4: I'm A Deadly Weapon?

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A/N: Continue reading and you'll find stuff getting more exciting as it already is! Thanks for all the support! Comment down what you think and vote!


Edited: April 28, 2017


We went to a random store, we were checking out some blouses when we heard a quarrel from a guy and a girl. We stuck our head out by a pillar, the one who was at the bottom is Candy, on top of Candy was Violet, on top of Violet was Ace, and I was on top of Ace, our heads were in that position, trying to find out what was happening. When we saw the girl, we gasped one by one, going down to up. It was May and a guy!

"I am breaking up with you!" May said and supposedly went out the door but the guy held her wrist.

"Listen baby, it's not what it looks like." The guy held May's chin but May slapped his hand away.

"Not what it looks like? Tell me what doesn't look like your kissing that slut in this store!" May said and pointed to a girl at the corner with a slutty outfit.

"She was just checking my clothes." The guy reasoned out, feeling like he had no interest in talking.

"Oh, checking your clothes! Why would you even let a girl check your clothes in that way?" May exclaimed, almost catching everyone's attention.

"Listen babe, can you just forget her and let's get out of here?" The guy held May's chin but the girl in the corner grabbedthe guys arm.

"Listen bitch! This guy is mine! If you don't want him anymore, we'll continue our session!" The girl said and tugged on the guy's arm but the guy let go.

"Hey! Get out of here!" The guy pushed the girl but the girl just stayed in the corner.

"Please believe me." The guy said and held May's hand but May slapped him.

"No! I will never ever believe you! Leave my life! And never come back!" May shouted and ran outside with her friends, the girl on the corner tugged the guy's arm and they continued their session. When May ran out, I quickly went to the guy and tapped his shoulder. He looked back and was met by a fist on his jaw.

"How dare you break my sister's heart!" I said, anger coursing through my veins.

"She wasn't good enough, but maybe you are." He said and held my hand but was again met by a fist.

"Let's go." I said to my best friends and we went out the store, quietly following May.

"How dare that guy!" I said while hiding behind a pillar first and hit the pole.

"Yo~ yo~ calm down girl, you might have another after shock." Violet said and massaged my hand and I calmed down a little.

"Did you see how hurt May was?!" I lost my clam and almost hit Violet but luckily I was able to stop myself half way.

"She was, and you better comfort her." Ace said while peeking at the side if May and her friends were still in track

"Come on, we'll go to her but make sure you'd pretend that you didn't see anything." Candy said and pulled me towards them. We were pretending that we we're walking but then I suddenly saw May crying.

"May what happened?" I acted and quickly went to her.

"Her boyfriend was cheating on her." Amanda, May's closest best friends explained even though I already knew what happened. May quickly hugged me and cried on my chest. She's 16 years old and got her first break up from her first boyfriend who dated her for 8 months already, but she never let's me meet the guy.

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