24: Time to Leave

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A/N: Hey guys~~ It's me again! What did Jared do ey? How about Kai? T.T just read, vote, comment and share! Don't forget the most important thing, fangirl! Didn't need to edit this because it was okay~


Kay's POV

A week or two has passed and I'm getting the feeling that I'm getting stronger every day. I don't know what the cause of this is. Is it because of the presence of Jared? Is someone watching over me right now? But I don't get that feeling though. Ms. Ann is back at the school and my parents are at home or maybe at work. They enjoy the presence of Jared by the way that it's annoying. I thought I'm the daughter here?! They obviously favor Jared than me and he hasn't been acting weird since that transformation. I guess it kind of subsided? But I thought I was the cause of his unknown powers rising?

I don't know.

That's what's honestly going on in my mind whenever the topic of Jared having powers was brought up by Ms. Ann. She told me but it doesn't seem to sink in my mind. I didn't want to admit it myself either. Jared having powers... because of me? Is that even possible? Sometimes I would think that it was absurd because no one can have that great effect on someone to the point that they would have powers. Huh.

It was six in the morning and I was looking forward to taking a jog today. Weird. I wasn't really the exercise type of girl. But I guess the effect of having powers was making me into a better person. A stronger person. I dressed up into my exercise clothing. A white sleeveless Nike Dri-Fit shirt, black spandex shorts, my blue and white Nikes and a black jacket to wear over my shirt. I fixed my hair into a high ponytail and was thankful that the tattoos were not showing this time.

I went out of my room with my phone and earphones in hand but a sound at the guest room startled me. Guest room. Jared was staying in the guest room of course. I walked to the room and checked on him. I opened the door slightly and found him sitting on his bed with clothes scattered all over him. It was six in the morning, what the heck was he doing?

I knocked on the door and opened it wider, letting Jared know I was present. When he looked at me, he smiled a little and gestured for me to come in. That was when I took in his appearance. He had disheveled hair which was an indication that he just woke up and he was wearing a white t-shirt and boxers.

"You're going for a jog?" Jared questioned almost in a whisper, as if in disbelief that I was indeed going for a jog.

"Yep." I popped the 'p'. "'Cause I'm not a pig like you." I continued with a chortle and placed a hand on my hip, leaning my weight on my right foot. Jared scoffed at my reply and shook his head lightly with a tight smile. It was forced and unnatural, why?

"And what are you doing?" I asked and cocked an eyebrow at all of the scattered clothing around. Jared sighed deeply and stared at me for a good five seconds before replying.

"I'm leaving." He said in a soft voice. It was so soft that it was almost a whisper. Shock filled me and my eyes widened. He was leaving? Why? My hand on my hip fell to my side and my eyebrows creased. So much emotion was flowing within me and I couldn't help but close my eyes tightly for a second and open them again.

"Why? I thought you were staying here for at least a month more?" I said as I walked toward him and sat on his bed. So many clothes were scattered around and they weren't even folded. You call this packing? Jared sighed again before replying.

"Well, they cut the break short and realized that they needed my presence more than anything and willed me to come back earlier." Jared said and smirked. Even at this moment he can still be really cocky and arrogant.

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