22: Surprise, Surprise

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HAI~ UPDATE IMNIDA! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I REALLY DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY BUT PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE~ JUSEYO! ~ HOPE YOU ALL LIKE THIS! MUWAH! Eym back doe ;) Guys, please please please vote and comment! There is just at least one person who always read every chapter and commented, I'd like to thank her. _dear_my_deer_luhan_ thanks for everything dear! I dedicated this capter to you!~ You did an awesome job <3 <3 <3 Love you guys! oh, and I'm sorry for every typographical error ever made. Didn't need to edit this because it was okay~



Kay's POV

We all went home after the plane from America to South Korea took off and I sent some messages to all of the boys since I wanted them to feel like I did care for them even though I didn't show it.

It was actually fun having them in the house but they have to go back to South Korea so I made the best memories with them while they were present. Quite boring without them though.

Same old, same old group of friends. Jared, Candy, Ace, Vi and me. Jared was staying for a month since he still has to go back to South Korea for his studies. Psh, just wanted to rub it on my face.

"Hey, take your feet off of the couch." I said as I spotted Jared on the couch with his shoes on. Goddamn the couch is white!

"You can't make me." He said with eyes closed since he was taking a nap, I guess. I inwardly groaned since he was so stubborn like since... forever!

"God, Jared. You are like.. what? Twenty-one years old? You seriously act like a kid!" I pretended to be angry and purposely sat on his feet which were still on this couch. He yelped in pain and tried to lift his legs but couldn't since he had big shoes and feet.

"And you? Are you not nineteen years old?" His voice was muffled because his face was pressed on a pillow and he laid down with his tummy on the couch.

"There's a difference between us you big, old, ugly kid." I said and snorted the next. I crossed my arms and rested my feet on the coffee table, I was tired from a while ago and I miss EXO already so I might as well make the best of our time together.

"I'm sorry, Kay." Jared's voice was no longer muffled and it was clear. Why was he sorry?

"Why are you sayi--" My sentence was cut short because he started singing. With a deep, out of tune voice of course.

"Is it too late now to say sorry~?" He sang and tried to stand up but then he realized that I was still sitting on his feet so he fell to the floor with his feet still on top. I laughed and crossed my legs. He quickly stood up about a meter away from me, his cheeks slightly tinted with pink. He slowly advanced to me with serious eyes that were filled with love. I was suddenly hypnotized.

Once he was very close to me, he bent down and held my left cheek with his right hand. His face went closer and closer to mine until he closed his eyes and I did too. My whole body went weak when our lips grazed with each other's but after a few seconds, I felt his presence gone and his hand was no longer on my cheek. I fluttered my eyes open and I was right, he was no longer there.

I looked left and right, even stood up to look for him but no sign, he was totally out of sight. What is this man doing to me? Making me fall in love all over again but was just tricked... I was left in the middle of the living room, clueless and still shocked. I went upstairs and headed for my room.


Six hours later, I still couldn't get that memory out of my mind. The way his lips felt so soft and his breath tickling my neck. His hand on my cheek didn't help either, it made me want to just run into his arms and hug him forever. What is this guy doing to me?! I thought he already had a girlfriend! Ugh, player.

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