14: New One

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Hello guys~! I am back! But you know what, I'm sort of having Author's/Writer's Block. I'll update but it'll have no fun. Hope you consider and please vote and comment!

Edited: April 28, 2017



Kay's POV

The next day, the three girls pleaded for me to hang out with them again at the mall. *sigh* so much for being lazy today. And please tell me that EXO also isn't going out. Because maybe, their just pleading me to hang out in the mall with them because EXO is also there!

I dressed in a blue sweater, white shorts, and high cut black converses. I don't want to be all classy in a mall! I then tied my hair into a fish tail and put it to my right shoulder. Viola! Just as casual as the word casual.

I got out in my room and looked both ways. I spotted EXO going out of their room, in casual clothes. Dart! They're going outside the house. At the sight of them, I immediately turned around, brisk walking to the flight of stairs and meeting my friends there.

"Yah!" I heard a voice say. O.O they're here.

"Come on guys! Let's go!" I hurriedly walked out the door but was pulled in again by my friends.

"Let's watch them go down the stairs please?" The three of them pleaded quietly, and I see Kai going down. We shared gazes but I immediately break it.

"Fine." I had no other choice, or I'm going to the mall alone.

Bwah, it was like in slow motion and there were lights in the background. Then, they started to go down one by one. Eh. The heck I care with these dudes. Ace, Candy, and Vi squeal lightly. It's obvious that they want to get noticed by them. I even saw Tao with a smirk on his face! But too bad, nobody likes you Tao.

Tao whistled and hung his arm on Ace's shoulder. Ace's face turned beet root red, hahahaha! She froze but later on relaxed.

"Hello girls! Where you guys going?" Baekhyun asked coolly (but failed) in front of us and the girls, even I, giggled to his failure. I just love it when they act cute or flirt and just fail at it. It does something to me, to us. I can't believe I'm going to be a fan of these dorks.

"Were going to the mall." I replied since none of my friends will surely reply to him. He nodded-- Aw! Pain shot from my back and I looked around if someone had thrown something. But, there was no one. The pain grew from my back up to my shoulder and I flinched, feeling cold all of a sudden. Kai looked at me worriedly, and I just forced a smile.

"Well then, let's go together!" Chen and Suho chorused and we headed outside, but I stayed in my spot. I couldn't move! My feet were stuck to the ground. I looked at my hands and noticed that they were not there. No one seems to see me and they already left. Gahd, this is bad. Why can't I move and why am I invisible?!

I tried using any of my powers, but I can't move! I tried teleporting, and using telekinesis but damn! I still can't move. Pain shot from my back again and I fell to the floor. Hah! I'm alive! Have I ever told you whenever this happens, all the marks appear? Well, it does. And it lasts for a freakin day! So far, I've had four marks. But I guess it added.

Invisibility and Petrification

A voice said in my head. Must be my guardian, Ms. Ann. Remember her right? She's also been training me when I go to school, with my friends to cheer me on. I've gotten a lot stronger and I can control my powers now. Except for water though, I find it slippery. Wow. Now I have Invisibility and Petrification!

So I was invisible the whole time they were talking and my feet were petrified to the floor. Ha! Now I can petrify those three to stop bugging me!

You know you can't do that.

Ms. Ann, don't worry. I said.

I smiled in my head to reassure her that I won't do it, but... Hahahaha!

I decided to just stay at home today because of the marks and I have a terrible head ache after the other marks. I lifted my shirt up and noticed two new marks at my back. It was still red and I had another thought in mind. Even though I have the marks on, I wear a sweater! I forgot! Bah!

I ran through the hallway and went downstairs, getting my car (yes, I have a driver's licence) and going to the mall. I made sure I had covered up everything before revealing myself to the public. I can't risk myself being revealed. And I have no idea where they were planning to go to in the mall. The mall is pretty big you know, and they could have gone everywhere.



Bwah! She got two new powers! What do you think about it? Please vote and comment! Done editing~


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