32: Legendary One

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A/N: helluuu~! hope you'll like this update~ this one will be the great reveal (but what will I be revealing, exactly? hehe) along with some training hehe comment on what you think about this update in the comments section! love you all!~



Kay's POV

Basically my first day in school was all about training. Indoor training was cooler than I had imagined. There were about 30 students in this class and one female teacher. I didn't know if I should call her teacher or trainer since the exterior visual of the school seemed just like a normal school but very majestic like the 1800's and the interior was sort of 21st century and all tech-y. 

But anyway, the teacher brought us to a big white room that had about an 8 meter long glass near the ceiling. It was tinted very heavily and the walls were super white I thought I'd be blinded.

"Okay, listen up!" The teacher said and made us gather in the middle.

"You're here for indoor training. This is basically all about trying not to get killed and using your powers wisely." She said with a smile. Her bright smile and the words which were coming out of her mouth contradicted each other.

"You're going to have your turn while the rest of the class watch upstairs behind that glass." She said and pointed to the glass near the ceiling. 

"What are we supposed to do?" A boy with glasses and freckles on his cheeks raised his hands and asked.

"You just need to use your powers based on the specific situation and use it wisely." The teacher responded. "I am Ms. Yoon by the way." She said and smiled.

"Now go and wear your suits!" She added and clapped her hands once. We all looked at the teacher and all of us somehow thought of the same thing, 'where is it?'. There was only white around us. We all looked at different directions and started finding our 'suits'.

I spotted something shining at me and somehow my eye sight suddenly got clearer and it suddenly zoomed to the white wall. I saw a silver round thing and decided to walk nearer it. When I was near enough to confirm what it was, I opened it. Turns out it was a door knob which was hard to spot because of all the whiteness. 

Then another room appeared in front of me. With blue suits in shelves and dressing rooms.

"Well done, Kay." The teacher said and suddenly the students were clapping. I bowed a little as if saying 'thank you' and smiled. We all went to that room and started wearing the blue suits. We all followed the teacher as she went to another part of the white room and pressed something on the wall and stairs suddenly appeared out of it.

She then walked up and signaled all of us to follower except Areum. So, Areum was first up. The stairs led to a door next to the glass and we all went in a room. There was a room with different kinds of button and levers and we could all see the white room through the glass. As if the dark tinted glass wasn't even there. There were a few teachers in here too.

"Let's start." Ms. Yoon said to a microphone while pressing a button below it and I saw Areum raised two thumbs up and smiled. Never runs out of energy...

Everything went dark after. The man next to Ms. Yoon started pressing buttons and typing in coordinates that seemed like the obstacle set for Areum.

(A/N: Bare with me for I suck at describing fight scenes or scenes that involve action T__T I'm still working my way onto it hehe)

Suddenly, a park scenery took place of the darkness. It was as if this was some kind of simulator, and our surroundings were being planned and controlled.

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