29: Taking Care of a Sick Puppy

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A/N: Hi guys :) It has been a very long time, hasn't it? First of all, I'd like to say sorry. Sorry for making you all wait. I've been through life without Wattpad for quite a while now and I felt dissatisfied thinking that a part of me was left with Wattpad and I just basically threw it away? So now, I'm making another comeback. LOL I am sorry for going inactive just like that without notice because maybe I just needed to think? I spent about two months just reading stories on Wattpad without updating, thinking that it would give me inspiration to write more because truthfully, I've lost the inspiration to write. I left Wattpad without a word and went to other social media sites, thinking that it would enlighten me on what to do with my writing career. So, I'm giving this one more shot and I hope you guys would give me a shot too. Thank you for all of those who have been with me till the end, even if it was just three or five people, I'm thankful. OKAY ENOUGH DRAMA let's enjoy this update one more time, eh? For old time's sake? Thank you so much everybody! I love you all!



Kay's POV

I slammed the door behind me and dropped my bag on the floor. I felt frustrated. What do they mean I'm the legendary one? Do I have to fight crime, battle against evil forces and save the world? Oh no, did I just predict the future? Ugh! Get it out your mind, Kay! I blew a puff of air and swept my bangs away with my fingers. I walked to the living room to see no one there. Oh, I forgot. The boys have a schedule. Even I need some cheering up right now!

I stomped my way to my room, I mean Xiumin's room and buried my head on my pillow. I let out a frustrated scream and kicked my bed. I was damn mad. Why did I have to be the 'legendary one' out of all people? Why did I have to have powers? Why was I born in the first place? I screamed and kicked my bed more. I stopped when I heard a knock on my door. I thought the boys were out? I stood up and fixed myself before going to get the door.

"I'm coming!" I yelled and pulled my uniform down, as if I didn't just massacre my bed.

I opened my door and saw Baekhyun. All wrapped up in a blanket, red nose and a towel on his forehead. I looked at him in confusion and eyed him up and down. He was sick.

"Hey, why are you screaming?" He asked and scratched his head, tilting it while doing so. He kept sniffing and coughing. Oh no, poor guy.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you up?" I said, worry invading my face. I held my hands together tight, avoiding to take care of him or fixing the blanket wrapped on him. I hate seeing a person sick.  

"Yeah, kinda. What's got you all pissed?" Baekhyun managed to ask, stuttering. God, he was shivering and cold. I held my hands tighter and I couldn't take sight of him anymore. He looked so vulnerable. I grabbed his arms and forced him to come into my room. I laid him down on my bed and wrapped him around with another blanket. I closed the curtains and turned on my lamp on the bedside desk.

"You're sick, Baekhyun. Why are you going around the dorm?" I asked, like I was his mom. I turned on the heater and sat beside him on my bed.

He laughed a little, like it was the most uncomfortable laugh I had ever heard. His face was red, tomato red. Gosh, I hate fevers. "I heard you screaming so I thought something was wrong hehe." He looked so cute. Wrapped up in a dozen blankets and only his face seen.

"Gosh, you didn't need to do that. You're sick so it's okay." I pouted a little, his act had touched me. I touched his forehead and it was indeed hot. I stood up and went to his room. There was a bowl of hot water placed on his bedside desk so it had me thinking, it was just him taking care of himself? I grew concerned and sad thinking of it.

"Here you go." I said and placed the slightly damp towel on his head again. I caressed his hair because it was all wet and messy from the towel. I looked at him and smiled. He looked back at me and his eyes were slowly getting bigger.

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