25: Pajama Boys

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A/N: Hi guys!~ An update promised on the weekends! Sorry I couldn't update faster or earlier, I was making projects. Ugh, school is hectic. Hope you guys will cheer for me and I'll update earlier! :D and I hope you guys like the update!~ Vote, comment and share guys~ Didn't need to edit this because it was okay~



Kay's POV

I was startled as someone shook me vigorously while I was in the middle of my sleep. My eyes immediately fluttered open and glared at the person who dare disturb my sleep. My glare died down when I saw that it was my mom. It was weird, she was waking me up like there was something wrong but when I looked at her, she had a bright smile on her face. What the heck was going on?

"Mom, do you realize what time it is?" I asked and dragged a hand over my face, letting the sleep somehow go away.

"Yes, honey. It's ten-thirty in the morning." My mom replied with a stoic face. Shock crept up almost immediately. I turned and looked over my shoulder, looking at my digital clock. Why had it not been ringing?!

"Oh.." I let out and dragged, staring at my mom then at the ceiling and then falling back to bed again.

"Yaaaah! Get up! You have something important to do today! And you have somewhere important to go to this week." My mom voiced out. At the sound of this new information, I slowly sat up, my eyebrows creased.

"I do?" I asked out of curiosity. My mom's lips curled into a small smirk upon hearing my interest. She pointed behind her, at the door with her thumb.

"Go downstairs and find out yourself." She said and walked her way out of my room. I stood up and decided to take a shower first. Maybe there were visitors down there? And they would see me in my pajamas and I stank? No way. Or maybe my mom and dad planned out a surprise for me? What could it be? My birthday already passed and I don't remember celebrating something today.

After taking a shower and getting dressed, I proceeded my way downstairs. Something was definitely fishy, my mom was over joyous about something in the morning. She was never cheerful in the morning because work was constantly calling her, making her stressed even in the morning. And dad is downstairs? That's weird, he's always at work though.

When I step foot in the living room, no one was there so then I proceeded to the dining room. They could be eating breakfast in ten in the morning, I mentally snorted. No one in my family eats breakfast in ten in the morning.

Well, I do. Brunch, actually.

I stepped in and for real, they were seated on the chairs and propped their elbows on the table. Chewing on some fruits. Even my sister was there, behave and quietly eating mangoes. My mom's face lit up upon seeing me enter the room. She waved her hand at me to tell me to come closer and sit down. I sat on my chair and looked at them with a confused expression. Even my dad was holding back a smile. My sister was giggling uncontrollably and I was left here dumbfounded.

Before I could say something, my dad gave me an envelope. I accepted it and looked at the three of them, waiting for permission to open it. My mom and dad gave a nod and my sister nodded like crazy and I thought her head was going to fall off from nodding too much. I opened the letter and to my surprise, it was from the school.


Dear Mr. & Mrs. Smith,

It's the beginning of July! In order to celebrate this new coming, we are offering your child, Kay Smith and some of the other students to go on a trip. This trip will be funded by the school and all we need is the presence of your child! This trip will be for 3 days and 2 nights. This trip will be held in Seoul, South Korea. The--

"What the fuck?! Korea?!" I suddenly burst out and cursed, shock going unnoticed on my face. Not because I cursed, but because the trip was held in Korea?! Which administrator planned this trip and held it on the other side of the Earth?! Well, of course, who would it be? Ms. Ann.

I suddenly hyperventilated, the tattoos on my body suddenly glowing upon realizing this news. I looked to my mom and dad, then back to the letter then to my parents again, letter, parents, letter, parents. I stopped when my little sister shrieked. I looked back to the letter and continued to read it again, while constantly trying to calm myself down.

I didn't know what was happening. Why was I going into shock just because I was being offered to a trip to Korea?

The reason of holding it in Seoul, South Korea is because this event is being participated by different international schools, including ours. Not only will the students of our school be representing, there are other students who are going to be representing their schools also. This is a global event and it is required for such prestigious schools to come. We hope you are considering of this! Your child will be in safe hands. Thank you.

"What the heck is this? My school isn't even international yet we're participating on it?" I asked in confusion, refusing to scream every time I made an opinion.

"Yes, honey. But isn't that great? You're going across the world for this!" My dad voiced out, obviously he is totally in on this. What's the point? He's been travelling ever since he started working.

"Yeah.." I dragged. I seemed upset about this but I can't really find that spark of excitement inside of me. There's nothing. I mean, sure I'll be able to see them again. But isn't it too early? I know what Ms. Ann is planning. And for once, I am not up for it.


Trying to decline this offer, I lost. My mom, dad and I started arguing on why I should or should not come on this trip. I tried hard not to slip something out about my abilities but it was hard and so, I just accepted the offer and here I am now, in my room, packing.

I sighed for the nth time today. I couldn't get it out of my system that I was going out of the country. Well, how could I? For all I know, maybe I'll be there for a month. You know Ms. Ann's stubborn ways.

The letter also stated that the trip would be on this Wednesday. Today was Monday, seriously. How desperate are they for this 'event'? Maybe if they are desperate for this, then I as well ought to just prepare myself for everything that's coming for me.

There are a lot of surprises coming, I can feel that. But what I didn't know was that, today was also one of those surprises.

Before I knew it, darkness flashed through my eyes but I wasn't unconscious. A series of white lights flashed then it went back to black. I stared at nothingness for a few seconds until a bright light suddenly appeared. I had to close my eyes for a second and opened them right after when I heard loud voices.

I stared at twelve people before me, wide eyes and mouth slightly agape.

"Hi guys." I voiced out and lifted my hand and waved.

Before me, was EXO, in their pajamas?


A/N: Surprise! Surprise~ I have nothing to say for now hahaha but I just want to know how you guys liked it? Or not? Should I like focus on EXO more? Or on Kay's abilities? I seriously don't know anymore, there are soooo many choices. Comment what you guys think! Vote and share! Love you guys aaaaaall!~


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