family become the family I once always dreamed of. You all were like my children and I'm thankful for that." Mom said as she smiled and pushed the envelope to him. Aish. Tch. Why don't I get pay too?!

"Ah, ne... Kamsahamnida." He said and smiled at her, he then glanced at me who was behind my mom all the time. I lightly smiled at him and he smiled back.

Baekhyun, along with Chanyeol, Sehun, Chen, and Tao gave me a bone crushing hug and gave me some stuff when it was their turn to bid goodbye. It looked like they were tearing up even though they were here for just 3 weeks.

Kris ruffled my hair, Lay gave me a plush toy, Xiumin did aegyo for me, Suho just hugged me, D.O gave me a small envelope but I chose to open it later, Luhan took a selca with me and lastly, Kai gave me a bracelet.

I couldn't believe it that I would miss their loud erupting laughter in the household. It felt like we already knew each other for so long. Am I influenced already? Hahaha.

We drove them to the airport and of course, Vi, Candy and Ace came along. Kpop fans in America knew that EXO would be leaving, so there was also a crowd in the airport.

They put on their disguises and we had no choice but to not get out of the van because fans might question us on why their driver was a girl and had 3 more girls inside the van. The three EXO-L's bid goodbye to them in the van and sooner, they left.

Vi insisted that we would wait for the plane to fly off and head back home. It was crazy 'cause some of their fans ended up following the van and I was surprised that they didn't leave. Whoa, hard core fans or.. saesangs..?

"HUHUHU. I'M GONNA MISS KRIS OPPA SO MUCH." Ace said and wiped her tears with a tissue, since I brought out a tissue box because I knew they were gonna cry seeing that EXO were leaving so soon.

"D.O OPPA EVEN MADE ME CUPCAKES. UWAAAAH." Candy said and hugged the box of cupcakes which I assumed that D.O really gave her.

I sighed for the nth time. I bet they're not gonna get over this soon and will probably be bugging me about it since Kris was somehow my relative. Ew.

"Kai oppa was worth bidding goodbye for.. he hugged me." Vi said and dreamily looked up. For a second there, I felt a tinge of something that made me annoyed when she said that.

I mentally scoffed at her. Who does she think she is? Huh?! Tsk. Why am I even reacting so differently. Pfffft.

"Why do you guys have to react so negatively? Come on. Let's at least take a last glance at them inside." I said and got out of the van, the three following almost immediately.

I wore shades and we walked inside coolly but something erupted in my mind that something bad was going to happen. Ugh, this gut feeling is making me have second thoughts on that last glance.

We could see them sitting in a lounge where you wait for the plane to start boarding. It was private actually, but there were a lot of fans outside so it was easy for us to spot them.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance as I watched the fans desperately wanting to take a picture of them that they stuck their faces onto the window that separated the boys from their fans.

I turned to look at my right and noticed that the three were gone. I clicked my tongue in annoyance again. Now, I have to find them. Obviously, they were on the window too.

I just laughed at them, they were practically squeezing them selves through the crowd. I was even more surprised that they actually brought their cameras with them! Omo!

I scanned the whole airport and noticed that there were really a lot of people in the place. It felt suffocating but also nostalgic. I haven't been in the airport for long and I sort of missed it...?

The last time I was here was when we sent Jared off... OH MY GOSH JARED. Wasn't he coming today? Omo this is the chance to finally see him!

I walked away from that place where I was standing and asked the information center about the flights from South Korea to America. Jared studied in Korea but he promised he would visit America from time to time.

"Oh, flight 287 from South Korea to America landed 9 minutes ago miss. The passengers are probably getting their luggage at Gate 7." The girl said and pointed with her hand a sign which had Gate 7.

I quickly thanked her and brisk walked my way to Gate 7. God Jared, God. Why didn't you tell me? That rascal, I miss him so much.

I scanned the area and there were only a few people around. Maybe 15 people, so it made my job to find Jared easier. I searched for those familiar gold locks and a tall figure.

Almost all the people already had their luggage and they started to leave the place but I still haven't found him. I was startled when I felt someone held my shoulder from behind. I quickly turned back and was startled again by a hug.

"Kay..." He whispered my name softly and dug his face into my hair. I giggled slightly and wrapped my arms around him too.

"Jared..." I said and hugged him tight. We stayed like that for about 3 minutes. I have always liked his presence and he somehow makes me feel relaxed whenever he is with me.

Seconds later, he faced me but still kept his arms around me. I took a good look at him and he took a good look at me. He still hasn't changed but he got a lot more handsome and taller.

I was startled once again when I felt something warm pressed on my cheek and I realized that his lips were there. He kissed my cheek.

"You keep startling me.." I said as I look at him with wide eyes and probably, red cheeks. He chuckled and slid his arm on my shoulders, holding my hand on the process.

"I just missed you so much Kay.." He said as we started walking out. The feeling was nice. To have Jared by my side again...

We always shared everything with each other, up until now. I think I'll be able to trust him with my powers. He's Jared after all, I smiled unknowingly.

"Kay?" Someone said behind me and I turned around, same with Jared. My eyes widened upon seeing EXO, it looked like they were mad about something.

"Who are they?" Jared whispered beside me and everything froze, literally.





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