the tornado stories ~ anxiety (hurt/comfort) ~ mitch & jupiter

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A/N : If the pre-movie 1 lore is to be believed, then Mitch and Jupiter are canonically brothers and ergo I will write them as such

Mitch's house was destroyed and the damages to Jupiter's place were too severe for the young blonde to fix. They needed to move elsewhere anyways. Whatever gene caused Mitch to be a tornado magnet also seemed to reside in Jupiter, and they needed to leave ASAP if they had any hope of keeping the storms at bay.

"Our stuff is gone" Jupiter said, his voice more solemn than Mitch had ever heard from him before. Sure, Jupiter had been through plenty of tornadoes before and even got injured in a few, but this one felt more personal, as this was his first home and now it was damaged beyond repair.

"I swear I can't ever settle down anywhere for more than a few months" Mitch muttered to himself in annoyance before stepping forward and gently placing a hand on his little brother's shoulder. "Come on, Jackson" he said flatly. He rarely used the blonde's actual name nowadays, but this was a serious situation. "Let's go"

"But..." Jupiter tried to come up with a retaliation but could think of none. It was still dark out, and their clothes were ripped from the fast winds and flying debris. The two needed to find new shelter and get new clothing. Lord knows the younger needed some sleep, and he hoped he could evade any nightmares.

"Jackson, we need to go in case it reforms" Mitch repeated, stern but gentle. He could get annoyed and become short with his brother, but at the end of the day he still knew when to provide comfort to the blonde. "If it reforms now, we won't have anywhere to take cover and one- or both- of us will die"

"Yeah" Jupiter let out a shaky breath. "Yeah, you're right" he finally agreed, wiping the few tears that had sprung to his eyes. "Hey" Mitch said gently, taking his brother's hand in his own. "It's gonna be okay. We'll find another shelter. I won't let you die. Not today"

"Okay" Jupiter took a deep breath, regaining some of his usual hyper energy. "Thanks, Mitch"

"Any time"

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