8: Grocery Shopping

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Annyeonghaseyo! I'm back with another wonderful, amazing, awesome, funny, update!

Did you guys already hear Holler? I am soooo addicted to that song! Even thought I'm not a Sone or something.

I will update on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. If I can, I will make it as a long update because I have noticed that my updates are short sooo..


Edited: April 28, 2017



Kay's POV

I honestly didn't expect that 'The Great EXO' would be sleeping over at my house courtesy of my parents agreeing to it, of course. I did not let them or offer to them that they could, but Kai's mother and my mother were best friends so it was an exception. I never knew that my mom had these 'connections'. 

Vi, Candy, and Ace are also coming in for a sleep over because they wanted to be closer with EXO and because it's our Girl Week. I didn't had anything to do except arrange the rooms and make the house look pretty for our guests.

Oh! Amanda and their 3 other friends are sleeping over at May's too. I would not like a lot of noise when guests are here and May likes to make a lot of noise especially when she's with her friends. Noisy girls.

Who said you weren't noisy?

I am not noisy! Arguing with your mind is not healthy for you because you'll look crazy if you talk to yourself too.



Back to reality, my best friends and I were at the super market to buy some snacks and drinks for the whole bunch since May asked me to buy for her sleep over too. Everyone brought their credit cards because it would cost much when were buying for 21 people. Ughh, my money~~

Imagine that! 21 people! How many carts could we fill up. Hmm.. Maybe 3? Or maybe even four! Oh my. Tsk!

"Hey Vi, we should set up into groups so we could be more faster and maybe they're waiting already so we should hurry up. Vi goes with me and Ace and Candy goes together." I ordered in a go and they nodded, Vi coming with me.

"We'll just see you guys at the counter." Candy exclaimed while getting a cart.

"Sure." I replied getting a cart myself.

Okay! First things first, the boys' list. Vi and I have the boys' list while Ace and Candy have May's list. We decided that we would half the list we -Vi, Ace, Candy, and I- would buy our snacks with.

We got into the isles and I checked onto Suho oppa's list. Soap, Milk, BB Cream?! Hahahahaha! This is rare! I thought Kris oppa was the one always wearing BB Cream? Hahaha.. OMG! I better ask him later.

After checking EXO-M's list, Vi had the list for EXO-K and I got the stuff onto the cart. Vi and I laughed like a seal when she found out that Sehun oppa still drinks baby milk. I only laughed when Baekhyun oppa needed a pair of eyeliner. Well, being a hardcore fan Vi is, she already knows that while I still don't.

After checking EXO's list and putting the stuff in the cart, we went to the list we will have for our share now! We'll totally going to put A LOT of stuff in the cart.

It was funny when Vi needed some of her Girl Stuff, but it's something not to laugh about because it's normal. But a period during a sleep over? Bad idea.

"Hey Kay, where's the ketchup?" Vi poked my shoulder and asked.

"Uhmm.. There it is." I pointed to an isle which is far away from us which we had to walk to. While walking to that certain isle, we met up to an old friend.

"Omo! It's Kay and Vi!" Niki said and ran towards us with a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you so much Niki!" I screamed while returning her hug back.

Niki, Vi, Candy, Ace, and I have been best friends since middle school! She moved to Europe to get a better school so she was away for a year but now she's here!

"Niki! Who's this guy?" Vi asked and pointed to a guy who watched amused with a smile on his face. He had blonde hair, and gentle features. He wore a long sleeved blue striped shirt and worn out jeans paired with black Keds.

"Oh this is my boyfriend, Leo." Niki introduced and kissed her boyfriend's cheek. He smiled and lent out his hand asking for a hand shake.

Vi and I gladly excepted it. How long did we see each other? We didn't have much contact because of school, and we didn't even know she has a boyfriend! How bad friends..

The guy and his girl took off since they had a meeting to go to, so we continued shopping. After checking all the lists and carrying a really heavy cart, we went to the counter to see Ace and Candy there already.

"You'll never guess what happened!" Vi and I shouted at the same time, holding in our squeals.

"What?" Ace asked with a bored tone.

"You found a boyfriend?" Candy asked with a surprised look.

"No! We met Niki!" Vi screamed and squealed with me.

Ace and Candy also squealed saying where she was now, but we said that they left a while ago.

They were pouting in cuteness! Hahaha! They didn't get to see Niki for a long time!

We paid the grocery and guess what? 12 freaking heavy bags of food, snacks, and other stuff.

We headed home right away.



Wasseumnida! Annyeong! Updated an update! Hope you like it!









This is also edited! Thank you so much all~

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