less is morgue ~ (hurt/comfort) ~ riley/evelyn

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A/N : Takes place immediately post episode 101 (the first episode)

Riley turned off the recording program with a deep sigh. "I'd say our first episode went pretty well!" Evelyn told them, cheery as ever. It still baffled them, the way Evelyn stayed smiling even after a complete clusterfuck. "I mean, we definitely have a lot of room for improvement- And maybe don't kill the delivery man next time- But, for a first attempt..."

"If I had realized he was the delivery man, I wouldn't have eaten him" Riley responded, a guilty expression on their face. They wouldn't admit it, but that situation had been rather embarrassing for them. "I thought he was an intruder"

"I mean, hey. It could've been worse" Evelyn tried to reassure. "Besides, I think you might've cut a lot of pain and agony by doing that... Weird adoption settlement with Azfar" she continued with a smile. "He's not bound for Hell anymore. That's something"

"He shouldn't have been bound for anything though, Ev!" Riley deflected. Evelyn was caught off guard by this. She had never seen the ghoul this freaked out before- Not in the short time they had been living together at least. "He's kind of a douche, so at least I didn't end the life of humanity's savior or something like that but I still killed a guy on accident, and-"

"Riley, hey" Evelyn cut them off softly. Riley had a hand in their hair at this point, stressed as all hell. They stopped in their pacing and stared at the ghost. "It's not the end of the world, okay?" Evelyn asked them rhetorically. They just nodded in response.

"Sit down" she instructed them, gesturing to one of the chairs they had set up for the podcast. Riley nodded and sat down, still not saying anything. "Good job" Evelyn told them, sitting down in her own chair and placing a hesitant hand on the ghoul's shoulder. They couldn't feel it so much as they could just feel a phantom touch on their shoulder area, but they appreciated it nonetheless. "Now, it's been an eventful day. You should get rest"

"Sleep is for the weak"

"Well, sleep anyways"

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