city of blank ~ anxiety (hurt/comfort) ~ bag girl & jericho

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A/N : Takes place after Jericho and Bag Girl meet the first time (as shown in episode 59

"May I see your face?"

Jericho gently reached out to grasp at the paper bag covering her head, but she quickly flinched away, holding it down. She didn't know this guy, and certainly didn't want him interfering with her disguise, especially when she was still terrified and trying to figure out what all was happening.

"Hey, it's okay" Jericho reassured, retracting his hand and reaching for his mask. "You're safe here" he added as he took it off, revealing his face... Or what there was of it, at least. "See?" he asked, getting her attention. "I'm a Blank, just like you. You don't need to hide around me"

Bag Girl shakily removed the bag from over her head, revealing her long ginger hair and the small portion of her face, along with a lot of blank space. Jericho's eyes raised in surprised as he internally connected some dots regarding what Claude had told him.

"Ah" he said, face turning to one of sympathy. "Now I get it" he continued. "That's what Claude meant when he said we have something in common" he gestured to the blank space that took up half of his face. "Keep your chin up, okay? You don't have to be afraid anymore"

Bag Girl took a deep breath through her nose (it's not like she had a mouth to breathe through) then let it out. She hadn't grown lungs yet so she technically didn't NEED to breathe, but it helped ease her anxiety. She closed her eye and then shuffled through her pockets to pull out a small pen and notepad.

"Who are you?" she wrote down, showing it to Jericho to allow him to respond. "The name's Jericho" he replied, sitting next to her so she wouldn't have to hold up a notepad every time. "What's yours?" he asked, then grew a bit concerned as he saw her hands begin to shake.

"I don't have a name" she wrote down, the writing a little messy from how shaky her hands were. "That's okay" Jericho reassured in a gentle tone, placing a hand over hers to provide some form of comfort and reduce the shaking. "Like I said, you don't need to be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you"

Bag Girl took another deep breath and nodded before carefully freeing her hand from beneath Jericho's and writing again. "What are you gonna do with me?" she asked. Jericho frowned as he read it. "I'm not here to harm or experiment on you, if that's what you're asking" he shuddered at a vague memory.

"Believe me, I don't want to put anyone through that. I just want to offer you a place to say. You know Claude of course" Bag Girl's eye grew sad and distant as she remembered Claude. He was... Not exactly the most pleasant to her. She just nodded. "Not exactly a charmer, but he's gonna look after you. I don't mean to sound like I'm infantilizing or dehumanizing you, but you're kinda his responsibility now"

She simply nodded in response before leaning her head back against the wall and putting the paper bag back on. "Can I put an arm around you?" Jericho asked cautiously. Bag Girl nodded, so he gently wrapped his arm around her, causing her to lean against him.

"It's all gonna be okay" Jericho mumbled as the two looked up at the stars. "You're safe now"

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