life is strange (comics) ~ pirates (fluff) ~ max/chloe

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A/N : Takes place in volume 1 (Dust) in between them going home to get ready for their friends' concert and actually showing up to the venue in full costume

"It is a tiny bit silly that we have to get all dressed up as well, even though we aren't the ones actually performing" Max said as they grabbed out their old pirate outfits, though Chloe could tell she wasn't actually annoyed at the requirement. "Since when are you annoyed at an excuse to play pirate, Max Caulfield?" the blue haired girl played along as she changed out of her day clothes. Max chuckled. "I'm not!" she defended in fake offense. "I just think it's a weird requirement"

"You wouldn't want to 'break the illusion', Super Max" Chloe joked, quoting something that Tammi had told them the other day in regards to the event. It also reminded Chloe of how Rachel was with her acting. She found it funny how dedicated these performer types were to their craft, if a little bit annoying. "Besides, you love pirates"

"I always have. Always will" Max agreed with a nod as she got into her pirate costume. "Should I wear an eyepatch?" she asked suddenly, gesturing to the singular eyepatch that lied on the counter. Something about the idea of having half of her sight blocked off made her nervous. She'd felt so out of control with the storm, so the idea of having something like her sight hindered when she could control it was a bit stressful.

Chloe saw how nervous she looked and chuckled to try and lighten the mood. "You're gonna be photographing the show, dumbass" she told her, taking the eyepatch in her own hand and putting it on. "You need your sight. I'll wear it. Captain's orders"

"I didn't even think of that!" Max told her with a laugh. "You're right"

"I always am"

"Okay, I wouldn't go that far, Chloe Price"

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